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日美重启防卫产业对话 2月14日,日美两国防卫产业为了加强日本自卫队和美军装备的共同开发和生产合作,已启动定期对话。  相似文献   

日本新版防卫白皮书凸显日本防卫政策的根本性变化,充斥着"强军、备战"气息,为安倍内阁推动"修宪、建军"和防卫政策由"守"转"攻"大造舆论,其谋求"军事大国"的野心暴露无遗7月9日,日本出台2013年度《防卫白皮书》;26日,防卫省推出新《防卫计划大纲》。白皮书首次提出"强化日本独自防卫力量",重点强化"对敌基地攻击能力"、"先发制人打击能力"和"海军陆战队功能";首次将"国防产业"作为单独一章列出,考虑"彻底修改"武器出口政策,"废除"出口三原则,全面  相似文献   

通过有效的思想政治工作,提高防卫作战能力,是当前海防部队应着力解决的重大现实课题.针对海防部队军事任务、地缘文化及驻防驻训特点,着力促进从消极防卫向积极防卫转变,在激发战斗精神中提高防卫作战能力;着力破解思想难题,在价值认同中提高防卫作战能力;着力砺志律行,在实践养成、遂行多样化军事任务中提升防卫作战能力.  相似文献   

2011年底大幅放宽"武器出口三原则"以来,日本加紧防务政策调整,大力扩充军备,发展自主国防工业,高新武器纷纷亮相,日本武器在全球军火市场崭露头角,日本自卫队作战能力远远超出"专守防卫"范围,其谋求对外扩张的野心昭然若揭,复活军国主义的步子越迈越大。解禁"武器出口三原则"调整防卫政策彻底放宽武器出口限制。2011年12月27日,日本政府决定大幅放宽"武器出口三原则",为参与装备研制、生产和国际合作大开绿灯。日本官房长官藤村修称,"今后日本企业将可参与美国、澳大利亚和北约国家的武器研制和生产,有助于提升日本国防产业生产与技术,  相似文献   

<正>近年来,随着日本防卫战略由专守防卫向实质性的攻守兼备方向调整,防卫装备的生产方式、采购体制以及进出口政策都在发生深刻变化。日本防卫装备采购体制改革及进出口政策调整能否成功的关键是防卫装备生产方式的变革。柔性生产是日本防卫产业生产的最基本特征,本文对于防卫装备产业采购体制改革的方向、柔性生产方式对于防卫装备采购改革的促进和局限作用以及柔性生产方式的适应性改革措施做了分析。1.装备采购现状及改革的  相似文献   

尤文虎 《环球军事》2005,(11):18-20
今年成为日本防卫力量发展承前启后的关键一年。而2005年度日本防卫预算在裁减的大旗掩护下轻松突破6万亿日元大关,绝对数字仅次于美国,居世界第二(详情参见本刊2005年2月下半月刊相关文章)。基于已通过的新《大纲》和新《中期防》,以建设一支“多功能、富有弹性的有效防卫力量”为指导方针,日本谋求对防卫力量进行整编,以实现军事力量的转型。在新一年度的防卫预算中,陆上主战装备、护卫舰、战斗机等常规武器的发展受到了一定程度的限制,而导弹防御系统、“三防”武器、特种作战、岛屿作战、应对新型威胁等被作为防卫  相似文献   

燃气轮机是重要的军民两用动力装备,制约着我国未来能源和国防发展,国家领导人对其关注日益提升。如何在日前基础落后、力量分散的产业现状下创新发展模式,推动产业快速发展已经迫在眉睫。本文简要介绍了我国燃气轮机产业现状,分析阐述了我国燃气轮机产业发展的途径,并提出具体建议。  相似文献   

培育具有核心技术和自主知识产权的军民结合产业项目,是中国航天科技集团公司第一研究院提升产业规模和能力,实现航天技术应用产业科学持续发展的坚实基础中国航天科技集团公司第一研究院(以下简称"一院")的航天技术应用产业经过三十多年的发展,从无到有,从小到大,从计划到市场,从产品到产业,取得显著成就。"十一五"末航天技术应用产业规模首次突破100亿元,"十二五"末预计达到200亿元,年均复合增长率近20%。  相似文献   

2004年7月6日,日本防卫厅发表了一年一度的防卫白皮书。新的防卫白皮书阐明了日本对当前国际安全形势的基本看法,也总结了过去一年防卫政策的执行情况。日本媒体近日报道,日本将在年底制定新的防卫计划大纲,已经为此专门设立了首相私人咨询机构;并准备于今年9月提出报告,对其防卫政策做出重大调整,“探讨日本单独行动的能力和应付中国的能力”。在这种形势下,仔细分析一下日本新的防卫白皮书和防卫计划大纲还是有必要的。  相似文献   

瞄准国家培育和发展战略性新兴产业规划,实行产业动员能力"再造式"发展,不断增强产业动员能力,是今后一个时期提高国民经济动员能力的重要途径。实行产业动员能力"再造式"发展,就是"依托"国家战略性新兴产业,在"培育"新兴产业动员能力与"改造"传统产业动员能力相结合的基础上,实现重要产业动员能力的整体"再造"与优化。  相似文献   

温妮  傅中力 《国防科技》2017,38(1):077-081
推动军民融合深度发展,是党的十八届三中全会提出的明确要求,也是当前和今后一段时期国防科技工业一项重大战略任务。作为传统的制造业大省和军工大省,湖南省推动军民融合已具备较好的"产学研"基础。为促进湖南国防科技工业军民融合深度发展,紧贴制造强省战略,分析了湖南国防科技工业军民融合深度发展面临的形势要求,阐述了湖南国防科技工业军民融合深度发展的重点领域,给出了推动湖南国防科技工业军民融合深度发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

In 2015, Brazil has taken steps toward re-consolidating its domestic defense industry. In the 1980s, Brazil built a dynamic and diversified defense industry. The state-driven effort resulted in a tripod strategy, where the state, state-run companies, and their private sector became the pillars of Brazil's defense industry. Brazil developed an export-driven defense industry; where close to 80–90% of its output was exported to Latin American, African, Arab, and Asian nations. In the 1980s, Brazil became the world's fifth largest exporter of defense products and services, exporting to over 40 countries. In the 1990s and 2000s, Brazil's defense industry suffered a dramatic reduction in size, diversification, and momentum. Successions of domestic political and economic policies have relegated Brazil's once emerging defense industry to a marginal position in the global defense industry. This article analyzes future prospects, challenges, and growth strategies for Brazil's defense industry.  相似文献   

装备建设服务于国家军事战略,能否将管用、好用的装备交付给军方,是国防工业部门和装备试验靶场共同的使命。除了要确保装备技术性能符合指标要求以外,还要确保交付给军方的装备能够适应不同的作战环境,并且能够在作战行动中发挥应有的作用。因此,作战试验是值得研究并且需要逐步开展的重要试验活动。文章将从国外在装备作战试验领域的具体做法入手,分析作战试验与研制试验的区别。在此基础上,对开展装备作战试验须重点把握的问题进行探讨,为开展装备作战试验提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

This paper models the interactions between the defense industry market structure and the defense needs of Israel, the USA and Western Europe, which produce several heterogeneous defense goods. The model specifies that the defense industries of the US and Europe are ‘large’ while that of Israel is ‘small’. The US military aid to Israel is also an integral part of the model. The results show that net defense costs of Israel are minimal when the number of its defense firms is one. The model predicts that an increase in US military aid reduces Israel’s government expenditure, its defense industry’s profits and its net defense costs.  相似文献   

Defense budgets in Japan have been complicated compromises from numerous inputs ‐ including threat perceptions, domestic industrial/technological base development, support for the bilateral security treaty with the United States and internal bureaucratic politics ‐ but with the fall of the former Soviet Union, the clearest justification for higher spending disappeared. Double‐digit defense spending increases that were common in the 1980s have been replaced by annual increases lower than present inflation rates, resulting in negative real growth in the country's defense budget. Domestic economic problems and consistent government pressures for smaller budgets have further slowed annual growth in total spending and have contributed to lower procurement budgets. As a result, the domestic Japanese defense industry is facing far more constrained conditions from the growth years of a decade before.

Government policymakers are examining Japan's regional security environment as well as its alliance with the United States to determine the appropriate course for the country to take in the coming years. The formal security treaty with the United States is likely to remain a major element of government positions, but other aspects of the country's overall security posture are open to debate. Perceptions of a reduced threat environment are fueling additional pressures for defense budget cuts.

The domestic defense industry seeks means to assure its survival in domestic defense markets in this constrained environment. Expansion into overseas markets to offset declining domestic markets is an option that currently is constrained by policy restrictions on arms exports. Industry is advocating re‐examination of those policies and unlike earlier years, government appears willing to respond positively but cautiously to this lobbying.  相似文献   

This paper models the interactions between the defense needs of the USA and Western Europe, which produce several heterogeneous defense goods, and the defense industry market structure. The results show that net defense costs of the USA and Europe are lower when the number of defense firms in each arms‐producing country is small and when the world prices of the defense goods are high. The model predicts that the increase in world prices will crowd‐out countries in the developing world from the market for modern weapon systems and may force them to develop and use ‘cheap and dirty’ weapon systems.  相似文献   

美国及其他军事强国都将导弹武器系统维修保障作为每年国防投入的重点内容之一,维修保障也已成为国外军工企业拓展军品产业链、保障企业持续获得收入的重要业务之一。“爱国者”导弹武器系统作为美军防空的主战装备,研究维修保障主要做法能够揭示美军导弹武器系统维修保障状况。从“爱国者”导弹武器系统的两级维修体制、陆军延寿计划两大方面分析其维修保障的主要做法及未来发展趋势,对于持续提升我军导弹武器系统维修保障水平具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

The French defense policy has been considered unique among western countries. This policy relies on the concept of ‘strategic autonomy’, which is based on nuclear deterrence, autonomy of action, independence of defense industry, and arms exports. From an economic perspective, it implies major consequences both at the macroeconomic and microeconomic levels. Given its importance, it is crucial to use economic expertise to provide insights on defense policy.  相似文献   

农志明 《国防科技》2017,38(3):012-018
如何科学、合理、有效的评价国防科技体系发展水平,识别国防关键技术,建立健全国防科技体系,是国防建设重中之重。基于未确知测度理论构建国防科技发展水平的评价原则,结合网络分析法确定指标体系权重,有效解决了国防科技体系评价的复杂性、系统性问题。研究表明,国防科技体系评价可以为国防科技发展战略的科学性和可操作性提供参考。  相似文献   

In marked contrast with previous decades, defense issues in Argentina have started to receive increasing political attention over the last few years. The main goal of this article is to account for this new found interest in defense policy. The article contends that this revival could be accounted for by both the implementation of a neo-developmentalist strategy and a type of control that emphasizes civilian oversight over the armed forces. Both factors have promoted the implementation of policies that favored an increase in the military budget, the reconstruction of the defense industry and the establishment of a new military doctrine. This article evaluates the impact of factors that have not been previously considered by the literature on defense attention in South America.  相似文献   

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