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<正>一、“趣”唐宋以降,“趣”便成为士大夫进行文学创作时自觉地审美追求。苏诗、苏词、苏文包括苏画、书法都明显凸显了“趣”的追求。“趣”的美学内涵十分丰富,既有所谓的理趣,更重要的是所谓情趣,苏轼书信的趣味俯仰皆是,不可胜数,尤以身居黄州东坡、惠州椰林之时,书信中的趣来的真切,来的令人心向往之。苏轼是一个有能力将苦难变做诗意的智者,对于惠州年逾花甲  相似文献   

基层干部通过书信形式与战士家庭建立联系,汇报战士的表现及部队工作,并以此发挥家庭对战士的教育功能,一一直是基层思想工作的一个重要手段。但是,在信息化的今天,电话、短信和网络等通讯手段方便快捷,书信这种费时耗力的“传统”正逐渐丢失。其实,书信作为沟通的手段,  相似文献   

谈书信的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谈书信的运用薛金良,王鑫赞运用书信与战士家长取得联系,是搞好对战士的双向教育进而做好战士思想工作的一种有效方法。目前,这一方法已在基层单位普遍使用。但是,由于少数基层干部未能掌握其要领和方法,不仅没有使书信的优势得以有效发挥,反而却带来许多"书信负效...  相似文献   

苏轼被归入婉约词的部分作品,其风格并非典型婉约词风,应称为沉郁词才较为准确。在对婉约与沉郁风格进行辨析的基础上,讨论苏轼这部分词作的风格特征,并指出苏轼沉郁词风的开创性意义。  相似文献   

历代研究者大多把书信当作第一手资料来研究这位作家的生平、思想、情感及个性等.这种对书信资料的重视远远超出对其作为文学作品本身审美价值的关注.  相似文献   

“乌台诗案”是苏轼人生历程中最为重要的事件。它不仅让作者对于社会人生有了全新的认识,也继而影响到作者的创作。以往对“乌台诗案”影响苏轼创作的研究,过多集中于诗歌,而对于词创作的影响关注不够,或者略有提及。以“乌台诗案”为线索,可知苏轼的创作心理、创作内容、创作风格等三方面的变化,了解这件事对其词创作的影响。  相似文献   

<正>代表宋代文学最高成就的苏轼,其政治生涯和文学活动与儒家和道家思想有密不可分的联系,这种联系可理解为血肉般的:它不只是象范文正公标榜的“进亦忧、退亦忧”的纯粹儒学,还有进亦自然、退亦自然的道家真意.可以说苏轼是进亦儒道、退亦儒道.儒道融合互补成为苏轼人生和文学的最重要的特色.  相似文献   

苏轼的人生坎坷、情操高尚,这决定了其艺术风格的基本性质。苏轼思想旷达,胸襟开阔,感情奔放。其论文,贵以“意”摄之,贵天才变化,重在“活”与“变”。常用“水”这个意象,因为水之无“常”无“定”的自然特征正好切合“活”、“变”的美学特质。用水之属性来衬文之姿态,体现出他对文章风格的一个基本的美学追求,即追求新意,不拘成法,率性而作,  相似文献   

苏轼既是伟大的文学家,更是一个心忧天下的伟大思想家。早在北宋仁宗嘉韦占六年(1061年),26岁的苏轼在应制科考试时向朝廷进呈了25篇《进策》。其中《教战守》是一篇很有见地的军事论文,从中可以看出,苏轼对于国防建设有很深的思考,读来深受启发。  相似文献   

最近有两封信引起了我的注意,两封传统的手写书信。在办公电子化的今天,手写书信真的越来越少了。这两封信一封来自上海,由韩先生寄来;一封来自江西,由占先生寄来。两位像我一样的普通中国公民,在几乎相同的时间,来信希望与我们交流同一个问题:中国应该如何应对南海困局。如两位先生信里所写:这真是一个很大的问题,而且南海的  相似文献   

墨子在推行自己的思想时,采用的形式多种多样,已经初具传播学的素养。本文试图从传播者、受传者、讯息、传播手段等方面来阐述墨子教育思想的推行。墨子及其弟子组成的墨家学团是直接传播者。其受传者为天下之民。其传播的讯息包括道德教育与技能教育。其传播手段包括组织传播、群体传播、人际传播,墨家学团跟随墨子聚众讲学、游说奔走,该团体进行的即为组织传播;墨子重视学校教育,且经常聚众讲学,这种对群体的传播方式使得有群体目标的受众比较容易接受教育;另外,墨子及其弟子采用劝教、游说、论辩等形式进行的人际之间的传播,也使墨子的教育思想得到了推行。  相似文献   

瞿秋白牺牲前写下的最重要的文字当属<多余的话>.六十年来,人们都是从政治层面来解读它.本文试图对这种解读的过程及其实质作一清理,纠正长期以来把它当作瞿秋白绝笔的说法,同时从文学、文化和心灵史的角度来解读和诠释这一经典文本.  相似文献   

In 1897 and 1898, Winston Churchill participated in what late Victorian Britain termed ‘small wars’, first on India's northwest frontier and then in the vast wasteland of the Sudan. Churchill chronicled his experiences in these conflicts in personal letters, dispatches to newspapers, and in his first two books, The Story of the Malakand Field Force and The River War. These writings provide a snapshot of a particular period in the formative years of the great statesman, demonstrating through Churchill's eloquent analyses many of the contradictions concerning the conduct of small wars that have emerged in the present era.  相似文献   

互联网的出现和普及,给教育提供了一个新的机遇,现代远程教育是以开放的、灵活的、终身的教育发展为目标,使得传统意义上的教育有了突破时空限制的张力,尤其为我国的高函教育注入了新的活力。为了顺应教育信息化、网络化的形势要求,充分利用互联网优势,从根本上解决函授学生"工学矛盾",构建完整、规范远程教育网络尤为重要。结合重庆邮电学院成教院的实践,对基于互联网的远程教育网络的系统规划、设计方案及应用等问题做了尝试性探讨,为相应远程教育院校提供了一个可参考的范例。  相似文献   

Through examining the life and work of the man who is generally known as the Apostle Paul, I hope to challenge the idea that the founder of Christianity was a saint and replace it with the possibility that he really was an agent-provocateur working for the Roman administration in Palestine and various other parts of the Empire. Paul's biography and his own letters, both of which were taken up in the New Testament, hold numerous clues to the effect that this former persecutor, originally named Saul of Tarsus, never left the ranks of the government, but instead went undercover after his famous ‘conversion’ en route to Damascus. The self-proclaimed successor-to-Jesus was not only treated dramatically differently from Jesus by the Romans, but they were his friends and allowed him to live and work for 20 years instead of crucifying him. Jesus' original followers distrusted Paul, and made various attempts to kill him throughout his life. I will conclude by arguing that Paul's claim that Jesus, this candidate-king of the Jews, was the Messiah and had been crucified as the will of God (the prime assumption upon which Christianity is based) should be read as a sadistic mockery of Jewish faith, meant to divide a Jewish resistance organisation and pacify it.  相似文献   

中国文学史上,追和陶诗的现象,蔚为大观。元遗民诗人戴良推崇陶渊明的忠义气节,作有《和陶诗》一卷。其主题取向与陶诗相近,却又彰显忠义,并形成了独特的"陶渊明意象群"。同时,其将唱和与赠答功能合一,兼有书信作用。又以序存事,足可补史之阙。  相似文献   

《Arms and Armour》2013,10(2):105-139

Neal and Back identify that, in 1808, Maudsley, of 78 Margaret Street, was appointed Primer Magazine Maker to the Forsyth Patent Gun Company. Blackmore confirms in a short entry in A Dictionary of London Gunmakers that Henry Maudslay/Maudsley supplied the company with magazine primers. Henry Maudslay was the most influential mechanical engineer of his generation and his factory formed the nursery for many later engineering greats. This connection between Alexander Forsyth and his new company with Maudslay and his company is therefore significant. Determining how these two giants may have interacted and how Maudslay may have influenced the design and manufacture of the new percussion ignition systems is of interest. This interest is increased when we read that Forsyth observes in one of his letters to James Brougham, the day-to-day manager of the business, that ‘Maudsley’s account is most unreasonable in every respect’. In order to understand where Maudslay may have influenced the design and the detail of their manufacture, it is necessary to examine the early evolution of Forsyth’s percussion ignition devices. These are primarily those of the Reid Bequest of 1929 held in the Royal Armouries and those collected by Colonel Colt. As it has been two hundred years since their original creation this requires careful object study to establish the chronology of the objects and obtain an insight into the relationship between Forsyth and Maudslay and their innovations.  相似文献   

宋教仁的教育思想是丰富的,主要表现在教育与革命、教育先行、教育与社会改良等方面。  相似文献   

孟子一向被视为"邹鲁"文化的代表人物,后世也多以"邹鲁"指代由孔子开创、孟子承传的早期儒家文化。然而,人们却普遍忽视了孟子的文化承传者身份:孟子的思想言行正是邹鲁文化长期浸染的产物。而孟母教子的记载,恰恰为观照邹鲁文化对孟子的影响提供了一个绝佳角度。而了解孟子思想言行的地域文化渊源,对探索早期儒家思想形成的影响因素,无疑具有不容忽视的学术价值。  相似文献   

The Taliban has recently re-emerged on the Afghan scene with vengeance. Five years after being defeated in Afghanistan by a US coalition, the resurgent Taliban, backed by al-Qaeda, are mounting an increasingly virulent insurgency, especially in the east and south, near the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. The Taliban now represents a significant challenge to the survival of President Hamid Karzai's government. This article assesses the narrative strategy the Taliban has employed to garner support with the Afghan people. Specifically, this paper assesses the narratives of Taliban shabnamah, commonly referred to as ‘night letters’ in an effort unravel what the Taliban represents.  相似文献   

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