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党的十八大深刻阐明了新形势下加强和改进党的建设的极端重要性,进一步增强了全党推进伟大工程的责任感紧迫感;突出强调了“全面提高党的建设科学化水平”的重大要求,进一步指明了加强和改进党的建设的根本着眼点;充实完善了党的建设总体布局,进一步确立了提高党的建设科学化水平的战略思路;丰富发展了党的建设总体目标,进一步明确了提高党的建设科学化水平的正确方向;科学规范了党的建设的方针原则,进一步概括了提高党的建设科学化水平的基本遵循;全面部署了党的建设的重点任务,进一步推出了推进党的建设新的伟大工程的有力举措;精辟阐述了党的建设与改革创新的内在联系,进一步为党的建设注入了强大动力;集中阐述了军队党的建设的目的任务,进一步明确了军队党的建设的标准要求.  相似文献   

压电智能材料在振动控制中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文阐述了智能结构的基本概念及研究意义,介绍了智能结构的研究现状,重点讨论了智能结构的组成。对智能结构振动控制的理论和方法做了一定的介绍,对被动控制、主动控制及混合控制的优缺点做了一定的比较,最后展望了智能结构的发展趋势。  相似文献   

分析了按作战效果进行空军武器装备需求分析的三种常用方法的特点,建立了一种全自动化解算模型,比较完整地讨论并描述了根据装备水平分析作战效果时需要考虑的关键因素,总结了需要使用的相关军事知识,并给出了表达方法,研究了推理机制.构建了各种战斗类型的效果评估模块,实现了软件系统并应用于一个重要课题研究,取得了比较理想的效果.  相似文献   

为适应形势的发展变化 ,近两年来 ,党、国家和军队出台了一系列法规 ,对兵役制度进行了重大改革。 1 998年 1 2月份 ,修订颁发了新的《兵役法》 ,对兵役制度作了重要调整 ,删掉了以前“义务兵役制为主体”的提法 ,将义务兵服现役期限一律缩短为两年 ,并取消了义务兵超期服役的规定。同时改革了士官服役方式 ,扩大了士官数量。 1 999年 6月份 ,实施了新的《现役士兵服役条例》 ,对士兵服役制度进行了完善 ,9月份经中央军委批准 ,四总部联合召开了士官制度改革工作会议 ,年底又进行了士官的选改和套改工作。这些改革 ,充分反映了国家、军队改…  相似文献   

简述了机械设计系列课程教学改革的主要思想,给出了教改教学实践环节中对比试验的具体内容。通过重点分析对比试验的量化指标,对教改进行了阶段总结,归纳了教改的若干经验,提出了存在的问题并分析了原因。  相似文献   

模糊控制的现状与发展概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
模糊控制方法是智能控制的重要组成部分.简要回顾了模糊控制理论的发展,详细介绍了模糊控制理论的原理和模糊控制器的设计步骤,根据各种模糊控制器的不同特点,对模糊控制在航空航天领域中的应用进行了分类,并分析了各类模糊控制器的应用效能,最后分析了模糊控制理论的优缺点及需要完善或继续研究的内容,展望了模糊控制的发展趋势与动态.  相似文献   

张同学常常咳嗽,吃药也不见好转。为了治疗张同学的咳嗽,家人带张同学找到了李医生。李医生了解了张同学的病情后,建议她做拔罐治疗。拔罐治疗3天后,张同学的咳嗽有了好转,不仅痰咳出来了,而且肤色也缓和了。拔了七八次后,张同学的咳嗽就基本消失了。  相似文献   

武器装备采办实行招标制探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
总结了外军采办中招标的经验 ,阐明了我军招标工作的重要性和必要性 ,分析了武器装备招标的特点 ,对装备采办如何招标投标进行了探讨 ,提出了招标中应注意的若干问题  相似文献   

随着信息技术的不断发展,军事娱乐复合体在美军军队建设中作用凸显.美国军方与电影和游戏业经过了兴起、发展的阶段,发挥了重要的作用,促进了美军军事训练方式的改革,提升了军人素质,成为培训转型人才的新平台,丰富了美军心理战工具.同时,也产生了负面影响,影响了美军士兵对战争真实的认识,误导了士兵的战争伦理观念,诱发了美国社会的军国主义情绪.  相似文献   

伴随国防科技和武器装备科研试验事业的发展,总装后勤经历了不同时期的历史发展阶段.在半个世纪的奋斗历程中,总装部队在中国共产党三代领导集体和胡锦涛主席的亲切关怀下,在军内外各方的大力支持下,取得了"两弹一星"和载人航天飞行等举世瞩目的辉煌成就,极大地振奋了民族精神,扬了国威,壮了军威,增强了中国的国防实力,提高了中国的国际地位.  相似文献   

In the Post-Bipolar Era the growing complexity of the military operations requires a new approach for the resolution of international crises. Since the end of the Cold War, peace support operations (PSO) have become the mainstay and principal occupation of most Western armies. At the same time, Italy has been one of the most important actors in such an area. The article focuses on the cooperation between military and civil components (a process called CIMIC) as a key variable in the Italian PSOs. We will analyse in detail the main lessons learned from past military interventions as well as the general context in which new tendencies are taking place. The maintaining of a minimum security frame becomes essential to fulfil activities ‘collateral’ to the mission: reconstructing services and infrastructure, food distribution, water and medication, law and order, de-mining, training of local forces, and supporting local institutions. These are the main tasks to obtain thrust and support from the population.  相似文献   

A change order is frequently initiated by either the supplier or the buyer, especially when the contract is long‐term or when the contractual design is complex. In response to a change order, the buyer can enter a bargaining process to negotiate a new price. If the bargaining fails, she pays a cancellation fee (or penalty) and opens an auction. We call this process the sequential bargaining‐auction (BA). At the time of bargaining, the buyer is uncertain as to whether the bargained price is set to her advantage; indeed, she might, or might not, obtain a better price in the new auction. To overcome these difficulties, we propose a new change‐order‐handling mechanism by which the buyer has an option to change the contractual supplier after bargaining ends with a bargained price. We call this the option mechanism. By this mechanism, the privilege of selling products or services is transferred to a new supplier if the buyer exercises the option. To exercise the option, the buyer pays a prespecified cash payment, which we call the switch price, to the original supplier. If the option is not exercised, the bargained price remains in effect. When a switch price is proposed by the buyer, the supplier decides whether or not to accept it. If the supplier accepts it, the buyer opens an auction. The option is exercised when there is a winner in the auction. This article shows how, under the option mechanism, the optimal switch price and the optimal reserve price are determined. Compared to the sequential BA, both the buyer and the supplier benefit. Additionally, the option mechanism coordinates the supply chain consisting of the two parties. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 62: 248–265, 2015  相似文献   

This article demonstrates the inconsistent and wavering Soviet attitude towards national liberation movements in general and the Palestinian organizations in particular. Until the late 1960s, the Soviets viewed these organizations with suspicion, hesitating to engage in political dialogue with them. However, in the 1970s, political and military events in the region, as well as modifications in the Kremlin's Cold War strategies, led to a general shift towards the Middle East in Soviet foreign policy. Soviet leaders showed increased willingness to provide certain Palestinian organizations with arms with which to conduct terrorist activities against Israeli, pro-Israeli, Jewish and Western targets. The article explores the complex relations between Palestinian organizations and the USSR in the field of international terror. The study also exposes and analyzes the nature and content of Soviet–Palestinian arms dialogues and transactions. It provides clear evidence that Soviet policymakers and other luminaries were fully informed of, and sometimes directly involved in, these transactions and dialogues at the highest levels.  相似文献   

From 1965 to the present, Colombia has been confronted by the insurgency of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). The threat reached a new level in 1996 with the advent of mobile warfare, whereby large units sought to neutralize the military in an effort to seize power and institute a Marxist-Leninist regime. Unlike Vietnam, what followed was a regaining of the strategic initiative by the government and a decimation of the insurgent threat. This was accomplished with US assistance but from first to last was driven by Colombian leadership and strategy. The strategy which led to this signal change, ‘Democratic Security’, unfolded under the leadership of President Álvaro Uribe. It was a civil–military partnership, which sought to expand the writ of Colombian democracy to all elements of society. Securing the population provided the shield behind which economic, social, and political life could occur as driven by the will of the people. It was the agreement upon legitimacy as the strategic goal and reform as the route to that goal which allowed the Colombians and the Americans to work so well together.  相似文献   

武器跟踪随动仿真系统是一个能够对武器跟瞄进行演示验证的虚拟现实系统,对虚拟军事训练的研究和探索,有着极其重要的意义。提出了一种简易的跟踪随动算法,可以对武器跟瞄运动目标进行有效的模拟;并建立VegaPrime与OpenGL混合编程机制解决了在场景中的画图问题,实现了对瞄准镜十字刻线的绘制;通过实验,实现了在计算机系统中一定范围的全天候自然实景的模拟。开发和应用结果表明,该方法具有可行性,仿真产生的图像与实际成像较为接近,并能大幅度减少训练成本。上述研究对于武器瞄准训练以及目标识别等具有一定的工程意义。  相似文献   

The collapse of the Soviet Union precipitated the massive expansion of drug use and trade in Russia. The country now has one of the largest populations of injecting drug users in the world and has become the largest single-country market for Afghan heroin. In 2003 the Federal Service for the Control of the Drugs Trade was created to coordinate a comprehensive counternarcotics strategy appropriate to the scale of this threat. The service continues to face a number of challenges in its early stages of development. However, it has made considerable advances in improving responses to large-scale organised crime and in building international cooperation.  相似文献   

运用当前国际上最流行的MATLAB软件及SIMULINK软件包,对8-300柴油机带水力测功器系统进行了PID控制器的设计及仿真,并分析了仿真结果,最后得出了对实现该系统控制有重要价值的PID控制器.  相似文献   

September 11 2001 has put the spotlight on terrorism, and it has been at the apex of the international security agenda ever since. Politicians, lawmakers, scholars and others have been debating the meaning and definition of terrorism for many years. Numerous myths and misconceptions persist on this highly debated issue. With the aid of historical case studies, this article aims to demonstrate how broad a concept terrorism has become. It focuses on its subjective and value-laden interpretation and hence the difficulty of arriving at a universally acceptable definition. The author introduces the concept of ‘colonial terror’, which depicts a distinct form of state terrorism perpetrated during the colonial and post-colonial periods. Like many before her, the author concludes that the definition and meaning of terrorism lie in the eye of the beholder.

There are two ways to approach the study of terrorism. One may adopt a literal approach, taking the topic seriously, or a propagandistic approach, construing the concept of terrorism as a weapon to be exploited in the service of some system of power. In each case it is clear how to proceed. Pursuing the literal approach, we begin by determining what constitutes terrorism. We then seek instances of the phenomenon—concentrating on major examples, if we are serious—and try to determine causes and remedies. The propagandistic approach dictates a different course. We begin with the thesis that terrorism is the responsibility of some officially designated enemy. We then designate terrorist acts as ‘terrorist’ just in the cases where they can be attributed (whether plausibly or not) to the required source; otherwise they are to be ignored, suppressed or termed ‘retaliation’ or ‘self-defence’. (Noam Chomsky)  相似文献   

The September 11 global crisis prompted by the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon raises major questions concerning the nature and trajectory of terrorism in the post-Cold War global order. Hitherto, terrorism has been largely debated by analysts at the level of nation states. Terrorist and insurgent movements have also been largely anchored in nationalist and ethnic power bases even when they have sought to mobilise a transnational ideological appeal on religious or class grounds. There have been a few exceptions to this pattern such as the alliance between the German Baader-Meinhof group and the Japanese Red Army Faction, but even such international alliances as this did not, until at least the 1980s, presage anything like a global terrorist network necessitating a global strategic response. This study examines terrorism and global strategic responses.  相似文献   

The debris from exploded buildings can ricochet after colliding with the ground, thus increasing the debris travel distance and danger from any associated impacts or collisions. To reduce this danger, the travel distance of ricocheted debris must be accurately predicted. This study analyzed the change in the travel distance of ricocheted concrete debris relative to changes in the properties of a sand medium. Direct shear tests were conducted to measure the change in internal friction angle as a function of temperature and water content of the sand. Finite element analysis (FEA) was then applied to these variables to predict the speed and angle of the debris after ricochet. The FEA results were compared with results of low-speed ricochet experiments, which employed variable temperature and water content. The travel distance of the debris was calculated using MATLAB, via trajectory equations considering the drag coefficient. As the internal friction angle decreased, the shear stress decreased, leading to deeper penetration of the debris into the sand. As the loss of kinetic energy increased, the velocity and travel distance of the ricocheted debris decreased. Changes in the ricochet velocity and travel distance of the debris, according to changes in the internal friction angle, indicated that the debris was affected by the environment.  相似文献   

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