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地空导弹群火力优化分配是对多批空中目标分别选择最有效的地空导弹火力单元进行拦截,形成最佳兵力、兵器使用方案,它是地空导弹武器指控系统的一项重要功能。从研究地空导弹群火力优化分配过程出发,建立了地空导弹拦截适宜性检查模型、射击优先度指标计算模型和火力分配方案优化模型,为仿真地空导弹群火力优化分配过程提供了模型依据。  相似文献   

火力分配是坦克分队火力运用的核心内容,而符合战场实际的火力分配方案是坦克分队火力发挥整体效益的关键.根据"消灭敌人、保存自己"的原则和作战实际需要,充分考虑了火力分配方案优选因素,用改进的层次分析法确定各因素权重,以减少主观判断的随意性,在此基础上,通过模糊相似优先比法建立了对各现存火力分配方案的优选模型,并提出了最佳方案的计算方法.最后通过实例,证明了该方法是有正确性和定用性.  相似文献   

为了解决防空火力分配问题,首先运用NSGA-II算法求出Pareto最优解集,然后运用多属性决策方法对Pareto最优解集中的解进行综合评估,并从中找出一个最优解。用区间数定性描述各属性,建立了防空火力分配的三目标优化模型。描述了NSGA-II算法和多属性决策方法的运算步骤。在仿真算例中,得到了一个最佳防空火力分配方案,说明该方法对于防空火力分配问题有良好的应用价值。  相似文献   

舰载火箭子母弹对岸上目标实施火力压制射击时,火力分配方式直接影响毁伤效果和火力支援任务的完成.针对舰载火箭子母弹的射击特点,首先分析了海上射击误差,然后探讨了集群目标的简化处理方法,最后给出了最优火力分配时表尺差计算公式,并进行了举例分析.利用最优火力分配方法来计算舰载火箭子母弹效力射表尺差,避免了指挥员战场射击指挥的盲目性,可以在相同弹药消耗量情况下取得最佳射击效果,对未来舰载火箭子母弹的火力运用具有较高的现实意义.  相似文献   

基于二人有限零和对策的防空兵火力分配方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了优化防空作战过程中火力分配问题,使射击达到最佳效果,运用对策论、线性规划等理论方法,采用对策矩阵建立了防空火力分配的线性规划模型,并通过计算示例和计算机仿真初步预测了敌方的空袭兵器使用情况和我方相应的兵力分配对策。该模型建立的防空火力分配方法较好地满足了要地防空装备的战术应用问题,对提高作战效能具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

合成坦克分队最佳火力分配模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
实际战斗中敌我双方均以多兵种进行交战,在兰切斯特方程基础上,利用不同作战单位的相对作战指数,以及各种作战单位之间的交战强度、掩护强度和循环交战强度,建立合成坦克分队最佳火力分配算法,并应用该算法定量计算二对二作战中坦克分队火力最佳分配的方案,为定量研究合成坦克分队火力运用打下了基础。  相似文献   

驱护舰编队对空火力分配环及其复杂性分析与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
给出了编队对空火力分配线的概念,分析了火力分配线的复杂性;提出了驱护舰编队对空火力分配环的概念,对火力分配环进行了分类,分析了各种类型的火力分配环的复杂性;针对火力分配环之间的交互关系,提出了针对火力分配环交互特性的编队对空火力协调分配方法。  相似文献   

防空中存在两次转火射击时的火力分配模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在对空防御时 ,进行火力分配不但要考虑到一次性分配的最佳方案 ,而且应该考虑是否在条件允许的情况下进行一次或两次转火射击 ,如果存在 ,怎样进行转火才能使其射击效果最好。把威胁判断和火力分配结合起来考虑 ,以我方的生存概率为指标 ,建立了存在两次转火射击的火力分配模型 ,并用实例计算检验了模型的正确性。  相似文献   

火力分配的优化是最大限度的发挥火力单位效能,达到最大毁伤效果的基础和前提,将蚁群算法应用于火力分配的优化.研究了蚁群算法用于火力分配寻优的相关条件,给出了火力分配寻优的模型和算法.最后,结合一个应用实例,说明了蚁群算法用于解决火力分配问题有很好的应用价值.  相似文献   

结合战场目标价值分析,根据防空兵火力分配情况,运用遗传算法建立了最佳火力分配模型,使防空武器最大限度的发挥火力单位效能,达到最大毁伤效果。采用了实数编码方案,对选择,交叉,变异等操作进行了改进。最后通过计算,验证了方案的可行性和优越性.  相似文献   

方永刚精神给我们公安教育工作者的最大启示就是:要"真学、真信、真讲,做党的创新理论的坚定信仰者和模范践行者"。真学,就是要以高度的政治责任感和强烈的事业心学习党的创新理论,用党的创新理论铸造师魂。真信,就是要用党的创新理论武装头脑,不仅要真懂,而且要对党的创新理论无比的忠诚,具有坚定的信仰。真讲,就是要用党的创新理论点燃真理之光,满怀深情、牢记使命、带着信仰去宣传马克思主义,在三尺讲台上理直气壮地宣传党的创新理论,要联系实际解决学员的思想问题,让理论深入学生心田。真做,就是要成为党的创新理论的模范践行者,做到理论和实践的结合,知与行的统一,言行一致、表里如一,在改造客观世界的同时不断改造自己的主观世界,要把学习方永刚精神转化为实际行动。  相似文献   

杨春光 《国防科技》2017,38(6):001-003
互联网时代,良莠不齐的数字内容、全新时尚的交往模式、快捷多元的传播形式都对官兵的思想带来巨大冲击,开展思想政治教育要坚持顺势而变、创新而为,只有转变观念才能把准官兵脉搏;要坚持用户至上、大道至简,只有春风化雨才能撬动官兵心灵;要坚持建好平台、融合共享,只有参与体验才能启发官兵共鸣。  相似文献   

One of the biggest challenges currently facing the developing world is the proliferation of small arms and light weapons. Arms control and disarmament have been part of the diplomatic agenda since the middle of the 19th century and were two of the most important issues facing the world's major powers during the 1960s and 1970s. When the Cold War ended, different instruments had been developed to negotiate the control over nuclear, chemical, biological and conventional weapons. However, the proliferation of small arms and light weapons poses new challenges to the international system. While control over legitimate use is laudable, the major problem relates to the illicit proliferation external to the state system. To address this challenge, international and national law faces the challenge of regime creation, and of the implementation and enforcement of international and national standards. Possible approaches to regime creation are discussed in this essay and recent examples are provided of how these were applied in practice to the issue of small arms and light weapons by the OAS, ECOWAS, SADC, the OAU and in East Africa.  相似文献   

文化价值是军队思想政治教育价值论的重要组成部分,在思想政治教育价值体系中处于基础地位,是政治价值、经济价值、军事价值等实现的桥梁和纽带,体现了工具性文化价值与目的性文化价值的有机统一。加强军队思想政治教育的文化价值问题研究是时代发展和思想政治教育自身改革创新的客观要求,对于增强新形势下思想政治教育的针对性、有效性具有重大的指导意义。  相似文献   

In order to study the influences of confining pressure and strain rate on the mechanical properties of the Nitrate Ester Plasticized Polyether (NEPE) propellant, uniaxial tensile tests were conducted using the self-made confining pressure system and material testing machine. The stress-strain responses of the NEPE propellant under different confining pressure conditions and strain rates were obtained and analyzed. The results show that confining pressure and strain rate have a remarkably influence on the mechanical responses of the NEPE propellant. As confining pressure increases (from 0 to 5.4 MPa), the maximum tensile stress and ultimate strain increase gradually. With the coupled effects of confining pressure and strain rate, the value of the maximum tensile stress and ultimate strain at 5.4 MPa and 0.0667 s−1 is 2.03 times and 2.19 times of their values under 0 MPa and 0.00333 s−1, respectively. Afterwards, the influence mechanism of confining pressure on the NEPE propellant was analyzed. Finally, based on the viscoelastic theory and continuous damage theory, a nonlinear constitutive model considering confining pressure and strain rate was developed. The damage was considered to be rate-dependent and pressure-dependent. The constitutive model was validated by comparing experimental data with predictions of the constitutive model. The whole maximum stress errors of the model predictions are lower than 4% and the corresponding strain errors are lower than 7%. The results show that confining pressure can suppress the damage initiation and evolution of the NEPE propellant and the nonlinear constitutive model can describe the mechanical responses of the NEPE propellant under various confining pressure conditions and strain rates. This research can lay a theoretical foundation for analyzing the structural integrity of propellant grain accurately under working pressure loading.  相似文献   

The contact resistance between the armature and rails is an important indicator of the contact characteristics in electromagnetic launches. As the contact resistance depends not only on the contact state but also on the contact stress and temperature, there are some limitations in analyzing the contact characteristics using only the contact resistance. In this paper, the contact characteristics of the augmented railgun are analyzed by the combination of contact resistance and sliding friction coefficient. Firstly, the theoretical calculation model of the contact resistance and friction coefficient of the augmented electromagnetic railgun is established. Then the contact resistance and friction coefficient are calculated by the measured values of the muzzle voltage, rail current and armature displacement. Finally, the contact characteristics are analyzed according to the features of the waveforms of the contact resistance and the friction coefficient, and the analysis conclusions are verified by experimental rail images. The results showed that: the aluminum melt film gradually formed on the contact surface reduces the contact resistance and the friction coefficient; the wear and erosion of the armature cause deterioration of the contact state; after the transition, the reliability of the sliding contact between the armature and rails decreases, resulting in an increase in contact resistance.  相似文献   

In the aftermath of 9/11, the USA embarked on a massive global hunt for terrorists and launched its “Operation Enduring Freedom” in Afghanistan. Its failure to control insurgency in Afghanistan spilled over into Pakistan, with disastrous consequences. The resurgence of the Taliban with more formidable tactics and maneuvering skills has become more troublesome for both Afghanistan and Pakistan and for the USA and its allied forces. The fierce comeback of the insurgents has challenged the political and territorial integrity of Pakistan, one that it cannot tolerate. This article analyzes the current situation and its implications for Pakistan's security. Moreover, it looks into the internal and external security complexities that Pakistan faces and the possible implications of the US exit strategy for Pakistan's security. It concludes that the security situation in Pakistan is continuously deteriorating and no part of her territory is immune from terrorists' attacks. To be successful, Pakistan must pursue a broad-based strategy that encompasses military, political, social, economic and informational domains aimed at accomplishing four major objectives: (1) elimination of foreign terrorists and their facilitators; (2) strengthening of the political and administrative institutions in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA); (3) establishing a safe and secure environment conducive for sustained development and the realization of real socio-economic progress and (4) integrating the FATA into the national mainstream. In the long term, a strategy based on the concept of “Enlightened Moderation” is the right solution, not only to the internal problems of Pakistan but also for the Muslim world and the international community.  相似文献   

针对杠杆式抽筒子工作时出现的断裂失效问题,以动力学和有限元理论为基础,分别进行抽筒子的动态特性研究和拓扑优化设计。得出其在抽筒过程中的动应力分布和危险区域,定性地确定出介质力学参数和工作参数的影响,获得了抽筒子的最佳材料布局和优化改进结构。优化前后抽筒子结构的对比仿真结果表明,改进结构能够使得应力集中危险区域仅为最大动应力降低10.6%的强撞击位置,其余部分均可转换为安全区域且结构刚度提升49%左右。所用方法有效可靠,为解决杠杆式抽筒子的断裂问题提供理论依据和技术手段。  相似文献   

东汉许慎所著的《说文解字》,是我国第一部分析字形、考究字义、辨识声读的字典,是不朽的文字学、训诂学著作。依据军事用语的意义和使用范围,在《说文解字》中选择了46个军事用语,将其分为兵器、装备和军事行动三大类,比较详细地分析了每一个字的基本意义和用语意义,研究了它们的来源、使用和发展情况,力求能对古代军事文化有一个大概的反映和认识。  相似文献   

为弥补Agent和Petri网在各自建模中的缺陷,分析了二者现有的几种结合方式,给出面向Agent的着色Petri网(AOCPN)的定义及其运行规则和分析方法。利用AOCPN建立了以海上目标监视和打击为任务的航天装备体系评价模型,对其逻辑特性和作战效能进行了分析。建模过程和仿真结果表明,AOCPN能够完整描述体系的逻辑和物理特性,可用于全面分析评价体系的性能和对作战结果的影响,有效追踪体系执行任务的过程。  相似文献   

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