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技术和装备发展对现代战争具有革命性的影响。基于技术和装备发展的现代战争制胜机理主要有:感知驱动、数据制胜,网络聚能、体系制胜,精确行动、集约制胜,迅捷灵敏、快速制胜,综合制权,主动制胜。认识和把握现代战争制胜机理应着重强调技术素养、战术技术有机融合,定性定量各有侧重。  相似文献   

探究战争制胜机理对于指导战争实践具有重大意义。战争活动具有复杂性,战争制胜机理关联于诸多制胜因素与制胜途径;现代战争凸显制胜因素、制胜途径的新质性、多元化特征,须以新视野、多视角解读和认定战争制胜机理;实践运用现代战争制胜机理,须权衡价值效益,基于我军实际,敢于突破常规。  相似文献   

薛贵江 《国防科技》2017,38(5):004-006
习主席强调,研究作战问题核心是要把现代战争的特点规律和制胜机理搞清楚。深刻认识信息化战争的五个时代特征,准确把握特点规律,真正搞清信息化战争的五个制胜机理,在将信息化建设成果转化为现实战斗力的过程中做到五个坚持,对于做好军事斗争准备,打赢信息化战争具有重要意义。  相似文献   

但凡战争都存有克敌制胜的内在规律和基本原理,现代战争亦是如此。在深入理解战争制胜机理内涵要义、准确把握其基本特征的基础上,探究现代战争条件下制胜机理的全新变化,筹划未来谋打赢。  相似文献   

习主席指出:"军队建设必须把提高战斗力作为出发点和落脚点,一切建设和工作向能打仗、打胜仗聚焦","必须坚持问题导向,坚持战斗力标准,深入研究现代战争特点规律和制胜机理,抓住制约战斗力建设的重难点问题,以重点突破带动整体推进,让一切战斗力要素的活力竞相迸发,让一切军队现代化建设的源泉充分涌流"。遵循习主席战斗力建设的重大战略思想,加强改进新形势下的思想政治工作,必须紧紧围绕  相似文献   

<正>战争制胜机理,是指战争的制胜规律、路径以及方式方法。受到科技进步的推动、武器装备的变革、战争目的的变化等因素的制约,现代战争制胜机理也随之发生变化。习主席深刻指出:“现代战争确实发生了深刻变化。这些变化看上去眼花缭乱,但背后是有规律可循的,根本的是战争的制胜机理变了。”今天,以美国为首的世界军事强国都在加紧作战概念设计研究。深入分析新兴作战概念内涵特点,挖掘其内在逻辑,找准现代战争制胜机理,对于把握世界新军事变革机遇,打赢未来战争,意义重大。  相似文献   

正习近平主席强调"必须坚持问题导向,坚持战斗力标准,深入研究现代战争特点规律和制胜机理,抓住制约战斗力建设的重难点问题"。作为领导干部,要牢固确立"问题意识",以对部队和官兵高度负责的精神,在难题面前勇于开拓,在风险面前敢于担当。一、强化问题意识,既是一种政治态度,更是一种能力素质。强烈的问题意识,反映的是政治自觉。敢于正视问题,既是我党的优良传统,也是党性的使然。当前,党的建设正面临新形势下的"四大危险"  相似文献   

万伟锋 《国防》2014,(5):39-40
正中央军委习近平主席在出席十二届全国人大二次会议解放军代表团全体会议时指出,"要树立与强军目标要求相适应的思维方式和思想观念","坚持问题导向,坚持战斗力标准,深入研究现代战争特点规律和制胜机理"。他同时强调,"必须同心协力做好军民融合深度发展这篇大文章"。省军区系统学习贯彻习主席重要指示精神,就要结合党的群众路线教育实践活动,紧贴职能任务和工作实际,着力抓好以下四项工作。  相似文献   

廖东升  郭勤 《国防科技》2015,36(1):79-81
随着现代心理科学和信息传媒的高度发展,现代战争心理战突破了几千年制约其发展的困境,开始成为一种实现政治、经济和军事目的的独立作战样式。论文着眼现代信息技术在心理战中的应用,阐述了现代心理战的特点、作用和制胜机理。  相似文献   

邱国 《政工学刊》2014,(8):48-49
从现代战争制胜机理来看,政治因素对战争的影响和制约愈发突出,对科技、人才支持和社会保障的依赖性越来越强。深入开发和利用社会资源,放手发动群众,动员科技支前,搞好军地协调保障,成为赢得战争胜利的重要保障。战时政治工作必须着眼打赢信息化条件下局部战争有效开发和利用社会资源。一、善于动员人民群众广泛参战支前现代战争战场界限模糊、作战手段多样,战时政治工作要善于有效动员人民群众参战支前。  相似文献   

习主席关于“能打仗、打胜仗”是强军之要的重要思想,是对党的建军治军思想的继承和发展,有着很强的指向性,为在新的历史起点上加快推进国防和军队现代化建设指明了方向。贯彻落实好“能打仗、打胜仗”重要思想,必须按照打仗的标准搞建设抓准备,确保武警部队始终能够召之即来、来之能战、战之必胜。  相似文献   

信息化条件下应急作战装备保障探要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
适应未来信息化条件下应急作战的需要,着眼发起突然、受命紧急、样式多样、目的坚决、手段高新等特点及对装备保障的新要求,对装备保障从转变保障观念、加大战备建设力度、提高保障部(分)队快速反应和远程机动能力、实施精确保障和提高生存能力等方面进行了探讨,并提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   

Understanding why and when states militarily intervene in civil wars is crucial. Intervention can increase civil wars’ severity and the strategies employed in civil wars are shaped by the possibility of military intervention. This article argues that potential military interveners react to information revealed about warring parties’ intentions and relative power. Without revealed information, potential military interveners are unlikely to reconsider their initial decision to remain out of the war. Revealed information causes non-belligerent states to update their expectations about the trajectory of the civil war causing them, at times, to change their calculus about the benefits of belligerency and thus intervene. This helps explain why civil wars spread and when they do so. This explanation is tested using generalised estimating equations on a new data-set of unexpected events for the civil wars in the Correlates of War Intrastate War and PRIO Armed Conflict data-sets.  相似文献   

从近年来的几场高技术局部战争来看,在未来高技术局部战争中,交战双方都将广泛使用电子战手段,谁拥有了"制电磁权",谁就能掌握战争的主动权.以近年的几次高技术局部战争为背景,对电子战在海军基地防御战斗中的使用和战术运用情况进行了研究,分析了在海军基地防御中电子战的作战组织形式及特点,并提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

王兴国 《国防科技》2014,35(6):112-114
信息化战争已经登上了当今世界的舞台,这是军事领域发生的革命性变化。在信息化战争条件下,传统的战争制胜机理发生的新的变化。  相似文献   

This article is a response to Evron's argument, offering readers another perspective to assess China's military modernization and war fighting capabilities, using the same framework and methodology. It examines three topics: China's national security and military strategy, the PLA's procurement decision-making process, and China's military support and mobilization system. It concludes that, China's military modernization is to fight and win local wars under the conditions of informatization, but if required the PLA can reliably supply large numbers of sophisticated weapons and spare parts, to wage a complex and prolonged conflict.  相似文献   

In the Age of Napoleon, ‘small wars’ and ‘revolutionary war’ were closely connected. There were, however, different strands of this phenomenon: speaking professionally, conservative officers condemned small wars as an irregular regression to previous less disciplined forms of warfare. The Prussian state continually tried to discipline and regulate spontaneous risings. Yet the irregular character of small wars offered the opportunities for a less complex way of fighting, thus enabling the arming of the ‘people’ to fight. Individual undertakings, such as Ferdinand von Schill's doomed campaign in 1809, were designed to spark off a general popular uprising. But they were cheered by many and supported by few. Meanwhile, Neidhardt von Gneisenau conceived guerrilla-style Landsturm home-defence forces, which were designed for an irregular people's war. These concepts were put into practice in the ‘war of freedom’ – or ‘war of liberation’ – in 1813. Eventually both the mobilisation and the tactics remained regular, however, despite the emphatic appeal to a national ‘people's war’.  相似文献   


The post-Cold War period nearly up to the present has been characterised as the age of liberal wars, yet key facets of the liberal guidance of war remain under appreciated. This article seeks to address this wider gap with regard to the particular concern of war termination and the fulfilment or failure of policy. First, it develops characterisations of liberal wars based on the existing literature, identifying three broad types through consideration of context—defensive versus offensive—and of political and strategic agency, particularly regarding the motives for and intents of action. Three types of liberal wars result: defensive liberal wars, offensive liberal wars with humanitarian motive and geopolitical intent, and offensive liberal wars with geopolitical motive and humanitarian intent. The article then presents one exemplary case for each liberal war with an emphasis on how liberal strategy required an illiberal ally and that ally's effect on the subsequent peace.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the statistical distribution of war sizes. Using a new methodology we find moderate support for a Pareto-type distribution (power law), considering data from different sources (COW and UCDP) and periods. A power law is a plausible model for the size distribution of a pool of all wars and a sample of wars in many years, although the log-normal distribution is a plausible alternative model that we cannot reject. The random growth of conflicts could generate both types of distribution. We study the growth rates of battle deaths and random growth cannot be rejected for most of the distribution, although the results also reveal a clear decreasing pattern; the growth of deaths declines faster if the number of initial deaths is greater.  相似文献   

文章研究,近年来发生的几场高技术局部战争,无论是武器装备的硬杀伤还是心理战的软杀伤,都给参战人员造成了沉重的心理负担。未来战争对军人的心理素质提出了更高的要求,心理训练的地位和作用也更加突出。为此,世界各国军队加大了心理训练的研究力度,纷纷以实战化为主要指导,进行基地化、模拟化、综合化心理训练。  相似文献   

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