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富源县人武部为改变以往在民兵训练上内容单一、低层次循环的状况,重点在四个方面进行大胆改革:一是注重抓好民兵干部骨干的培训。从1999年以来,每年都要举办1—2期专武干部和民兵教员、专业技术骨干培训,较好地保持一支军政素质较高的骨干队伍。二是搞好针对性训练,科学合理编组训练内容。针对不同分队的特点,采取普通民兵抓活动,基干民兵抓集中,  相似文献   

总结历史,我们完全可以说,党和人民事业之所以能够不断从胜利走向胜利,社会主义中国之所以能够在国际风云剧烈变幻中始终站稳脚跟,一个重要原因,就是因为我们有人民解放军这样一支忠于党、忠于社会主义、忠于祖国、忠于人民的英雄军队.  相似文献   

正"这些战士我们永记不忘,为给子孙留下一个繁华自由的城邦,他们宁愿战死在前方。"这是被镌刻在英雄纪念碑上的古希腊诗人西摩尼得斯的诗句。只要是国家需要,他们一定会选择挺身而出,不计个人得失,无私奉献一切;只要是救人于危难,他们一定会选择舍弃自我,把方便让给别人,把困难留给自己。这便是英雄。从感动中国人物邱少云、罗盛教、欧阳海,到战斗英雄庞国兴、顾金海……英雄始终与一支部队的历史相伴,他们舍身成仁、勇猛无畏、自我牺牲的英勇行为像一道道闪电不断地穿云破雾,成为一支部队的精神灯塔,照亮战士前进的行程。而新一代官兵也正用青春的热血为连队的荣誉注入奋进的风采,续写新的辉煌。  相似文献   

正2014年3月29日星期六晴十四师一牧场二连地处和田地区策勒县境内的昆仑山深处,海拔3300米,距离团部30余公里,全连共有职工117户、327人,其中汉族职工4人。117户职工却散布在30万亩的草场上。近年来,在兵团、师、团场各级党委的大力支持下,二连基础设施条件发生了巨大改变,已建成20座宜居彩板房和可通行汽车的38公里长的砂石路,为每家每户购置了太阳能电板,极大地方便了牧工的转场、出行和日常生产生活。但因路远、山陡以及气候多变等原因,职工的交通、通讯和人畜饮水依然存在较大困难。目前正值春羔育幼阶段,职工生产活动繁忙,工作组适时调  相似文献   

瘦小精干,梳理整齐的一头花发述说着曾经的那段日子……侗族女民兵英模梁松美用她坎坷的人生经历,印证着那座大山那个村庄的成长历程。梁松美1937年7月12日出生于贵州省从江县原贯洞区龙图乡。这里地处贵州高原,高山沟壑淹没了路的影子,甚至几十里山地不见人烟。散居在这里的侗族、苗族等少数民族,世代过着刀耕火种的贫困生活。  相似文献   

2013年3月7日一大早,一师一团纪委书记、工会主席董建新匆匆吃过早饭,就立刻赶往团医院参加义务献血。这次义务献血公益活动是团里组织的,提前几天就已经向各基层单位进行了宣传,号召各民族干部职工奉献爱心义务献血。团里还专门联系了阿克苏地区中心血站,来一团医院集中采血。  相似文献   

党的十八大报告用很大的篇幅提到民生问题,特别是要提高农民收入,我看了十分高兴。《兵团建设》杂志最近几期的"特别观察"栏目让我们清晰地看到了兵团这些年的快速发展和美好前景——团场新型工业化初具规模,职工收入稳步增长,生活环境和生活方式有了巨大改变。当前兵团正处于发展的关键时期,作为新时代的兵团人,我们将在党的十八大精神指引下,立足岗位作贡  相似文献   

在前进道路上,我们必须发扬光大依靠人民建设军队、建设国防的优良传统,进一步巩固同呼吸、共命运、心连心的军政军民关系.我们的军队是人民的军队,我们的国防是全民的国防.  相似文献   

最近,随着《我的兄弟叫顺溜》的热播,主角顺溜与手中的狙击步枪一同成了万众瞩目的焦点。其实,这支枪近几年一直比较火,影片Ⅸ集结号》里王宝强扮演的姜茂财用的是它,电视剧《蓝色档案》里也出现了这种枪、Ⅸ战北平》里一名战士使用的是这种枪,就连《人间正道是沧桑》里杨立青试射的时候用的也是这支枪。  相似文献   

曾在一位作者的来稿中读到,和平年代军队应当加大“非军事应急战斗训练”,把与大自然搏斗、保护人民的生命财产安全,纳入军队日常工作的重要组成部分,深受感触。虽然此稿未能变成铅字,但已然在心的杂志上发表了。事实同样是,“非军事应急战斗训练”一直为我军的使命任务之一,今年7月,国务院、中央军委还颁布了《军队参加抢险救灾条例》,这里无须赘言,长期以来,人民军队就是以抵御外侵、统一祖国和保护人民的生命财产安全为己任,不怕流血牺牲,鞠躬尽瘁,直至生命之去重于泰山。即便今天的雨依旧下个不停,即便今天的长江闽江依旧险情不断,有英雄的人民军队在,祖国和人民尽可放心:哪里有险情,哪里就一定有人民子弟兵;哪里最危险,人民子弟兵就一定出现在哪  相似文献   

聚能射流形成过程的理论建模与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
分析了聚能射流的形成过程,并对其中的各阶段进行了详细建模。在模型中考虑了炸药爆轰、金属的驱动、药型罩压垮以及射流和杵体的形成过程。采用该模型对某一聚能装药结构进行了计算,计算结果表明:药型罩顶部和底部微元的压垮速度较小,在射流头部形成反向速度梯度,与试验数据吻合较好。该模型对于多级侵彻战斗部的工程设计与侵彻参数的计算具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

针对目前网络在人们的日常生活中的应用越来越广泛这种实际情况,介绍一些与网络数据安全有关的知识,对数据加密模型、对称(私用密钥)加密体制、非对称(公开密钥)加密体制等概念及常用算法进行了介绍。通过列举的方法介绍了加密应用中常用的几种技术,得出了XML加密技术在网络加密技术应用中有不可比拟的优势的结论。  相似文献   

《Arms and Armour》2013,10(2):149-162
Firth’s were the first of the Sheffield steel makers to enter the field armaments. Their involvement with Colt has been outlined in an article in the journal of the Colt Collectors Association in America and their activities as steelmakers to the small-arms industries has been covered in a previous issue of this Journal. This article gives a brief overview of their involvement as manufacturers in the field of heavy armaments, being the first to make all-steel guns and their evolving role in the use of steel for ordnance, culminating in the displacement of wrought iron by the adoption of steel for ordnance manufacture by the Royal Gun Factory in the 1880s. It also highlights their development of stainless steel in this context.  相似文献   

Relations between the USA and Pakistan have been tenuous since the 1947 partition of British India and the subsequent creation of the former. The 1979 Soviet intervention in Afghanistan focused the attention of the international community on South Asia. This article will examine the foreign policies of three successive US Presidential Administrations between 1977 and 1993, and how their decisions and corresponding actions were interpreted by the Pakistani government and its people. The key finding is the trend of the ebb and flow of US interest in Pakistan. The primary research conducted for this article shows that Pakistanis recognize this trend and consider it hypocritical of the US government. The current conditions in South Asia are ominously similar to those of 1992 with the drawdown of US and NATO troops from Afghanistan. Policy-makers would be wise to review the events of 1977–1993 so that the cycle is not repeated again.  相似文献   

This article examines the implications of the proliferation of cyberwarfare capabilities for the character and frequency of war. Consideration of strategic logic, perceptions, and bargaining dynamics finds that the size of the effect of the proliferation of cyberwarfare capabilities on the frequency of war will probably be relatively small. This effect will not be constant across all situations; in some cases the advent of cyberwarfare capabilities may decrease the likelihood of war. On the other hand, the use of computer network attack as a brute force weapon will probably become increasingly frequent.  相似文献   

As the United States and Russia contemplate the next stage of nuclear arms reductions beyond the 2010 New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, another issue enters the agenda—that of the impact of possible deep reductions on the shape of the global nuclear balance. As the gap between the US/Russian arsenals and the arsenals of “second-tier” nuclear weapon states narrows, the familiar shape of the global balance, which remains, to a large extent, bipolar, is likely to change. The article explores the Russian approach to the relationship between further US-Russian reductions and the prospect of “nuclear multipolarity,” and assesses the relative weight of this issue in Russian arms control policy as well as the views on the two specific regional balances—the one in Europe (including UK and French nuclear weapons) and in Asia (the possible dynamic of the Russian-Chinese nuclear balance).  相似文献   


From the 1982 Maitatsine Uprising to the 2009 Kala Kato Riot, Nigeria has been bedevilled by ethno-religious uprisings with devastating human and material losses. In almost all these crises the police and the military have featured prominently as agencies tasked with the responsibility of maintaining law and order and suppressing insurrection. While it was not alleged that they precipitated some of these risings perhaps in their attempts to stem or nip them in the bud, they have been accused of escalating the conflict either by their slow and inadequate responses, their partisanship and their arbitrary responses, or by their slackness in managing the crises and their aftermath. However, but for their efforts the security basis of the Nigerian state would have been considerably compromised by religious fundamentalism given the level of preparedness of the groups involved, their resistance and, more importantly, the recurrent nature of the uprisings. This article reflects on the management of ethno-religious uprisings in Nigeria by the police and the military. It considers the nature of the security agencies' involvement in the crises and examines the factors both within the agencies and in the larger Nigerian society which have aided or hindered their effective management of the conflicts.  相似文献   

The prospect of terrorists deploying weapons of mass destruction (WMD) is often referred to as the foremost danger to American national security. This danger has become more realistic because of al-Qaeda's expanding global network and the expressed willingness to kill thousands of civilians. In the past four years, numerous media reports have documented the group's ongoing quest for WMD capabilities; many reports have detailed al-Qaeda members’ attempts to manufacture or obtain certain chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) agents to use in WMD against targets in the West and the Middle East. Yet the question remains: Does al-Qaeda's current WMD capability match its actual intent? While most studies of the group have focused on its explicit desire for WMD, allegations of CBRN acquisition, and the killing potential of specific CBRN agents, few open-source studies have closely examined the evolution of al-Qaeda's consideration of WMD and, most notably, the merit of actual CBRN production instructions as depicted and disseminated in the group's own literature and manuals. The following report will examine the history of al-Qaeda's interest in CBRN agents, the evolution of the network's attitude toward these weapons, and the internal debate within the organization concerning acquisition and use of WMD. More so, the following research will assess the validity of actual CBRN production instructions and capabilities as displayed and disseminated in al-Qaeda's own literature and websites.  相似文献   

针对装备保障中维修调度对装备训练及可靠性的影响,将支队级修理所保障多艘舰船维修工作的情况抽象为单一维修台保障多个系统的维修力量调度分配,引入修理工可变休假策略对其进行描述,以装备结构中常见的n中取k系统为研究对象,针对以往研究利用指数分布等典型分布导致模型约束条件过于严格的问题,利用连续Phase-type分布描述了系统相关随机变量,构建系统可靠性解析模型,通过算例验证了模型适用性,模拟分析了修理工有无休假、修理工休假速率等相关因子对系统运行指标产生的各种影响。算例结果表明,该可靠性模型可以有效复现维修力量调度对n中取k系统可靠性的影响,可为修理工休假次数的合理安排、系统部件数量的优化配置提供理论基础和实践参考。  相似文献   

This paper examines how workplace goals affect the quality of worker output, using data from the recruiting command of the US Navy. Recruiting stations and recruiters are assigned monthly goals for the quantity of new recruits that may create an unintended incentive to sacrifice quality, especially towards the end of the month. Using data on the universe of Navy recruits from FY1998 to 2010, we find significant reductions in the quality of recruits towards the end of the contracting month, both in terms of pre-existing quality of recruits and in medium-term outcomes that reflect the quality of the job match.  相似文献   

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