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1 7 13 18 23 29 35 40 45 35 75 70 58 64 49 3192,一22内‘内乙,‘2 24勺山内‘2肉乙,乙月峥422 5864 文题装备战场抢修研究现状及对策战场抢修力童建设与准备的思考·论战场损伤评佑与修复分析方法关于加强战场抢修法规建设的思考装备群战斗损伤模拟方法研究战斗恢复力定黄评枯模型初探战场抢修器材最优筹措浅谈战伤修理备件研究战场备件模型探讨现役装备以可靠性为中心的维修分析火炮的战场损伤评佑与修复海湾战争与舰船维修飞机战伤修理浅析飞机战伤修理分析与实施美国空军飞机战伤修理的发展及其对我们的启示一种炮瞄雷达故障诊断专家…  相似文献   

胡宝良 《国防科技》2005,(11):36-36
2005年7月12日,“某军用飞行器结构损伤光电复合抢修系统”研制成功,并顺利通过有关专家鉴定。“某军用飞行器结构操作光电复合推算系统”是国内首台将激光和微弧火花修复技术复合应用于飞机、发动机损伤在线抢修的一种新设备。它应用10米光纤电缆将修复能量传递到损伤部位,对飞机、发动机结构损伤的部位修复提供光电手段。应用该系统可以快速地对损伤部位实施切割、焊接、熔覆、强化等。该系统创造性地在飞机结构抢修领域应用移动式激光加工系统、微弧火花修复技术,为飞机结构战伤抢修开创了一个全新的技术领域,为战伤抢修水平的提高创造了…  相似文献   

飞机战斗损伤部位及战时备件需求的确定对做好战时维修保障工作具有重要意义.提出了作战飞机的战斗损伤部位的确定方法,建立了飞机部件的当量模型和飞机受导弹攻击的仿真模型,确定了飞机的战伤分布规律.在确定飞机战伤分布规律的基础上,建立了飞机战伤备件和故障备件需求模型,为作战飞机的战伤研究及航材储备作了有益的探讨.  相似文献   

2007年9月25日8时01分.海军北方某部机场停机坪,4架歼击机"带伤"返航着陆.抢修队员携带工具快速奔向飞机.开始战伤检查、修复。这4架飞机在战斗中多处不同程度受到战伤.其中最严重的是铝合金结构构架破孔损伤。为提高飞机抢修效率.缩短辅助时间,各个抢修队均使出十八般武艺,各显其能,快速实施战伤抢修。10时03分.经抢  相似文献   

为了贯彻军委新时期军事战略方针,空军装备技术部于去年召开了“加强空军航空部队修理工作建设”会议,明确提出要大力开展飞机战伤抢修理论研究,力争三年内有所突破,五年左右时间初步形成具有我军特色的飞机战伤抢修理论体系。之后,空军制定了《飞机战伤抢修研究规划》,其主要内容如下: (一)基本理论研究。研究飞机战伤抢修的概念、范畴、特点、作用及基本原理等。建立我军主战机种战斗损伤(包括核爆炸毁伤)预测模型,研究其战伤分布规律与战损、战伤的评估标准,估算现化战争条件下战伤与战损的比例,预测备件消耗量等。研究我军飞机“战伤抢修性”的量化方法和参数体系,提出  相似文献   

适应现代海战需要,加快我海军飞机战伤抢修建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在飞机战伤抢修工程中,时间就是生命,效率就是战斗力。快速、科学、合理、准确地进行技术决策是战争期间保持航空兵持续战斗力的重要条件。文章总结50年来历次局部战争中飞机的损伤与修复情况,阐述了飞机战伤抢修对战时保证部队持续战斗力的重要性。并重点论述提高我海军战伤飞机抢修效率,必须建立高效专业的抢修体制、配备专用抢修设备以及人员熟练掌握抢修新技术;同时,还应建立抢修决策专家系统,加强抢修理论研究、制定相关政策、法规,以指导部队战伤抢修组织训练和战时实施保障。  相似文献   

浅谈美军的战场抢修   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
战伤评估与修理(BDAR)(也称战场抢修)是指在战场上运用应急诊断与修理技术,迅速地对装备进行评估并根据需要快速修理战伤部位,使武器装备能够完成某项预定任务或实施自救的活动。美军真正开始重视战场抢修是近20多年的事情,第4次中东战争可以说是美国现代战场抢修发展的转折点。在那次战争中,以色列军队在头18小时内就有约77%的坦克丧失了战斗力,但是由于有效地实施了大量靠前修理(即维修装备和人员在战场实施就地抢修,而不是将损伤装备后送),失去战斗能力的坦克在不到24小时内就有80%恢复了战斗力,有些坦克甚至损坏-修复达5次之多,甚至在…  相似文献   

装备战场抢修是保持和恢复战斗力的重要方法,而抢修时间对战场抢修的效果有着重要影响,甚至直接影响着战争的进程。准确预测并确定装备的抢修时间有利于战场指挥员合理分配抢修力量,有针对性地开展抢修工作,以最大程度地保持和恢复装备战斗力,使战伤装备尽快重新投入战斗。以航空装备某电子系统为例,建立了战场抢修时间的计算模型,并对模型进行求解,实例证明,该方法对于预测并确定战场抢修时间提供了一种有效的途径。  相似文献   

飞机易损性分析与评估是指对飞机在战斗状态下遭受攻击后受损的难易程度的评价,是衡量飞机战斗性能的重要指标。研究飞机易损性对于飞机高生存力设计和飞机战伤预测评估具有重要意义。本文首先简要介绍了飞机易损性分析的一般方法与流程,收集并整理了美军飞机易损性实弹测试的历史沿革和条件建设现状,同时以F-35整机、F135发动机和C27机翼油箱为例介绍了易损性实弹测试的方法。可以发现,在制度层面上,美军已经形成了由实弹测试机构、装备供应商以及军队用户三方联合协作的标准化、制度化的飞机易损性实弹测试体系;同时,其所建立的实弹测试平台力求更加真实地模拟战场环境,能够有效实现部件/子系统在特定工况下使用功能的监控,测试结果能够有效支撑飞机毁伤树与部件/子系统毁伤判据的构建,从而确保测试结果可以有效指导飞机的低易损性设计。  相似文献   

分析了装备战场抢修研究的发展现状,论述了系统研究战场抢修理论的必要性,并明确了战场损伤及战场抢修的定又、战场抢修研究的主要内容。根据我军实情,提出了关于我军开展装备战场抢修的一些建议。  相似文献   

The high-speed impact of a projectile on a liquid-filled tank causes the hydraulic ram, in which a cavity is formed. To study the growth characteristics of the cavity, the formation mechanism of the cavity is analyzed. The effect of Reynolds number and Mach number on drag coefficient is considered, the axial and radial growth models of the cavity are established respectively. The relative errors between the cavity length calculated by the axial growth model, the cavity diameter calculated by the radial growth model and Ma L. Y. test results are less than 20%, which verifies the effectiveness of the axial and radial growth models. Finally, numerical simulation is carried out to study the growth characteristics of the cavity caused by the projectile impacting the satellite tank at the velocity of 4000 m/s. The cavity length and diameter calculated by the axial and radial growth models agree well with those obtained by simulation results, indicating that the cavity length and diameter in satellite tank can be accurately calculated by the axial and radial growth models.  相似文献   

Enhanced damage to the full-filled fuel tank,impacted by the cold pressed and sintered PTFE/AL/W reactive material projectile(RMP)with a density of 7.8 g/cm3,is investigated experimentally and theoretically.The fuel tank is a rectangular structure,welded by six pieces of 2024 aluminum plate with a thickness of 6 mm,and filled with RP-3 aviation kerosene.Experimental results show that the kerosene is ignited by the RMP impact at a velocity above 1062 m/s,and a novel interior ignition phenomenon which is closely related to the rupture effect of the fuel tank is observed.However,the traditional steel projectile with the same mass and dimension requires a velocity up to 1649 m/s to ignite the kerosene.Based on the experimental results,the radial pressure field is considered to be the main reason for the shear failure of weld.For mechanism considerations,the chemical energy released by the RMP enhances the hydrodynamic ram(HRAM)effect and provides additional ignition sources inside the fuel tank,thereby enhancing both rupture and ignition effects.Moreover,to further understand the enhanced ignition effect of RMP,the reactive debris temperature inside the kerosene is analyzed theoretically.The initiated reactive debris with high temperature provides effective interior ignition sources to ignite the kerosene,resulting in the enhanced ignition of the kerosene.  相似文献   

论述了飞机战伤修理的必要性,战饬修理与平时修理的主要区别,战斗恢复力及其设计,战伤评估等战伤修理研究中的关犍问题。根据实际数据模拟出了飞机战斗力随作战持续天数及修理天数的变化曲线图。并对美军的野战条件下战伤评估流程图作了改进,提出了适合我军野战条件下的战伤评估逻辑图。  相似文献   

基于多准则的战损装备抢修排序决策模型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对战场抢修排序原则的分析和量化,利用模糊综合评判的方法,建立了战场抢修排序的数学模型,可以有效地解决装备抢修中多个装备多准则排序的问题,为装备保障部门进行决策提供依据。  相似文献   

为研究高速破片撞击充液容器形成的液压水锤效应,设计一套试验装置和测试方法,试验破片撞击充液容器产生空腔的变化过程、液体中不同位置处的压力变化以及前后面板的变形情况。试验发现:破片撞击容器后面板时会出现一圈空化气泡,气泡在后面板内表面从撞击点位置迅速沿径向扩展;液压水锤初始冲击阶段,距离撞击点较近区域在初始冲击波压力脉冲过后会出现一个较大负压,而距离撞击点较远区域不受负压影响;破片撞击速度对容器前面板最大变形影响较小,变形范围随着撞击速度的增大沿撞击点向四周扩展。后面板的最大变形及变形范围都随着破片撞击速度的增大而变大。  相似文献   

A new model has been defined that enables the estimation of the lethal radius (radius of efficiency) of HE (High Explosive) artillery projectiles against human targets. The model is made of several modules: CAD (Computer Aided Design) modeling, fragment mass distribution estimation, fragment initial velocity prediction, fragment trajectory calculation, effective fragment density estimation, and high explosive projectile lethal radius estimation. The results were compared with the experimental results obtained based on tests in the arena used in our country, and the agreement of the results was good. This model can be used in any terminal-ballistics scenario for high explosive projectiles since it is general, para-metric, fast and relatively easy to implement.  相似文献   

This work presents a numerical simulation of ballistic penetration and high velocity impact behavior of plain and reinforced concrete panels. This paper is divided into two parts. The first part consists of numerical modeling of reinforced concrete panel penetrated with a spherical projectile using concrete damage plasticity (CDP) model, while the second part focuses on the comparison of CDP model and Johnson-Holmquist-2 (JH-2) damage model and their ability to describe the behavior of concrete panel under impact loads. The first and second concrete panels have dimensions of 1500 mm × 1500 mm × 150 mm and 675 mm × 675 mm × 200 mm, respectively, and are meshed using 8-node hexahedron solid elements. The impact object used in the first part is a spherical projectile of 150 mm diameter, while in the second part steel projectile of a length of 152 mm is modeled as rigid element. Failure and scabbing characteristics are studied in the first part. In the second part, the com-parison results are presented as damage contours, kinetic energy of projectile and internal energy of the concrete. The results revealed a severe fracture of the panel and high kinetic energy of the projectile using CDP model comparing to the JH-2 model. In addition, the internal energy of concrete using CDP model was found to be less comparing to the JH-2 model.  相似文献   

Projectiles made of reactive structure materials(RSM)can damage the target with not only kinetic but also chemical energy,but the enhanced damage potential of RSM may become compromised if extreme loading condition disintegrates the projectile before the target is reached.In this work,a ductile coating of Ni was introduced to a tungsten-zirconium(W-Zr)alloy,a typical brittle RSM,to preserve the damage potential of the projectile.Detonation driving tests were carried out with X-ray photography and gun-powder deflagration driving tests were carried out with high-speed photography for the coated and uncoated RSM samples,respectively.The craters on the witness target were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction.The Ni coating was found to effectively preserve the damage potential of the W-Zr alloy under extreme loading conditions,whereas the uncoated sample fractured and ignited before impacting the target in both detonation and deflagration driving.The crack propa-gation between the reactively brittle core and the ductile coating was analyzed based on the crack arrest theory to mechanistically demonstrate how the coating improves the structural integrity and preserves the damage potential of the projectile.Specifically,the Ni coating envelops the W-Zr core until the coated sphere penetrates the target,and the coating is then eroded and worn to release the reactive core for the projectile to damage the target more intensively.  相似文献   

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