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鞠开 《军事史林》2004,(6):17-19
粟裕"让司令"的问题,早在20世纪40年代,在军内、党内、民间传为佳话,成为美谈,越传越广,越传越深入人心.开始在华中,后来在华东,再后来传遍全国,乃至全世界.无论是文章宣传还是诗词歌颂,都赞他谦虚谨慎.我认为,在他身上一方面是具备了这方面优秀品质的.然而,在"让司令"的问题上,还有他深层次的考虑.  相似文献   

军功章 刚入伍的新兵,有两大愿望.一是摸 枪.二是戴军功章.紧握钢枪是军人的使命, 胸前有枚军功章是军人的荣誉.兵们的胸中 写满荣誉感和使命感.部队才会有战斗力. 第一次和军功章照面,总是悴然心动 的.心河似投入一粒石子溅起水珠泛起层 层波浪,渴望化为火焰在心头烘烤.看看 摸摸兵们幻现出自己戴军功章的情景 想像咀嚼个中的滋味.之后,闪闪的军功 章会常在眼前浮现.梦中的空间也全是那 银亮的色泽. 通晓军功章具有.发电功能“的干部. 会常常故意制造兵们和军功章约会的机会. 新兵到连队,搞一次英模报告会是固定节 目。在连队.类似的报告会…  相似文献   

公文作为一种独立的文体.始终在为统治阶级服务,是统治阶级施政管理的重要工具.在现代,公文写作同样是各级机关行使职能的重要手段.是机关业务的重要内容.是机关效率的关键.公文写作水平的高低,是机关干部素质的综合检验.  相似文献   

四院"十一五"发展目标全面飘红,成果丰硕。在过去的五年里,四院在党和国家、地方政府各级领导亲切关怀下.在中国航天科技集团公司党组正确领导下.全面贯彻落实科学发展观.在履行富国强军使命中不断创新.在加快发展的道路上迈出了强劲的步伐,  相似文献   

<正>在调查中可知,学生在泛读中遇到的最棘手的问题就是生词,生词如同泛读中的拦路虎.在阅读中,关键的单词不认识,可能会导致理解的偏差,甚至与原意差之千里.解决好这一问题成了学好泛读的关键.当然,我们不能只靠死记硬背来记忆单词,扩大词汇量.因此,在这里我们介绍一种简便,快速掌握单词的方法——构词法.下面介绍构词法中几种常见的构词方式.  相似文献   

在边关,无论是在晨曦还是在暮霭,鹰的展翅就像一面黑色的旗帜.这旗帜是静止的,也是动态的,在守防官兵心里不仅代表一个高度,更是梦想希望的天堂. 当然,在这里,鹰动静之间的风向,永远都是充满诗意和美感的—— 你瞧,在广阔的蓝天里,一只鹰的敏锐就像潜伏在大山隐蔽处的守防官兵,洞察着千里防线,挺举着万里江山.而在刚劲的翅膀上,处处呈现高傲和矫健. 在边防待久了,守防的官兵最喜欢读鹰的桀骜不驯,他们了解鹰都胜过了解自己.在这里,每一个守防的官兵都知道:鹰是最具灵性的精灵,在它们的心里,翱翔蓝天就是最美好的梦想.只要一息尚存,拨云穿雾都是毕生的追求.  相似文献   

战争中的无名英雄 狗是人类最忠实的动物朋友.古今中外军犬被运用于战争的战例,更是蔚为大观.相传春秋战国时期,中国就用狗参与作战.公元16世纪,西班牙人借助狗的帮助打败了不可一世的法国骑兵.1812年,拿破仑远征俄罗斯战争失败.远征军溃逃途中,在翻越阿尔卑斯山脉时,曾有一士兵在森贝拿尔山隘跌入雪坑,被积雪埋住.这时,一只名叫巴利的公犬跳入雪坑,解救出这名士兵,并用体温将他温暖苏醒.巴利在危难中共拯救过41人的生命.1818年巴利死了,它的遗体被制成标本,至今仍陈列在位于伯尔尼的瑞士自然博物馆里.  相似文献   

有人认为,院校是人才的产生者与培养者,部队是人才的使用者.这种看法是片面的.院校是培养人才的重要基地.院校师资、设备等条件相对集中,在培养人才方面具有得天独厚的优势.但人才的产生与使用是相互关联、相互交错的,只是侧重点不同而已.院校和部队都应把对学员的培育和使用紧密地结合在一起,成为一个不可分割的整体,使学员在院校有理论、懂实践,在部队有实践,懂理论,始终处在一个完整的理论与实践相结合的体系之中.为此,院校和部队都要在“结合”上下功夫,做好各自的工作.  相似文献   

<正>本文所说的中小城市.主要指地区或地级市领导机关驻在的人口在30万人以下的城市.这类城市通常只有一所高校.即师范学院,师专、教育学院、或大专体制的党校.有的也有一些其它类型的院校.但数量极少.笔者认为,对外开放,为社会服务是这类院校的重要任务.  相似文献   

穆欣 《军事史林》2004,(2):37-38
俄罗斯军队强大的战斗实力眼看着在毁灭,在地上,在水下,现在是在空中.2003年9月18日,一架图-160战略轰炸机在萨拉托夫附近坠毁,4名经验丰富的飞行员丧生.这不是俄罗斯军队普通的空难.就像"库尔斯克"号核潜艇失事那样,所发生的事情象征着国家军队的灾难.  相似文献   

This article details the history and philosophy behind major changes in police tradition and organisation in Nigeria in 1955. Women in the Nigeria Police Force (NPF), influenced by their background as enforcers of societal norms, developed a type of social-work-oriented policing. Using primary and secondary sources of historical information, this article discusses the origin of women in the NPF, the specialised role of women in police work, and the changes that have been effected in the roles and functions of women in policing in Nigeria. Situated within the conceptual frameworks of patriarchy and gender, this article argues that gender biases impeded the incorporation of women into the police and, when eventually introduced, gender limitations constrained their roles, operations and activities.  相似文献   

Central to the mainstream Sikh identity is the concept of ethically-justified force, used as a last resort. There is no place for absolute pacifism in this conception of ethical living. Fighters and martyrs occupy an important place in the Khalsa narrative, and Sikhs are constantly reminded of the sacrifices and heroism of their co-religionists of the past. This article explores how the Sikh warrior identity is manifested in the contemporary world. It examines the Sikhs who, in the 1980s and 1990s, were involved on both sides of the Punjab crisis: those militants who fought for a Sikh homeland (“Khalistan”) and those Sikhs in the Indian army who suppressed the insurgency. The article also looks beyond the militants and soldiers to Sikhs employed in modern security-related professions, the broader issue of Sikh symbols relating to the use of force, and violence within the Sikh diaspora. An examination of the Sikhs in various parts of the world reveals additional uses and consequences of ideology, whether in enlistment in the armed forces of the states in which they live, or in the support of the militancy in India, particularly in the 1980s. The conclusion is that the modern Sikh warrior is a nuanced actor behaving in various ways, some overt and some subtle: the warrior is willing to physically fight those perceived to be tyrannous, but most initiatives have shifted to pursuing justice through non-violent means, such as legal struggles for civil rights. Although armed Sikh militancy against the Indian government is in the past, there are strong residual resentments still requiring redress. All of this is of great relevance to understanding the ethics of armed force within modern Sikhism.  相似文献   

Making extensive use of primary archival documents, this article seeks to explore whether airpower in three of Britain's most significant post-war colonial counterinsurgency campaigns, Malaya, Kenya and South Arabia, was an unnecessary part of British strategy, offering little useful military force due to the futility and strategic damage rendered by offensive bombardment, or whether airpower was indeed an unsung factor that provided operational flexibility through its effectiveness in a supply context, as well as its intelligence role in providing valuable aerial reconnaissance. In all three case studies the role played by the RAF in medical evacuations, in troop drops, in crop spraying during food-denial initiatives, and in providing ‘Voice Aircraft’ for the propaganda campaign, provide insights into an under-explored component of Britain's politico-military efforts in counterinsurgency in the 1950s and 1960s and suggests that the main strategic value of airpower in counterinsurgency, then and now, lies in its non-kinetic functions.  相似文献   

新疆兵团(以下简称"兵团")体育文化的形成植根于军队,发展于屯垦戍边事业,在我国民族体育文化中具有独树一帜的特征和价值;在60年的发展历程中,一直以兵团精神为精神支柱和发展动力,为促进兵团社会政治、经济、文化等事业发展,维护新疆社会稳定发挥了重要作用。近年来,兵团体育文化与城市化快速发展不相适应,仍然保留着"单位体制"、"行政运行"的局面,严重阻碍了兵团体育文化多元化、特色化、社会化的发展,因此,在兵团城市化背景下,体育文化体制、体育物质文化和体育文化内容必须走创新之路,才有发展的生机和活力。  相似文献   

The use of children in armed conflict has become a symbol of the apparent brutality of warfare in Africa. They have become a powerful tool for child rights advocates, who lobby for the protection of children through the provision of essential services such as health care, education and social services. But taking children and youth out of the broader security debate has turned the issue into a ‘soft’ humanitarian concern that rarely enters into discussions on African politics, militaries and economies. The danger in this lies in the fact that Africa is, demographically speaking, an extraordinarily young continent. The marginalisation of youth from the security debate is paralleled by their absence from political and economic agendas. In war-affected nations in particular, the priority of social sectors plummets while governments attend to the business of the war economy, leaving health and education in the hands of humanitarian agencies. At the same time, children and youth, being the majority, represent manpower for both governments and armed forces. Thousands of children involved in combat in Africa are in fact a symptom of instability deeply exaggerated by demographics.  相似文献   

汉维语数字作为各自语言文字的一部分,其主要功能是计数,表实指,是数概念在语言系统中的反映。但在文学作品和日常生活中,由于汉、维两种语言表达习惯上的差异很大,各有其独特的称数方式,而且使用方法也各不相同,因此给人们的理解和使用带来一定的困难,本文主要从汉、维语数词方面的差别入手,对汉、维语数词进行对比性探讨,并对汉、维语数词的差别做了归纳。  相似文献   

This article provides a theorisation of militarism in post-war Cyprus. Based on qualitative empirical research conducted in Cyprus in 2011, the article explores the manifestation and steadfastness of Greek-Cypriot militarism, and the development of this militarism, which appeared after the partition of the island in 1974. In particular, it proposes the ideology of defence as a way to understand post-war Greek-Cypriot militarism. It shows the embedded nature of defence in the idea of the national struggle. It aims at mapping the character of this militarism in order to provide the grounds for future discussion. Only by understanding the interconnecting discourses that made Greek-Cypriot militarism possible in post-war Cyprus, can we understand its past, present, and future.  相似文献   

Based on a literature review, this article examines the dynamics in pastoral systems, natural resource conservation and conflict in the drylands of East Africa. It argues that, in the context of East Africa, pastoralism and biodiversity conservation in general are distinct forms of land use that are complementary rather than competitive. The present state of natural resource degradation in the drylands is explained in terms of factors related to ecological and demographic pressures, land use conflicts and inefficient land administration policies. When the customary pastoral institutions of land administration and resource management are threatened, the problem of degradation is further exacerbated and violent conflicts occur among multiple resource users, including pastoralists, farmers and the state. The article recommends the revitalisation, empowerment and recognition of pastoral institutions in a way that ensures effective synergy between the formal and customary structures of resource governance.  相似文献   

语音信号分离是现代信号处理的热点问题,针对未知信号源个数的情况,提出一种基于负熵最大的FastICA(Fast Independent Component Algorithm)语音信号盲分离算法,有效解决了源信号数目估计、语音信号分离及复原等问题。改进的算法增加了源信号数目估计环节,放宽了算法适用条件,即在源信号数目未知的情况下,也能够实现信号盲分离功能。并将其成功应用于运用信号分选过程中,最终复原语音时域波形,完成信号分选任务。仿真实验中,详细讨论了该方法在不同信噪比以及不同源信号数目情况下的分选能力,证明了方法的有效性和优越性。  相似文献   

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