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《六韬》是我国古代一部著名的兵书,《武经七书》之一,托名姜太公撰,实为战国末期无名氏之作。在军事论理思想方面,《六韬》不仅吸收了先秦兵家及诸子军事伦理思想的精华,又赋以时代道德生活的新内容。它是融前人与时代伦理思想干一炉的巨著,是研究先秦时期军事伦理思想的重要文献。一、民本主义的军事伦理观先秦时期,大多数军事思想家在战争的实践中都体验到:人民群众是决定战争胜负的重要因素.《孙子兵法·计篇》中所谓“道者,令民与上同意,可与之死,可与之生,而不畏危破,即在于告诫国君与将帅们:只有和人民同心同德,赢得…  相似文献   

史斌 《军事历史》2007,(1):51-53
提到先秦军事思想,人们常常会同兵家联系起来,认为兵家之外的典籍不在考虑范围之内.事实上,对战争的看法并非兵家一家所独有,"每个时代的思想家和同一时代不同的思想家对于战争的起源、本质、作用和性质的认识以及对战争规律和战争指导规律所进行的不懈和认真的探索,都是人类思想宝库的一份珍贵财富."  相似文献   

战国末期的学术融合推动了先秦兵家思想的成熟,而《六韬》是继《孙子》之后先秦兵家思想成熟的最典型代表.《六韬》的权谋奇计思想,有别于孙子的"兵者诡道"理论,形成了自己独特的内容体系;《六韬》先进的民本为基础的战争观念,回答了兵家为谁而战的终极提问,确立了战争领域"仁诈合一"的用兵理念;《六韬》对道家思想的继承与改造,提升了兵家宁静致远的精神境界,确立了战争领域"刚柔并济"的用兵原则,增强了兵家思想的弹性与活力.  相似文献   

被人们尊为“兵经”的《孙子兵法》 ,是参加 1 990年海湾战争的美国军人必读书 ,这是社会上十分流行的一种说法。这种说法虽然不怎么符合常理 ,未必属实。不过《孙子兵法》在国人心目中和世界军事史上的地位于此可见一斑。《孙子兵法》是先秦兵书中的一种 ,或者说其中较为重要的一种 ,此外 ,还有《吴子》、《孙膑兵法》等一些重要军事理论著作。这些著作及其思想构成了先前诸子百家中重要的一家———兵家 ,兵家的思想不仅在日后的军事行动中不断彰显其巨大的实用价值 ,即使在今天也仍受到世界上众多军事家的重视和青睐。同时 ,她还是中国文…  相似文献   

《六韬》是春秋战国时期的兵家学者根据周代史官记录的太公言论整理而成的古代重要兵书,基本上反映了姜子牙的政治和军事思想,特别对军事人才的选拔、考核、使用等原则作了较为深刻的阐述。本文以此为研究对象,对此作初步剖析,以求教于方家。  相似文献   

魏晋时期,战乱频仍,非兵家类子书亦重视军事。其作者多有实战经历,子书中军事思想成为作者思想体系不可或缺的组成部分。其军事思想内涵包括:认为战争目的是"存亡禁暴","世乱则威之以师旅";主张将帅应具备智勇、坚重、深藏等素质;强调用兵要充分利用地形,发挥"北骑南水"的优势,灵活使用阵法。魏晋非兵家类子书论兵呈现出不重理论、重战术的实用主义倾向;与经史文献的联系较为密切;注重整合众多子学流派的思想资源。  相似文献   

先秦兵家的消费思想不但具有独特的军事色彩,而且蕴涵着丰富的伦理意蕴。它提出的“王国富民”、“因粮于敌”、“争义不争利,是以明其仁”、“节欲知足,纯化风尚”等经济伦理思想不仅在促进当时社会进步中发挥了积极的作用,而且对当代社会发展也具有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

先秦时期,丰富的军事实践中催生出较高水平的治军思想,其中有些内容对现在仍有一定借鉴意义。先秦时期治军思想主要内容包括居安思危、常备不懈的备战思想,制必先定、令文齐武的法治思想,教戒为先、精兵锐卒的训练思想,按名督实、选贤任能的任将思想,上下同欲、敦睦融洽的"和军"思想等。  相似文献   

毛泽东军事思想内容非常丰富 ,既包括克敌制胜的战略战术 ,又包括引以为戒的兵家指挥之忌。本文针对在军事领域中人们对前者研究较多而对后者注意不够的倾向 ,从毛泽东诸多的论述中 ,概括了十条具体的兵家指挥之忌。目的在于研究如何避免“败走麦城” ,从正反两个方面领会毛泽东军事思想的神妙之处。  相似文献   

商鞅,又称卫鞅或公孙鞅,他不仅是战国时期杰出的政治改革家,而且也是著名的军事战略家。据《荀子·议兵篇》记载,“齐之田单、楚之庄跷、秦之卫鞅、燕之缪虮,是皆世俗之所谓善用兵者也。”《汉书·艺文志》将其列为兵权谋家:“兵家:权谋,《公孙鞅》二十七篇。”商鞅军事哲学思想,举其大要,约有以下诸端。一、重战思想春秋战国时期是我国历史上诸侯混战、战争纷起的时期。对待战争这一独特的社会现象,先秦诸子多数认为兵为凶器,战为暴事,即所谓:”春秋无义战”,主张消兵弥兵。与众不同,商较认为战争存在是一种必然的历史现象…  相似文献   

A critical element in implementing a compensation scheme including nonmonetary incentives (NMIs) is recognizing that preferences vary widely across Service members. There are at least three sources of variability: across different population classes, across individuals within a population class, and across NMI packages for a particular individual. Surveys across different military communities, ranks, and years of Service show the difficulty of identifying any NMI that has significant value for even 50% of the active duty force. At the same time, approximately 80% of the surveyed Service members expressed a significant positive value for at least one NMI. Therefore, one-size-fits-all incentive packages will not be nearly as effective as more personalized incentive packages. The authors discuss variability in Service member NMI preferences and outline an approach to implementing personalized NMI packages in military compensation through a sealed-bid reverse auction, where Service members select individual NMIs from a “cafeteria-style” menu of options.  相似文献   

This article examines Chinese and Russian foreign policy and military strategy from the theoretical standpoint of soft balancing. Analysis of their thinking indicates that both seek to offset US military superiority without engaging American power directly. To that end, Chinese and Russian strategists have adopted ‘soft’ or ‘normative’ power assets as strategic capabilities in their military and foreign policy. Alternative norms, such as the concept of ‘sovereign democracy’, allow China and Russia to deliberately ignore human rights issues in order to achieve diplomatic advantage with respect to the United States. The two powers have institutionalized these norms within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which they use to counterbalance US interests in Central Asia.  相似文献   


This article analyses findings from an original survey of 187 private military contractors on their incentives for working in the industry. Perceptions of contractors as “greedy, ruthless, and unscrupulous mercenaries” shape both public and military opinions of outsourcing and may impact U.S. military effectiveness, civil–military relations, and contractor identity. We find that contractors are motivated by a range of factors and that their financial experiences are not clearly more positive than that of state military troops. We recommend broad education of military and defense officials and the public in the U.S. and other relevant nations, regarding the true incentives of modern-day, Western contractors, in an effort to dispel misperceptions, increase effective utilisation of contractors, and beneficially shape PMC-military coordination. DoD may consider integrating such training into its current efforts to improve outsourcing, including its Joint OCS Planning and Execution Course, pre-deployment fora, and curricula of advanced military studies schools.  相似文献   

吴起是战国时期伟大的军事家,他在继承前人兵学理论、总结当时战争经验的基础上,系统地论述了其战争观念,并形成了许多新的见解。其战争观丰富了中国古代的兵学理论,在中国兵学发展史上具有重大的意义。  相似文献   

运用激励理论研究了军队工程招标采购过程中军方与承包商之间的关系,建立了军队工程招标激励模型。在不完全信息和竞争性招标中,投标人的行为是追求最大的效用,军方则需要建立一种机制诱使投标人按真实成本信息报价,以达到预期支付最小的目的。这种招标博弈的结果是军方与投标人之间达成贝叶斯纳什均衡(Bayesian Nash equilib- rium),即军方利用激励合同诱使投标人报出其真实成本,而投标人为达到中标目的则必须采取讲真话的占优策略,最终在双方均可接受的条件下达成协议。在此基础上,结合实际研究提出了改进的综合评标模型。  相似文献   

军事刑事司法专属管辖划分的根据在军事法学界存在着争议,在法律规范的规定中也是非常原则,缺乏可操作性。本文从军事法学界对军事刑事司法专属管辖根据的不同学术观点入手,依据我国现行法律规范的零散性规定,以军事司法权的内在属性为理论依托,论证了我国军事刑事司法专属管辖根据的原则与例外。  相似文献   

“Perception is a second reality!”

This essay discusses the military as a part of wider society and the interactions between the two. It argues that civil—military relations are complex and not always harmonious. In its focus on Africa, the essay describes some differences in the development of African militaries and civil—military relations on the continent as compared with the West, but argues that the differences are merely a matter of degree. As civil—military relations on the continent have been strongly influenced by its colonial history, which caused fear and even dislike of the colonial military, it still impacts on these relations in the post-colonial era. After examining the relationship between the armed forces, democracy and politics in the politically turbulent African environment, it is concluded that a simplistic definition of civil—military relations is difficult to arrive at. The essay identifies the key principles of democratic civil—military relations and, although admitting that these principles are not always easy to adhere to, argues that as Africa develops civil—military relations, African militaries have moved and will move closer to observing these principles. To enhance this process it is essential for African militaries to include civic education programmes at all levels of education and training in order to gain a better understanding of and commitment to these principles.  相似文献   

Incentive contracts are intended to motivate defense contractors to perform more efficiently and control costs more closely. By increasing the total profit as actual costs are reduced below a predetermined cost target, they encourage contractors to achieve cost under runs. Consequently, the principal advantage claimed for these contracts is that they make the financial incentives to reduce costs more effective. This study examines the effectiveness of incentive contracts as a means for controlling defense procurement costs. The study considers the various effects that incentive contracts may have on both contractors' performance and contract costs, and presents empirical evidence suggesting that these contracts may not have accomplished their intended goal of increased efficiency and lower procurement costs.  相似文献   

Once dismissed by many outside observers, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) has undergone an impressive transformation over the past two decades, emerging as one of the world’s premier air forces. As it continues to modernize, it is focused on becoming a ‘strategic air force.’ PLAAF strategists suggest this means it should play a decisive role in protecting Chinese national interests, field modern capabilities commensurate with China’s standing as a major power, and enjoy the institutional status befitting its role as a ‘strategic service,’ an important consideration given the historical dominance of the ground force in China’s military.  相似文献   

Facing nearly half a billion dollars in spending cuts over the next five years, US defense planners and strategists must simultaneously rebuild a war-weary Army weakened from over a decade of war, build new sea and air capabilities for the Pacific theater, and reduce manpower, procurement, and contractor budgets while promoting innovation. The US defense department is embarking on what may be the most sweeping period of defense transformation in recent memory. This article reviews the history of American defense transformation, focusing on an important but largely overlooked period of military innovation that began in the shadow of Vietnam and ended with troops fighting through blinding sandstorms at night on the road to Baghdad. The multifaceted transformation strategy conceived in the 1970s paved the way for a military revolution in the 1990s and enabled unprecedented battlefield adaptation in the 2000s. After reviewing the revolutionary changes that led to American dominance in conventional warfare in the 1990s, the article examines US transformation policies in the 2000s to inform defense strategy and planning efforts in the 2010s.  相似文献   

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