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按照党的十七届四中全会提出的"四个着眼于"的目标要求,加强和改进新形势下军队党的建设,必须充分认清"四个着眼于"的重大意义,始终保持加强和改进新形势下军队党的建设的正确方向;深刻领悟"四个着眼于"的科学内涵,切实提高加强和改进新形势下军队党的建设的起点和标准;准确把握"四个着眼于"的实践要求,努力增强加强和改进新形势下军队党的建设的质量和实效.  相似文献   

提高军队党的建设科学化水平,不同的发展阶段有着不同的具体任务和工作重点,不同的历史时期也有着不同的时代特征和政治要求.在中央军委召开的一次重要会议上,胡锦涛主席科学总结军队党的建设的经验和成果,明确提出:坚持把保证党对军队绝对领导作为军队党的建设的根本任务;坚持把推进军队建设科学发展、提高履行使命任务能力作为军队党的建设的出发点和落脚点;坚持把建设坚强的党委班子和高素质干部队伍作为军队党的建设的关键环节;坚持把加强党性修养、弘扬优良作风作为军队党的建设的重要课题.这"四个坚持",系统阐述了新形势下加强军队党建工作的目标任务,集中体现了提高党的建设科学化水平的时代要求,为推进军队党的建设科学化进一步指明了方向.  相似文献   

军队党的建设是思想政治建设的基础和核心,这就要求基层党组织也必须把解决好"三个确保"时代课题作为建设发展的战略目标,着眼强化军魂意识、提高打赢能力、永葆先进性,着力推进党的建设科学化水平,为有效履行我军历史使命提供坚强的组织保证.  相似文献   

"支部建在连上"是军队党的建设的一项基本原则和基本制度,任何时候都要把党支部建设作为军队建设强基固本之举抓紧抓好,任何时候都要坚持、健全和落实党支部建设的规章制度,任何时候都要着眼提高部队现代化建设和战斗力水平、紧密联系基层实际来展开,在推进中国特色军事变革进程中充分发挥党支部的战斗堡垒作用.  相似文献   

为深入贯彻落实党的十七届四中全会<中共中央关于加强和改进新形势下党的建设若干重大问题的决定>(以下简称<决定>)和军委<中央军委关于加强和改进新形势下军队党的建设的意见>(以下简称<意见>)精神,按照总政关于落实推进学习型党组织建设的通知要求,深化军队推进学习型党组织建设的重大理论和现实问题研究,为部队推进学习型党组织建设提供智力支持,经总政治部批准,日前,国防大学军队党史党建研究中心与湖北省军区政治部联合举办"推进军队学习型党组织建设座谈研讨会".  相似文献   

胡锦涛同志对坚持和发展"支部建在连上"、加强军队基层党建工作作出许多精辟论述,号召全军大力弘扬"支部建在连上"和听党指挥、服务人民、英勇善战等革命优良传统,突出强调加强基层建设最重要的是抓好党支部建设,提出有效履行新世纪新阶段我军历史使命必须加强军队党的先进性建设,提出党的建设包括基层党建工作要符合科学发展观要求等重要论断。  相似文献   

按照胡主席重要讲话精神推进军队党的建设,必须正确认识和准确把握军队党的建设新的历史起点;牢牢把握"铸牢军魂"这个根本目的;以改革的精神统筹谋划和整体推进各项建设;突出抓好党内民主建设和反腐倡廉建设。  相似文献   

中央军委党的建设会议上,习主席围绕"六个坚持、三个有力"全面回顾总结十八大以来军队党的建设取得的历史性成就和历史性变革,同时一针见血地指出当前军队一些党组织和党员干部存在的"四个不纯""七个弱化"等突出问题,对加强新时代军队党的建设提出了六个方面要求,鲜明地立起了突出政治忠诚抓党建、聚焦备战打仗抓党建、扭住坚强组织抓党建、紧盯班子能力抓党建、围绕培育人才抓党建.  相似文献   

提高新形势下军队党的建设科学化水平,是推进军队党的建设新的伟大工程的重要而又紧迫的任务,是一项复杂的系统工程.各级党组织在实践中应正确处理抓"军魂"建设与抓其他建设的关系、抓党建与抓部队战斗力建设的关系、科学化与民主化的关系、理论研究与加强制度建设的关系、干部使用与干部培养的关系,不断提高军队党的建设科学化水平.  相似文献   

"三个代表"重要思想以"三个代表"为内核,以创新为灵魂和精髓,以永葆党的先进性和实现社会主义社会全面发展为主题,以"三个代表"在经济、政治、文化、祖国统一、外交、国防和军队建设、党的建设等诸多领域展开的理论为架构,形成了完整科学的理论体系,因而是马克思主义中国化的又一次历史性飞跃.  相似文献   

Existing production/inventory models with random (variable) yield take the yield distribution as given. This work takes a step towards selecting the optimal yield randomness, jointly with lot sizing decisions. First, we analyze an EOQ model where yield variance and lot size are to be selected simultaneously. Two different cost structures are considered. Secondly, we consider source diversification (‘second sourcing’) as a means of reducing effective yield randomness, and trade its benefits against its costs. Conditions for the superiority of diversification between two sources with distinct yield distributions over a single source are derived. The optimal number of identical sources is also analyzed. Some comments on the congruence of the results with recent JIT practices are provided.  相似文献   

This article argues that deterrence theory can be applied to counterterrorism. Doing so requires broadening the traditional concept of deterrence by punishment, expanding deterrence by denial to include defense, mitigation, and strategic hindrance, and developing deterrence by delegitimization to influence the political, ideological, and religious rationales informing terrorist behavior. In practice, deterring terrorism requires tailoring threats against state and individual facilitators, diffusing the intended consequences of terrorism, and manipulating terrorist self–restraints. When these and other deterrent leverages are applied simultaneously against various actors and processes involved in terrorism, coercion can be achieved.  相似文献   

赵阳  舒宇  汪洋  游骏 《国防科技》2018,39(2):118-122
科学技术是军事发展中最活跃、最具革命性的因素,每一次重大科技进步和创新都会引起战争形态和作战方式的深刻变革。在新的时代背景下,着眼建设世界一流军队,习主席明确要求,要下更大力气推动科技兴军,坚持向科技创新要战斗力,为我军建设提供强大科技支撑。科技兴军的核心要义是因靠科技创新推动军队建设,关键是要造就一批瞄准科技前沿、勇于善于创新的排头兵和突击队。本文以全军高层次创新性科技人才研修班为例,系统总结了研修班在组织模式、培训内容、教学方法和平台手段建设方面的有效做法和成功经验,并提出组训模式、培训方式、内容体系、师资力量等方面的建设发展提出建议,进而为我军着力培养科技创新领军人才和拔尖人才,强力推进科技兴军伟大实践提供经验启示和发展思路。  相似文献   

To many scholars and policymakers, ‘partition’ offers the most efficacious means of resolving ethnic-civil wars. Others reject partition as a solution, citing flaws (both logical and empirical) and harmful international implications should such an approach become commonplace. What has been missing from this debate is an understanding of how the process of partition unfolds. In this article we examine such a process, the case of the Krajina in the war in Yugoslavia, 1994–1995. The US aligned itself with Croatia against Serbs rebelling in the Krajina region of Croatia. The culmination of this alignment occurred in August 1995 when Croatian forces initiated ‘Operation Storm’ (Oluja) against Croatian Serb insurgents. Croatian forces effectively cleansed the Krajina of its Serbian population. Eager to initiate a diplomatic peace process, Washington welcomed the Croatian operation, and largely because of Operation Storm, negotiations at Dayton became possible.  相似文献   

Militaries commonly require recruits to pass a test that measures aptitude for military service. In this paper, we show that such tests may also act as a device for screening out low-motivation recruits, even if it is assumed that motivation is not measured by such tests and is not correlated with aptitude.  相似文献   


Since the early 2000s, the “local turn” has thoroughly transformed the field of peacebuilding. The European Union (EU) policy discourse on peacebuilding has also aligned with this trend, with an increasing number of EU policy statements insisting on the importance of “the local.” However, most studies on EU peacebuilding still adopt a top-down approach and focus on institutions, capabilities, and decision-making at the EU level. This special issue contributes to the literature by focusing on bottom-up and local dynamics of EU peacebuilding. After outlining the rationale and the scope of the special issue, this article discusses the local turn in international peacebuilding and identifies several interrelated concepts relevant to theorizing the role of the local, specifically those of effectiveness, ownership, and resistance. In the conclusion, we summarize the key contributions of this special issue and suggest some avenues for further research.  相似文献   

This paper explores the hypothesis that both the preexisting quality of democracy in a polity at the onset of conflict and the quality of democracy expected to emerge in the aftermath influence the likelihood of civil war. An empirical investigation of the hypothesis presents a challenge due to concerns of endogeneity and selection: the post-conflict level of democracy is endogenous to the pre-conflict level. Further, for a given time period, either a number of countries have not experienced civil war; or if they did, did not resolve the conflict. We overcome this selection bias by implementing a three-step extension to the Heckman procedure using an unbalanced cross-country panel of 77 countries over the period 1971–2005. Consistent with our hypothesis, we find that a standard deviation improvement in the existing level of democracy reduces the probability of civil war by approximately 9 percentage points and a corresponding improvement in expected post-conflict democratization increases the probability of conflict by approximately 48 percentage points.  相似文献   

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