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近日,由商务部主办的2006年全国“最具市场竞争力品牌”评选活动揭晓,中国兵器装备集团公司长安汽车获得2006年“最具市场竞争力品牌”称号。  相似文献   

人力资源是社会人力、物力、财力三大资源中最具活力的,对经济影响最大的资源,人力资源状况与国民经济的发展关系十分密切.研究我国人力资源的基本状况和我国人力资源状况的途径,对充分利用我国的人力资源具有十分重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

傲楚 《环球军事》2011,(1):54-55
谈到美国南北战争,许多人首先会想到葛底斯堡战役.但从军事角度讲,维克斯堡战役才是南北战争中最具战略意义的一仗.格兰特将军指挥的北军在这场战役中成功切断南军的交通动脉后,南北战争的结局几成定论.  相似文献   

刘军玉  武玉林 《国防》2008,(6):72-74
公元前8世纪,古希腊逐渐形成了许多奴隶制的城邦国,斯巴达是其中最具代表性的城邦之一,其独具特色的军事体育制度为后人留下了宝贵的遗产和深深的思考.  相似文献   

当前社会,各领域都发生着翻天覆地的变化,新思想、新观念层出不穷,在“信息爆炸”中基层年轻干部面临着严峻的考验。从社会层面来讲,军事领域是最具创新、最具对抗性的领域,从战争形态、作战样式到体制编制、武器装备都在发生着深刻的变化;从自身层面来讲,由于培养模式的转变,  相似文献   

当今的航空母舰编队是最能体现现代海战特点、最具威力的海上作战集团,堪称现代海军最具科学性的组织结构形式;也正因为其编成强调科学合理,所以并非一成不变,而是一个动态发展的产物。各国海军航母舰队的编成通常是根据该国的航母发展规划,  相似文献   

根据美国的三种在国际上最具影响的《科学引文索引》(SCI)、《工程索引》(EI)、《科学技术会议录索引》(ISTP)进行统计,中国科技信息研究所不久前公布了1992年我国科技论文发表的情况.  相似文献   

营口经济技术开发区地处辽东半岛,渤海湾畔,拥有着东北地区第二大港口,是辽宁省3个国家级开发区之一,被誉为沿海城市中最具发展潜力、最具发展活力的城市之一。作为营口开发区党工委书记的高作平,在谋求经济快速发展的同时,始终不忘经济建设与国防建设的协调发展,他关心国防、热爱武装的事迹在营口地区传为佳话,被誉为渤海湾畔的兴武带头人。  相似文献   

本文从基本的力学与数学关系入手,推导出铜索在水中运动时的平衡微分方程组,并举例说明其在接触扫雷具流体动力计算中的应用,最后讨论了接触扫雷具扫索的下垂及拖索、深度索的偏移问题。钢索在水中运动时的流体动力计算问题最接触扫雷具流体动力计算中的一个关键问题,本文对它的深入讨论,将有助于正确运用电子计算机进行接触扫雷具的流体动力计算,进而有助于提高扫雷具的设计质量。  相似文献   

新疆矿藏充裕,种类齐全,具有巨大的开采潜力,是中国矿产资源比较丰富、矿种配套比较齐全的省区之一.现已探明矿种138种,占中国探明矿种的82.14%,已探明储量的矿产117种.居全国前5位的有煤、石油、天然气等26种.新疆阿勒泰地区的宝石、黄金、白云母,阿尔金山的石棉都驰名中外.以铜、金为代表的有色金属是新疆最具优势的矿产资源.  相似文献   

美国法律对美联储宽松货币政策规范不力、金融信贷管制法律松弛、金融监管体系存在法律漏洞、法律长期缺乏对金融技术与制度创新保持协调发展的规范等是酿成金融危机的关键因素。应对国际金融危机,我国必须坚持依法推进市场调节与政府调控相辅相成,强化金融监管措施,强化对金融创新风险的防控,力求法律监管机制防范金融风险的全覆盖,依法防控国际金融危机对实体经济影响的深入。  相似文献   


In this research, we analyzed how Turkish financial markets and foreign investors in the stock market reacted to the terror attacks in Turkey. Our analysis, which was performed using the terror index for the stock market and the foreign exchange market, revealed that returns, abnormal returns, and cumulative abnormal returns were not affected by the terror attacks; however, foreign investors in the stock market were affected. When the geographic regions of the terror attacks were analyzed, the findings showed that foreign investors were negatively affected mainly by the terror attacks that occurred in southeast Anatolia. Attack type and target type were important only for foreign investors. An evaluation of the interaction between the terror attacks and the markets with the involvement of the terrorist organizations indicated that only the foreign investors in the stock market were affected by Al-Qaeda and PKK-linked terror attacks. An evaluation of the effect of terror attacks in foreign countries on Turkish financial markets revealed no effect on the domestic stock market and foreign exchange markets. We also examined the volatility spillovers from the terror index to the stock market and found that terrorist attacks increased the volatility of the stock market.  相似文献   

In recent years, there have been several changes in the weapon‐system acquisition market which have the potential to negatively impact the financial condition of defense contractors. This study evaluates the financial health of defense firms vis‐a‐vis nondefense firms using a fiscal distress identification model developed by E.I. Altman. We conclude that the financial condition of defense firms has deteriorated but the deterioration is the same as experienced by nondefense firms.  相似文献   

财务理论结构的逻辑起点是财务学科理论体系和理论结构源以推演展开的最简单、最普遍、最基本的理论范畴,是构建财务理论结构的首要着力点,但关于逻辑起点的认识还存在着争论。在概述目前主要观点的基础上,分析了逻辑起点研究过程中应思考的问题,提出了以资本和目标为起点的双逻辑起点论。  相似文献   

Terrorist attacks adversely affect the Pakistani stock market. However, such effect is short-lived: the market recovers from terrorist shocks in one day. The impact of attack depends on the locations and types of attack. The more severe the attack (i.e. more people killed), the more negative is the KSE-100 index return. Most interestingly, stock market contains information about future attacks. In sum, different tactics of terrorists have varied effects on financial markets, which in turn can predict terrorist attacks.  相似文献   

思想政治工作是社会主义精神文明建设的重要手段,是社会主义市场经济发展的有机组成部分.做好社会主义市场经济条件下的思想政治工作,必须认识思想工作的新环境,解放思想,转变观念,帮助人们确立市场取向的改革意识,增加思想政治工作的适应性.  相似文献   

兵团作为一个特殊的组织,在新疆的社会经济发展中起到了举足轻重的作用,在社会主义市场经济条件下,必须结合兵团的实际情况,以科学的、全新的新观念做好思想政治工作,才能适应改革和发展的要求.  相似文献   

高校教学团队建设是本科教育教学质量工程的一项重要内容,也是高校师资队伍建设最有效的组织形式。本文通过对五十多个教学团队的推荐表及建设任务书等相关资料进行搜集、整理及分析,对大学教学团队建设的基本情况进行了总结,分析了存在的问题,并提出了相应对策,为高校教学团队建设提供了依据。  相似文献   

This article reviews the gloomy saga of the EU Battlegroups, focusing on four questions: Where do they come from? What do they look like? What have they been hindered by? And where do they go from here? It builds upon earlier findings in the literature and adds novel insights based on original data. In doing so, the article pays particular attention to the standby nations’ constant calculation of political and financial costs. It argues that recognizing these cost–benefit calculations allows for identifying the most crucial areas to be tackled to make the EU Battlegroups functional. In addition, the article stresses that these considerations play out in a setting wherein the Battlegroups are just one among many policy instruments available for rapid response.  相似文献   

Available sources value transfers of weapons irrespective of whether they are paid for and how. Data from the U.S. indicates that the shares of arms given for free or on credit are high. If other arms exporters, all military aid and all credits used for military purposes are considered, which is done here on the basis of rough estimates and an opportunity cost model, the true cash costs of weapons in the year of the actual transfer are small. On the other hand, the financial burden of earlier arms imports via debt service has grown over time. It most probably exceeded the true cash cost of imports of arms in the late 1980s. Large differences between arms transfer data and the actual true costs of arms transfers means that analysis of the economic effects of arms imports without considering these financial aspects makes little sense.  相似文献   

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