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学生和教师相互交流、共同发展的过程是学校教育情境中师生互动的最基本的形式.注重师生之间的关系,构建有效的师生互动方式,能够促进学生和教师的共同成长.研究以石河子市Y小学作为研究对象,采用访谈和视频录像分析相结合的方法,分析小学课堂师生互动的成效.从研究收集到的18节语文、数学课录像发现:教师提问与学生回答频次相当;数学课教师提问频次多于语文课教师;学生回答问题的积极性高;新手教师以讲述为主,专家型教师多进行课堂互动;小学课堂互动以师个互动为主,并且随年级的升高呈现递减趋势.由此提出增强教师的研究意识、改善教学环境、评价方式多样化等提高课堂师生互动有效性的建议,为小学课堂师生互动的理论研究与实践提供参考.  相似文献   

军体教学中的师生互动是指在特定的军体教学活动中,教师和学生之间主要以语言为载体进行的一切相互作用和发生积极改变的过程。师生互动是在师生之间发生的一种人际互动。其互动主体是教师和学生,并且师生双方在互动中是同等重要、互为主体的。  相似文献   

本文基于互动教学模式,以学前教育专业本科生学前儿童美术课程的教授为例展开研究.研究结果表明,实验组在教学内容、教学形式和教学考核等方面的满意程度与对照组相比都呈现出显著差异.呈现课程案例并分析了如何使用互动教学模式.建议根据教学目标,师生共同建构活动主题;创设问题情境,强调师生互动的弹性;师生互换角色,学生体验教学.  相似文献   

《数学教学论》课程是高师院校数学与应用数学专业学生的专业基础课,开设该课程的目的是为学生未来从事中小学数学教育教学打基础.长期以来,该课程的教学偏理论、轻实践,偏重单纯讲授,缺乏师生的研讨互动,学生学习积极性及学习效果差.实践表明,只有以案例为载体,以师生研讨为主要教学手段进行教育理论学习,以及细化说课、观摩见习的实践环节,才能真正实现学生数学教育理论素养与教学实践能力的提升.  相似文献   

在传统的教育中,教师处于至高无上的权威地位,学生是无条件地接受着教师的一切灌输,师生之间是不平等的,但是新课程理念下的课堂教学却要求教师与学生共同处于课堂的双向互动的状态之中。这时,师生是平等的。我们要倡导和实践,“尊重的教育”这一教育理论,师生之间互相尊重,以诚相待,彼此交流情感,彼此感染,把教育变成平等的交往与对话,让传递情感信息的对话弥漫于师生之间,充盈于师生共渡的知识海洋中,课堂上充满了平等和谐与温馨的氛围,师生之间也充满了激情与欢悦。这样,不仅促进了师生间的情感交融,也使师生共同走进了为对方营造的“情…  相似文献   

工业企业防火课程具有较强的理论知识性和实践应用性,其教学必须体现理论讲授为主导,实践应用为主体的教学指导思想。而传统的教学方法不能真正实现师生互动,无法培养学生学习的主动性和创造性。为弥补传统教学模式中存在的缺陷,将案例教学法引入工业企业防火课堂教学中,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

鉴于当前我国英语教学领域幸福感的严重缺失,立足《幸福与教育》对关怀伦理学的领军人物—内尔·诺丁斯的幸福教育观的学习观、教学观、师生观和课程观的综述及评价,结合对当前小学英语教学现状的审视和反思,发现幸福教育观不仅对英语教学理论,而且对英语教学实践有着重要的启示.主要体现在通过营造幸福的学习氛围实现幸福教室;转变传统的学习方式,提倡非正式学习;提倡呈现式教学,获得幸福的体验;课程资源应源于生活,培养幸福能力以及采用以幸福为导向的多元评价体系.  相似文献   

教学活动是教师和学生之间感情和信息的双层交流活动.英语课堂教学的主要任务是培养学生的英语交际能力.要在课堂教学中培养学生的英语交际能力,必须实施双向、互动交流的英语教学模式.本文探讨了英语教学中学生语言能力培养的互动模式的理论依据、设计原则及其构筑.  相似文献   

遵循思想政治教育规律科学优化政治理论课教学的主渠道功能 遵循教育与自我教育相结合的基本规律和根本原则,克服传统的灌输教育弊病。教育与自我教育相结合,是思想政治教育的基本规律和根本原则,因此,我们必须强调教育主客体之间的互动,即师生互动、课内外互动、理论与实践互动。特别要在教学中引导和营造研究探索的氛围,做到基本观点的认知与最新问题的探索互动。由于一些学员思想上面临的困惑是社会发展带来的新问题,理论上没有明确答案,故一味由教员作简单定论的方法并不可取,应通过教育者与被教育者的互动探讨,求得明辨是非。  相似文献   

民族地区社会转型推动高校思想政治理论新课程的实施。新课程需要遵循新的教学理念:以学生为主体,教师为主导;以师生互动,关注教学过程为关键;面向生活实际,灵活运用多种教学手段和方法,创新考核方式,加大课外实践力度。创新教学模式,增强教育实效性是一项任重道远的研究课题。  相似文献   

互联网对未成年人思想观念的影响是巨大的,它的影响是双重性的。本文分析了互联网对未成年人思想观念影响的有利因素和不利因素,提出相应的对策,在给予未成年人良好的网络环境的情况下,让互联网成为培养未成年人思想素质的有利工具。  相似文献   

We consider the scheduling of large‐scale projects to maximize the project net present value given temporal and resource constraints. The net present value objective emphasizes the financial aspects of project management. Temporal constraints between the start times of activities make it possible to handle practical problem assumptions. Scarce resources are an expression of rising cost. Since optimization techniques are not expedient to solve such problems and most heuristic methods known from literature cannot deal with general temporal constraints, we propose a new bidirectional priority‐rule based method. Scheduling activities with positive cash flows as early and activities with negative cash flows as late as possible results in a method which is completed by unscheduling techniques to cope with scarce resources. In a computational experiment, we compare the well‐known serial generation scheme where all activities are scheduled as early as possible with the proposed bidirectional approach. On the basis of a comprehensive data set known from literature containing instances with up to 1002 activities, the efficiency of the new approach is demonstrated. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2003  相似文献   

少数民族地区高校一般地处边远地区 ,因地域等因素的影响 ,学报的发展受到了制约。在市场经济大潮中 ,学报要发挥文化知识、科技文化信息的传承作用 ,适应时代的变革 ,与时代俱进 ,努力为少数民族地区的科技教育文化的发展服务。树立新的发展理念 ,拓宽发展思路 ,积极实践 ,走出一条有民族特色的可持续发展之路  相似文献   

本着理论来源于现实反过来能解释现实的思想,分析比较各种相像活动和考察分析劳动的过程关系,可知劳动是可由非特定主体能动地作用客体而产生或协助产生正向价值的过程性活动。如此界定,可消除以往劳动概念界定的偏颇,可以为人们对某一活动是不是劳动提供判定标准或根据,也可以加深对非英雄史观、劳动异化、共产主义社会等历史唯物主义重要问题的理解,因而具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Suppose that we have enough computer time to make n observations of a stochastic process by means of simulation and would like to construct a confidence interval for the steady-state mean. We can make k independent runs of m observations each (n=k.m) or, alternatively, one run of n observations which we then divide into k batches of length m. These methods are known as replication and batch means, respectively. In this paper, using the probability of coverage and the half length of a confidence interval as criteria for comparison, we empirically show that batch means is superior to replication, but that neither method works well if n is too small. We also show that if m is chosen too small for replication, then the coverage may decrease dramatically as the total sample size n is increased.  相似文献   

When selling complementary products, manufacturers can often benefit from considering the resulting cross‐market interdependencies. Although using independent retailers makes it difficult to internalize these positive externalities, the ensuing double marginalization can mitigate within‐market competition. We use standard game theoretic analysis to determine optimal distribution channel strategies (through independent retailers or integrated) for competing manufacturers who participate in markets for complements. Our results suggest that a firm's optimal channel choice is highly dependent on its competitive positioning. A firm with a competitive advantage in terms of product characteristics (customer preferences) or production capabilities (cost) might benefit from selling through company‐controlled stores, allowing coordinated pricing across the two markets, whereas a less competitive firm might be better off using independent channel intermediaries to mitigate price competition. We consider two scenarios depending on whether the two firms make their distribution channel decisions sequentially or simultaneously. Although firms are unlikely to make such decisions at exactly the same instant, the simultaneous model also serves as a proxy for the scenario where firms decide sequentially, but where they cannot observe each other's strategic channel choices. For the sequential case, we find that the sequence of entry can have tremendous impact on the two firms'profits; whereas in some cases, the first mover can achieve substantially higher profits, we find that when the two markets are of sufficiently different size and only loosely related, a firm with a competitive advantage might be better off as a follower. Interestingly, our results suggest that, when the markets are of rather similar size, both firms are better off if they enter the industry sequentially. In those cases, the first entrant has incentive to reveal its planned channel strategies, and the follower has incentive to seek out and consider this information. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   

Using Israeli census data, and the random assignment of Arab males to military service, this study provides new evidence on the long-term effects of military service on the earnings of veterans. Among Druze men, we find an economically and statistically significant positive effect of 23% on their wages. The unskilled experience a slightly higher premium. The positive effects are large and intensify over time. Skill enhancement and usual human capital accumulation do not explain the positive effect of military service. Networking during service is proposed as a likely explanation.  相似文献   

针对攻击机对地攻击的目标选择问题,提出了目标攻击优先权的计算方法,将正负理想方案与灰色关联分析方法进行融合并引进熵权的思想为各项优先权赋值,避免了权值确定过于主观的问题,提出了一种目标选择的模型,为飞行员对地攻击目标选择提供了辅助决策,具有较高的实用性。仿真结果也说明了该方法的合理性。  相似文献   

In recent years, it has been argued more than once that situations determine our conduct to a much greater extent than our character does. This argument rests on the findings of social psychologists such as Stanley Milgram, who have popularized the idea that we can all be brought to harm innocent others. An increasing number of philosophers and ethicists make use of such findings, and some of them have argued that this so-called situationist challenge fatally undermines virtue ethics. As virtue ethics is currently the most popular underpinning for ethics education in the military, it is important to know to what extent the claim situationists make is correct. Fortunately, a closer look indicates that an interactionist perspective, with our character and the situation interplaying, is more accurate than the situationist perspective.  相似文献   

在现代战争中,空袭与防空作战仍将是主要作战方式之一。对防空方而言,及早发现空袭目标、准确判断空袭意图,是合理分配火力、最大限度发挥自身抗击能力的基本前提。综合考虑了攻防双方及作战环境等因素的影响,建立空中目标威胁评估指标体系。采用云模型理论较好地处理了空袭的模糊性和随机性,通过贝叶斯反馈对专家主观认识差异进行修正,使专家意见更加统一,使威胁评估结果更为简洁合理,便于指挥员快速准确作出决策。  相似文献   

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