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In November 2005, U.S. Marine Sergeant Frank Wuterich fired on and killed five unarmed Iraqi men standing by a car near the site of an improvised explosive device explosion (IED) in Haditha, Iraq. Moments earlier, the IED had destroyed a vehicle in the convoy that Wuterich led, killing one of the men in it. This article argues that analyzing Wuterich's conduct as a rapid non-conscious response captured by the model of Recognition-Primed Decision-Making (RPD) allows us to reconstruct his implicit decision-making in ways that provide insight into psychological processes that may operate during combat. Emerging research in neuroscience suggests that RPD in situations with moral significance involves a complex neural computational process in which emotion plays a powerful role. This article maintains that incorporating these insights can provide greater understanding of the moral psychology of behavior in combat, and may help guide military-ethics training for asymmetric conflicts that pose difficult significant challenges in distinguishing combatants from civilians.  相似文献   

This paper discusses soldiers’ moral responsibility in today’s complex conflicts. The point of departure is the increased focus on soldiers as moral decision-makers in war, illustrated by the introduction of core values in the Norwegian Armed Forces. Responsibility is one of these core values, but it is not clear exactly how we should understand responsibility. I use a case where a group of Norwegian soldiers in the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) sought the cooperation of a group of mujahedeen to solve the military mission of establishing security. As confidence between the parties grew, the soldiers became horrified witnesses to a practice of bacha bazi, where a young boy is dressed up for entertainment and sexual abuse. This situation gives reason to question the limits of role responsibility, the status of soldiers’ legitimacy, and the challenges of making morally sound judgments in a multicultural context. The discussion demonstrates that, even if there are restrictions on the soldiers’ freedom to act, a responsibility reaching beyond or extending their role should be recognized as part of the moral reality of modern soldiers.  相似文献   

现有的抗干扰滤波器在通道非理想特性下会导致接收机测量零值发生偏移,且偏移量与干扰参数相关,其已成为高精度测距接收机实现其精度提升的主要障碍。针对上述问题,从对称通道特性出发,给出一种无偏的时域抗干扰滤波器设计技术。解决了传统的时域抗干扰滤波器在非理想信道下测量零值偏移的问题,且工程实现简单。理论分析和仿真实验进一步验证了方法的有效性,采用该方法可以使测量零值偏移小于0.2 ns。  相似文献   

In clinical circles, the concept of “moral injury” has rapidly gained traction. Yet, from a moral philosophical point of view the concept is less clear than is suggested. That is, in current conceptualizations of moral injury, trauma’s moral dimension seems to be understood in a rather mechanistic and individualized manner. This article makes a start in developing an adequately founded conceptualization of the role of morality in deployment-related distress. It does so by reviewing and synthesizing insights from different disciplines into morality and trauma. This discussion will lead to three positions: (1) values and norms are by definition characterized by conflict, (2) moral conflict may entail important social dimensions, and (3) moral conflict may lead to altered beliefs about previously held values. These insights provide important steps in further developing conceptions of the role of morality in deployment-related suffering.  相似文献   

环境可以育人,良好的德育环境对未成年人的思想道德教育起着十分重要的作用。本文结合未成年人的特点,从学校德育环境、家庭德育环境和社会德育环境三方面,就如何优化德育环境,提高未成年人道德教育的实效性,促进未成年人健康成长做点探索。  相似文献   

在社会转型时期的学校教育受到许多挑战,加上一直以来对学校在道德教育中的作用被过分放大,使学校面临巨大的压力。实际上,真正的、有效的道德教育需要一个广泛的支持系统。我国需要结合学校、家庭、社区及社会的综合力量,营造"大德育"的环境,建立起道德教育的社会支持系统。  相似文献   

My aim in this paper is to reflect on a very narrow question: under what conditions might a cyber-attack provide a just cause for war? I begin by articulating what makes for a just cause, briefly address the problem of attribution, and then discuss three broad categories of cyber-attack: those that clearly do not satisfy the just cause requirement, those that clearly do satisfy the just cause requirement, and three ambiguous cases – the destruction of property, the emplacement of logic bombs, and the failure to prevent cyber-attacks. My conclusions are exploratory and suggestive rather than definitive, partly by virtue of the extreme paucity of literature on the moral assessment of cyberwar.  相似文献   

科学价值观的缺位,对文化软实力造成了现实冲击。道德教育可以从以下三个方面发展和提升文化软实力:端正文化软实力的价值取向,使它坚持为人民服务、为中国特色社会主义服务、为人类可持续发展服务;传播意识形态、繁荣科学技术、落实典章制度、纯净民情风俗及对各部分间关系的调节,优化文化软实力的价值结构;增强道德责任感、培养社会公德意识和扩大道德行为,促进文化软实力的价值实现。  相似文献   

着眼传统教育与思想品德修养的内在联系,从传统教育要增强激励效果,强化学员思想品德修养动力,传统教育要打牢理论根基,强化学员思想品德修养基础,传统教育要借助行为养成,强化学员思想品德修养效果三个方面,探讨了加强学员思想品德修养的实现途径。  相似文献   

Supply chain members can gain substantial benefits by coordinating their activities. However, a remaining challenge is to create useful coordination mechanisms when channel members are independent. This paper develops a coordination strategy with which a supplier uses quantity discounts to entice independent buyers to comply with an integer‐ratio time coordination scheme. The problem is analyzed as a Stackelberg game in which the supplier acts as the leader by announcing its coordination policy in advance and buyers act as followers by deciding their ordering decisions with this information. The strategy is compared to a coordination mechanism with quantity discounts and power‐of‐two time coordination. While both strategies are able to produce substantial benefits over simple quantity discounts, integer‐ratio time coordination provides a better coordination mechanism for a decentralized supply chain. It is shown that power‐of‐two time coordination may not be able to provide a stable equilibrium coordination strategy when buyers act independently and opportunistically. Furthermore, if this is not the case, integer‐ratio time coordination is at least equally effective. Unlike a centralized solution, under which the improvement by integer‐ratio over power‐of‐two time coordination is limited to 2% of optimality, system cost reduction from a decentralized coordination strategy could be much more significant. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004.  相似文献   

针对随机不确定性条件下多输出计算模型与物理实验数据之间一致性难以量化度量这一问题,本文提出一组新的基于混合矩的多输出模型确认指标。在不确定情况下,同时考虑到多维输出之间的相关关系和单输出的均值,构建了由多输出数学期望列阵和协方差矩阵组成的多输出模型确认局部混合矩指标和全局混合矩指标。其中局部混合矩指标包括绝对指标(LA-3M)和相对指标(LR-3M),它们适合固定位置的多输出局部模型确认;全局混合矩指标也包括绝对指标(GA-3M)和相对指标(GR-3M),它们适合多点位置的多输出全局模型确认。通过数字算例和工程算例,并与PIT和t-pooling 面积指标进行对比,结果表明本文所提指标可行有效,能够方便地度量计算模型和物理实验之间的差异程度。  相似文献   

In reply to Ward Wilson's response, the author notes that Wilson's current position about the effectiveness of nuclear deterrence is relatively agnostic compared to his original essay and that he now uses a much finer brush to define his qualms about nuclear deterrence. The perfectibility, rather than the existence of nuclear deterrence, is the paramount issue. The author also contends that in remaining fixated on civilian deaths and using Hiroshima and Nagasaki as his litmus test, Wilson fails to adequately consider whether there are other potential nuclear harms—fundamentally different in scale, scope, and moral and existential ramifications—that potentially can terrify societies enough to make nuclear deterrence a perfect or nearly perfect mode of security.  相似文献   

This commentary analyses the international response to the crisis that struck the Central African Republic (CAR) in early December 2013. It examines three intertwined dimensions defining the courses of action available to policymakers dealing with pre-genocidal crises: the politics and institutional manoeuvring shaping the United Nations (UN) Security Council's decision to authorise an enforcement mission without deploying ‘blue helmets’ on the ground; the operational complexities involved in launching rapid reaction forces; and the interdependent logics between peacebuilding and atrocity prevention. The author argues that there are three ways for the UN Secretariat to ensure a more effective response to CAR-type situations: generating political will to respond swiftly to deteriorating crises leading to widespread abuses of human rights by advancing the concept of Responsibility to Protect as a core component of states' national interests; developing strategic frameworks for the deployment of multi-plural missions equipped to avert the actual or potential threat of atrocities; and developing joint early warning and scenario planning between peacebuilding and atrocity prevention agencies.  相似文献   

This article serves as an introduction to a special section on the question of the legitimacy of non-state armed groups. Starting with a short discussion of the literature on armed groups as political actors, the authors emphasize the importance of the often-underestimated dimension of legitimacy. After having conceptualized legitimacy in more detail, the article addresses three key challenges armed groups usually face regarding the politics of legitimacy: first, they need to legitimize the use of violent means; second, for moral and material support, they depend on beliefs of legitimacy; and third, they need to simultaneously address various domestic and international audiences. Finally, the authors highlight a number of pending questions for further research on armed groups.  相似文献   


‘[Sovereignty] is possible only within the framework of multinational communities, of common institutions designed to provide common responses to common challenges. Security is no longer attainable in the traditional way. Neither the walled city nor the nation-state can provide protection against attack or threats of physical destruction… Increasingly the politics of nations revolve around the careful management of interdependence.’  相似文献   

In this article, we study the design and control of manufacturing cells with a mix of manual and automated equipment, operating under a CONWIP pull protocol, and staffed by a single agile (cross‐trained) worker. For a three‐station line with one automated station, we fully characterize the structure of the optimal control policy for the worker and show that it is a static priority policy. Using analytical models and extensive simulation experiments, we also evaluate the effectiveness of practical heuristic control policies and provide managerial insights on automation configuration design of the line. This characterization of the worker control policy enables us to develop managerial insights into the design issues of how best to locate and concentrate automation in the line. Finally, we show that, in addition to ease of control and greater design flexibility, the CONWIP protocol also offers higher efficiency and robustness than does the push protocol. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2009  相似文献   

网络的发展为高校人才培养提供了难得的机遇,但也带来了新的挑战,其中,网络道德失范就是一个值得关注的新课题。各高校必须认识到网络道德失范所带来的巨大危害,在认真分析其根源的基础上,从制定网络道德规范、培养网络道德自律、形成特色网络文化、净化高校网络环境等多方面入手,积极应对大学生网络道德失范。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is twofold. First, this article contributes to the understanding of the origins of maneuver warfare as the capstone doctrine of the Marine Corps. It does so by identifying a second source that fostered change in the Marine Corps – one in addition to disquiet about the conduct of the war in Vietnam – which stemmed from the challenges posed by the United States' post-Vietnam strategic and military reorientation. And second, this article examines the influence of organizational culture, or identity, on innovation in the Marine Corps. A critical strand in the growing literature on military innovation focuses on organizational culture and how it influences the behavior and responses of particular military organizations. This article contributes to this literature by analyzing the influence of the organizational culture of the Marine Corps in shaping what was deemed an appropriate response to the challenges it confronted in the 1970s.  相似文献   

“Nuclear threshold states”—those that have chosen nuclear restraint despite having significant nuclear capabilities—seem like the perfect partners for the reinvigorated drive toward global nuclear disarmament. Having chosen nuclear restraint, threshold states may embrace disarmament as a way to guarantee the viability of their choice (which may be impossible in a proliferating world). Supporting disarmament efforts affirms their restraint, both self-congratulating and self-fulfilling. Additionally, the commitment to their non-nuclear status springs at least in part from a moral stance against nuclear weapons that lends itself to energetic support of global disarmament. However, threshold states also offer significant challenges to the movement for nuclear weapons elimination, in particular in relation to acquisition of enrichment and reprocessing facilities. This article analyzes both the challenges and opportunities posed by threshold states by examining the cases of Brazil and Japan.  相似文献   

孔子重视道德教育,提出了以“仁”为核心的道德教育思想,他把道德教育放在教育的突出位置,在道德教育中注重贯彻因材施教原则,重视道德实践的训练,强调发挥领导者的模范带头作用。当代公民道德建设,应该营造相互关心、团结互助、讲究制度和规范的良好氛围,应该重视公民行为规范的训练和习惯的养成,要构建家庭、学校、社会“三位一体”的道德教育模式。  相似文献   

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