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鲁凡 《兵团建设》2001,(4):14-16
实施西部大开发战略,加快中西部地区发展,是我国现代化战略的重要组成部分,是党中央高瞻远瞩、总揽全局、面向新世纪作出的重大决策,具有十分重大的经济和政治意义。为体现国家对西部地区的重点支持,国务院制定了实施西部大开发的若干政策措施,并已于今年1月1日起开始实施。这是一套含金量很高的政策措施,学好、用好这些政策措施,对于我们抓住机遇、加快发展有着特别重要的意义。这些政策措施的具体内容是什么呢?一、加大资金投入的政策1.加大建设资金投入力度,提高中央财政性建设资金用于西部地区的比例。国家政策性银行贷款、国际金融组织和外国政府优惠贷款,在按贷款  相似文献   

人才开发是人才学的组成部分,它涉及人才的培养和选择,对人才的成长起到基础性的作用。邓小平的人才开发观,吸取了人类的历史精华,贴近中国社会的实际,内容丰富,个性鲜明,指导性强。 一、人才开发具有战略性,要有明确的标准 把人才开发提高到战略地位来对待,从中国的实际出发,根据人才建设的需要,分层次定标准,是邓小平人才开发观最显著的特点。中国历史上重视人才的事例很多,如“萧何月下追韩信”、“刘备三顾茅庐”等。但到了现代,由于在人才的开发上受“左”的影响,苛  相似文献   

亏损企业要走“管理促效益”的道路陈宇清兵工企业大面积亏损是当前一个十分突出的问题。据有关专家分析,绝大多数亏损企业都想把亏损原因推到外部环境上,并希望外部环境能够优惠再优惠。但事实上,现在外部环境政策等原因和宏观原因已分别降为9%左右,而企业自身经营...  相似文献   

鼓励外商"西进"投资西部开发将加大力度鼓励外商向中西部地区投资。鼓励措施包括:对限制类和限定外商股权比例项目的设立条件和市场开放程度,可比东部地区适当放宽;鼓励东部地区的外商投资企业到中西部地区再投资,外商投资比例超过25%的项目,视同外商投资企业,享受相应待遇。信贷倾斜支持西部大开发将成为国家开发银行在今后一段时间信贷工作的重点。2000年1月,国家开发银行成立了兰州分行,业务覆盖甘肃、青海、宁夏两省一区,直接服务西部开发,2月17日,国家开发银行成都分行与四川省政府达成一揽子协议,拟向四川省提供530亿元人民币贷款,用于支持交通、通讯网、自来水工程、高新技术、城市建设等方面,其中首批项目38亿元贷款已全部落实。  相似文献   

随着我国高校规模的扩张,国家助学贷款政策成为我国大学生资助政策的主要方式。本文分析了我国国家助学贷款政策的现状,认为虽然国家对助学贷款政策进行了优化,但由于政策的设计及运行机制中存在的不足阻碍了政策的实施,进而提出完善我国高校学生助学贷款的措施。  相似文献   

在新的经济形势下,国防企事业单位人力资源管理面临更大的挑战,高水平专业技术人才和技能人才严重短缺、技术骨干流失严重。本人通过对部分国防企事业单位的人才流失状况的典型事例研究和对影响人才流失的原因进行分析后,认为为了系统地解决人才流失问题,建立三位一体的国防科技人力资源开发体系是十分必要的,即建立能够充分发挥培养性开发、使用性开发、政策性开发的综合效应的人力资源开发体系。政策性开发体系——基础和导向 政策是人力资源开发的有力杠杆,政策性开发在整个开发体系中起到基础和导向作用。通过完善政策,健全机制,排除…  相似文献   

C4ISR(Command、Control、Communication、Computer、Intelligence、Surveillance and Reconnaissance)系统开发的仿真模型涉及多个应用领域,具有多粒度、阶段相关性等的特性.本文提出了C4ISR系统开发的仿真模型体系,给出了仿真模型的规范化描述....  相似文献   

标准化是国家的一项重要的技术经济政策,在企业的经营管理中占据重要地位。新产品的开发与研制关系到企业的生存与发展,企业的决策者和管理者必须充分重视新产品开发中的标准化工作。在新产品开发中,标准化是产品进入市场的“许可证”,有利于协调各项工作和促进企业管理及技术的创新,它包括工作制度化、产品系列化、零部件及原材料通用化、产品质量指标及测试规范化等内容。为做好新产品开发中的标准化工作,应遵循先进性原则、系统性原则和动态性原则。  相似文献   

军队房地产具有保障性和商品性的特征。如何合理开发经营,使其更好地保障军队现代化建设的需要,是一个迫切需要解决的重要问题。文章在对军队房地产开发经营的现状及存在的问题进行分析的基础上,提出了理顺关系。归口管理;统一规划,分级开发;明确范围,集中审批权;加强政策研究等对策。  相似文献   

经济适用住房银行按揭的目的是为了切实解决军队人员购买经济适用住房资金不足的矛盾。军队人员申请办理个人住房贷款属个人行为,借贷双方应遵守国家有关法律、政策规定,在平等、自愿的基础上签订借款合同,按时还本付息,严格履行合同约定的条款及民事法律责任。机关职能部门应积极与当地银行搞好协调,协助银行和军队人员办理贷款手续,督促借贷双方认真落实合同条款。军队人员购买经济适用住房在办理银行按揭时须掌握和注意以下事项。政策依据。中央军委《进一步深化军队住房制度改革方案》和军队房改有关配套文件、中国人民银行《贷款通则》、《银行个人住房贷款管理办法》等是办理住房贷款的主要政策依据。办理对象。办理对象包括符合条  相似文献   

美国法律对美联储宽松货币政策规范不力、金融信贷管制法律松弛、金融监管体系存在法律漏洞、法律长期缺乏对金融技术与制度创新保持协调发展的规范等是酿成金融危机的关键因素。应对国际金融危机,我国必须坚持依法推进市场调节与政府调控相辅相成,强化金融监管措施,强化对金融创新风险的防控,力求法律监管机制防范金融风险的全覆盖,依法防控国际金融危机对实体经济影响的深入。  相似文献   

目前公安现役部队科研环境建设,还存在项目申请难度大、投资渠道单一化、团结协作攻关难、科技资源共享少、学术科研氛围淡等问题,对人才队伍建设造成一定影响。坚持“以人为本”,加强制度建设,解放思想,增加投入,活跃学术氛围,树立科研标兵,以进一步改善和优化公安现役部队科研环境。  相似文献   

抗战初期,晋察冀边区为解决财政困难、支持持久抗战,决定发行救国公债。边区政府制订了正确的政策,广大民众踊跃认购,是救国公债成功发行的主要原因。公债的成功发行,解决了边区财政困难,支持了持久抗战,为以后发行公债(国债)提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

The multilocation replenishment and transshipment problem is concerned with several retailers facing random demand for the same item at distinct markets, that may use transshipments to eliminate excess inventory/shortages after demand realization. When the system is decentralized so that each retailer operates to maximize their own profit, there are incentive problems that prevent coordination. These problems arise even with two retailers who may pay each other for transshipped units. We propose a new mechanism based on a transshipment fund, which is the first to coordinate the system, in a fully noncooperative setting, for all instances of two retailers as well as all instances of any number of retailers. Moreover, our mechanism strongly coordinates the system, i.e., achieves coordination as the unique equilibrium. The computation and information requirements of this mechanism are realistic and relatively modest. We also present necessary and sufficient conditions for coordination and prove they are always satisfied with our mechanism. Numerical examples illustrate some of the properties underlying this mechanism for two retailers. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   

For most firms, especially the small‐ and medium‐sized ones, the operational decisions are affected by their internal capital and ability to obtain external capital. However, the majority of the literature on dynamic inventory control ignores the firm's financial status and financing issues. An important question that arises is: what are the optimal inventory and financing policies for firms with limited internal capital and limited access to external capital? In this article, we study a dynamic inventory control problem where a capital‐constrained firm periodically purchases a product from a supplier and sells it to a market with random demands. In each period, the firm can use its own capital and/or borrow a short‐term loan to purchase the product, with the interest rate being nondecreasing in the loan size. The objective is to maximize the firm's expected terminal wealth at the end of the planning horizon. We show that the optimal inventory policy in each period is an equity‐level‐dependent base‐stock policy, where the equity level is the sum of the firm's capital level and the value of its on‐hand inventory evaluated at the purchasing cost; and the structure of the optimal policy can be characterized by four intervals of the equity level. Our results shed light on the dynamic inventory control for firms with limited capital and short‐term financing capabilities.Copyright © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 61: 184–201, 2014  相似文献   

MAO Meixin  LI Zili  Wu Tong  ZENG Li 《国防科技》2018,39(1):095-103
推进社会经济发展和管理需要科学制定和实施公共政策对当前研究现状进行分析梳理,有利于该领域的发展,使公共政策的制定和执行更加科学有效。以CNKI数据库收录的5799篇国内公共政策研究期刊论文为样本,采用文献计量法和知识可视化分析工具CiteSpace,对国内公共政策研究的现状、演进与热点等进行深入探讨。结果表明,21世纪以来,公共政策研究进入了高潮,但作者、机构之间学术联系较弱,还处于比较分散的状态。研究热点主要集中在政策制定、合法性有效性评估、群众认可及产业应用方面,新的研究前沿将是开拓民主渠道、完善监督机制、推动政府决策科学化等方面。  相似文献   

Risk-Adjusted-Return-On-Capital (RAROC) is a loan-pricing criterion under which a bank sets the loan term such that a certain rate of return is achieved on the regulatory capital required by the Basel regulation. Some banks calculate the amount of regulatory capital for each loan under the standardized approach (“standardized banks,” the regulatory capital is proportional to the loan amount), and others under the internal rating-based (IRB) approach (“IRB banks,” the regulatory capital is related to the Value-at-Risk of the loan). This article examines the impact of the RAROC criterion on the bank's loan-pricing decision and the retailer's inventory decision. We find that among the loan terms that satisfy the bank's RAROC criterion, the one that benefits the retailer the most requires the bank to specify an inventory advance rate in addition to the interest rate. Under this loan term, the retailer's inventory level is more sensitive to his asset level when facing an IRB bank compared to a standardized bank. An IRB (standardized) loan leads to higher profit and inventory level for retailers with high (low) asset. For retailers with medium asset, an IRB loan results in a higher retailer profit but a lower consumer welfare. Calibrated numerical study reveals that the benefit of choosing standardized banks (relative to IRB banks) can be as high as 30% for industries with severe capital constraints, volatile demands, and low profit margins, highlighting the importance for retailers to carefully choose the type of banks to borrow from. When the interest rate is capped by regulation, retailers borrowing from a standardized bank are more likely to be influenced by the interest rate cap than those borrowing from an IRB bank. Under strong empire-building incentives (the bank will offer loan terms to maximize the size of the loan), retailers with medium initial asset level shift their preference from IRB banks to standardized banks.  相似文献   

Estimation of warranty costs, in the event of product failure within the warranty period, is of importance to the manufacturer. Costs associated with replacement or repair of the product are usually drawn from a warranty reserve fund created by the manufacturer. Considering a stochastic sales process, first and second moments (and thereby the variance) are derived for the manufacturer's total discounted warranty cost of a single sale for single‐component items under four different warranty policies from a manufacturer's point of view. These servicing strategies represent a renewable free‐replacement, nonrenewable free‐replacement, renewable pro‐rata, and a nonrenewable minimal‐repair warranty plans. The results are extended to determine the mean and variance of total discounted warranty costs for the total sales over the life cycle of the product. Furthermore, using a normal approximation, warranty reserves necessary for a certain protection level, so that reserves are not completely depleted, are found. Results and their managerial implications are studied through an extensive example. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 49: 499–513, 2002; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/nav.10023  相似文献   

近年来,消防部队不断优化部队经费投向投量,充分发挥经费使用效益,为消防部队建设提供了有力保障.与此同时,也不同程度地存在着重预算形式轻决策论证、重经费增量轻优化投量、重综合平衡轻预算管控等问题.分析消防部队经费预算管理工作现状和问题成因,提出相应对策.  相似文献   

The purpose behind this section is to encourage, and sometimes solicit, short commentary and/or comment on timely topics that play a role in shaping current national and international defense and security policies. There is no limit or constraint on what defense and security topics are chosen, so long as they are timely and have policy relevance. By way of guidance, the nearest equivalent would be feature articles in the more reputable broadsheet press.  相似文献   

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