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军事装备学学科若干问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述了军事装备学学科的基本概念、主要任务和基本特性;提出了由基础理论、方法理论和应用理论组成的学科理论体系框架;明确了学科体系中3个二级学科的内涵和研究内容;对相关学科进行了分类,并重点研究了与作战指挥学、武器系统与运用工程、管理科学与工程等学科的关系.  相似文献   

学科理论是反映学科自身建设系统化的理性知识.警卫心理学作为一门新兴的学科,其学科建设理论是学科理论体系中不可缺少的理论模块.加强警卫心理学学科理论研究,对于明确和把握警卫心理学的研究方向,勾画警卫心理学研究内容的中心和轮廓,揭示该学科的内在联系和发展规律均具有现实的理论和实践意义.  相似文献   

文章论述了构建军队会计理论体系及学科体系的必要性,提出了军队会计理论体系及学科体系的基本框架,即军队会计理论体系应包括基础理论、结构理论、规范理论三个层次;军队会计学科体系应包括会计学通用学科和军队会计专业学科两个层面。  相似文献   

边防情报活动理论体系的形成与发展在国内外的异同点.无论各国对边防情报学予以何种学术名称,边防情报活动皆是存在的,边防情报活动理论体系皆是存在的,边防情报活动理论体系的结构、内容亦是相同的,即边防情报学是以独立学科的形式形成与发展的.  相似文献   

中国维和警察特色理论是中国维和警察学科理论体系基本框架的重要组成部分。对中国维和警察特色理论的概念、主体、特征、范畴进行了探讨,以构建中国维和警察特色理论的基本框架,为中国维和警察学科理论体系研究奠定坚实基础。  相似文献   

论建立综合的装备保障理论体系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
装备保障已成为一个极其重要的和独立的军事活动 ,建立综合的装备保障理论体系是装备保障发展的客观要求 ,也是军事学科发展的现实需求。分析了装备保障与后勤保障的关系 ,装备保障理论体系与后勤保障理论体系的边界划分 ,装备保障理论体系的学科归属 ,最后对装备保障理论体系的构建进行了分析  相似文献   

公安现役部队后勤工作是一项政策性、原则性和专业性很强的管理工作,它既有解放军和武警部队后勤管理工作的共性,又有区别于解放军和武警部队后勤工作的特性,是一门内容极其丰富有着相对独立研究领域的学科。为进一步建立和完善具有公安边防、消防、警卫部队特色的后勤学科理论体系,不断总结和推动公安现役部队的后勤理论研究和实践水平的提高,分析了成立公安现役部队后勤研究中心的必要性和可行性,对公安现役部队后勤工作和学科建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   

军事系统学是研究战争与军事领域的系统特征与规律的一门军事学新兴学科。经过30多年的学科建设,以军事系统理论为基础,军事运筹学、作战实验学、军事系统工程、军事需求学为骨干分支学科的学科理论体系基本形成,具备了由单一的军事运筹学二级学科发展为综合的军事系统学一级学科的成熟条件。军事系统学的主要研究方向及研究内容有军事系统学基本理论、国防系统分析、作战运筹分析、作战实验、军事系统建模与仿真及军事系统管理与技术。  相似文献   

公安学基础理论是公安学理论体系的基础内容和重要组成部分.近年来,公安学基础理论已经取得了学科建设的阶段性成果,但与理论深入、系统完整、具有公安学特色的基础理论体系的要求还有一定距离.“H”型架构公安学基础理论体系存在着基本概念和关系模型方面的缺陷,以及文字表述和概念内涵之间的矛盾.“主体—对象—客体”关系是新的关系模型,基于该模型构建公安学基础理论基本概念和理论体系,更符合公安学基础理论的学科定位.  相似文献   

陈满先 《国防》2011,(9):55-57
自上世纪八十年代有学者提出国防教育应该有"学"以来,国防教育领域的专家学者们就构建国防教育的学科体系作出了不懈努力,取得了很多成果,如国防大学训练部学生军训工作办公室编著的《国防教育学》、苑士军主编的《国防教育概论》、李先德所著的《国防教育学概论》、傅景云主编的《国防教育概论》等,均为构建国防教育学的学科理论体系作出了突出贡献。但是一门学科的成熟,必须要有完整的科学理论体系,笔者以为,国防教育虽已构建起理论体系,但尚不成熟和完整,只能算是初步有"学"。按照构建学科体系的基本要求,首要的问题是如何概括出理论体系的逻辑起点。而要概括出理论体系的逻辑起点,则必须准确界定其基本概念。  相似文献   

数据通信是后勤领域应用系统中亟待解决的重要问题.大部分接入军事综合信息网的单位,可利用该广域网,采用JMS消息服务技术,实现分布式系统数据通信.尚未接入军事综合信息网的单位,可以依托专用CDMA无线通信网络,该网络覆盖面广,通信可靠,建立迅速,维护费用低,能够实现安全、及时地传输业务数据.两者结合,将构成一个全方位、一...  相似文献   

Inventory systems with returns are systems in which there are units returned in a repairable state, as well as demands for units in a serviceable state, where the return and demand processes are independent. We begin by examining the control of a single item at a single location in which the stationary return rate is less than the stationary demand rate. This necessitates an occasional procurement of units from an outside source. We present a cost model of this system, which we assume is managed under a continuous review procurement policy, and develop a solution method for finding the policy parameter values. The key to the analysis is the use of a normally distributed random variable to approximate the steady-state distribution of net inventory. Next, we study a single item, two echelon system in which a warehouse (the upper echelon) supports N(N ? 1) retailers (the lower echelon). In this case, customers return units in a repairable state as well as demand units in a serviceable state at the retailer level only. We assume the constant system return rate is less than the constant system demand rate so that a procurement is required at certain times from an outside supplier. We develop a cost model of this two echelon system assuming that each location follows a continuous review procurement policy. We also present an algorithm for finding the policy parameter values at each location that is based on the method used to solve the single location problem.  相似文献   

组合式空调机组具有功能段组合灵活、技术参数可选范围大以及对目标环境指标操控性强等优点,广泛应用于导弹和卫星测试环境调控等军事领域。但是机组在运行过程中常出现风机风量不足、加热器加热不均以及除湿能力下降等问题,直接影响着机组性能的发挥。针对上述问题,以某基地某型空调机组为研究对象,设计了一套具有实时监测、在线评估、分段报警和故障诊断等功能的空调机组运行的状态监测与故障诊断系统,重点阐述了该系统的设计思路、硬件组成及软件框架。该系统在提高空调机组的性能监控、故障报警、故障诊断与隔离的能力及故障类型确定、故障部件的快速定位,为相关部门提供维修决策措施等方面具有实际意义。  相似文献   

We consider an integrated usage and maintenance optimization problem for a k‐out‐of‐n system pertaining to a moving asset. The k‐out‐of‐n systems are commonly utilized in practice to increase availability, where n denotes the total number of parallel and identical units and k the number of units required to be active for a functional system. Moving assets such as aircraft, ships, and submarines are subject to different operating modes. Operating modes can dictate not only the number of system units that are needed to be active, but also where the moving asset physically is, and under which environmental conditions it operates. We use the intrinsic age concept to model the degradation process. The intrinsic age is analogous to an intrinsic clock which ticks on a different pace in different operating modes. In our problem setting, the number of active units, degradation rates of active and standby units, maintenance costs, and type of economic dependencies are functions of operating modes. In each operating mode, the decision maker should decide on the set of units to activate (usage decision) and the set of units to maintain (maintenance decision). Since the degradation rate differs for active and standby units, the units to be maintained depend on the units that have been activated, and vice versa. In order to minimize maintenance costs, usage and maintenance decisions should be jointly optimized. We formulate this problem as a Markov decision process and provide some structural properties of the optimal policy. Moreover, we assess the performance of usage policies that are commonly implemented for maritime systems. We show that the cost increase resulting from these policies is up to 27% for realistic settings. Our numerical experiments demonstrate the cases in which joint usage and maintenance optimization is more valuable. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 64: 418–434, 2017  相似文献   

对武器系统中的信息处理功能单元及其之间的信道通信从时间延迟的角度进行了建模,以便能更好地仿真整个武器系统的功能,并以某防空武器系统为例,对其各处理功能单元及其通信信道的时间延迟模型进行了描述。  相似文献   

The resource leveling problem for a construction system producing a stream of output units is considered. The system is modeled using a critical-path-analysis activity network, from which an extended network is developed for an integrated planning effort of all output units. Activity intensity variables are defined which measure activity demand rates for resources and consequent activity durations for the production of each output unit. A heuristic approach consisting of an iterative nonlinear programming procedure is presented which computes activity durations (intensities) for the minimization of resource capacity costs subject to meeting construction due dates. The application to a major ship overhaul project is described, in which the procedure was used to level workloads of the various labor–trade shops.  相似文献   

基于陆军作战分队网络化作战体系,设计了陆战武器网络化火控系统的组成与模型、协同作战模式与系统信息流程,总结了网络化火控系统的发展应用前景,将为陆战武器网络化火控系统的技术突破、功能实现、产品设计奠定基础。  相似文献   

给出了基于状态评估的复杂任务成功性评估模型,通过任务分解确定相关功能单元,而后利用D-S证据理论对相关功能单元的技术状态展开评估,结合具体任务剖面与技术状态评估结果实现对复杂系统的任务成功性评估。最后以实例表明该方法运用在某型装甲装备任务成功性评估上的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

A trigger-off replacement policy, suggested and analyzed in [1], for two-unit systems composed of identical units, is generalized and extended in this work in several ways. In the first part of the paper we obtain the appropriate integral equations for nonidentical units and then use them for a complete solution of the case of two units, whose lifetimes are distributed according to general Erlang distributions. In the second part of the paper we extend the trigger-off policy itself by allowing preventive replacements of units which reach a certain critical age. The system stops working if either one of the two units fails or reaches its critical age. Both cases present natural replacement possibilities for the remaining unit, provided that its age exceeds a predetermined critical age. Finally, we consider the question of which policy parameters, i.e. control limits and critical ages, to choose when facing a real-life situation. Using the criterion of expected costs per unit time in the long run, we show how to find the optimal parameters which minimize this objective function. The fact that a restricted optimization, within the class of trigger-off replacement policies, leads to the global optimal policy has been proved in [2] by a different approach.  相似文献   

聂文兵 《国防科技》2021,42(3):135-142
针对步兵分队侦察训练存在地形受限、战斗情境失真、训练条件构设难等问题,本文在系统分析军事需求的基础上,采用软、硬结合的虚拟仿真技术对步兵分队侦察模拟训练系统框架、体系结构、物理结构、内外接口和应用模式进行了详细分析设计,并对关键技术进行了剖析,该系统方案设计已应用于步兵分队侦察模拟训练系统建设,并投入到院校教学训练中。实践表明,系统通过逼真的视、听一体化实现了高度沉浸式的训练,以现实地形和敌情的高度仿真与灵活组合,满足了步兵分队侦察技能训练对多样化战场环境、实战化目标设置的特殊要求,大大提升了步兵分队地形侦察、敌情侦察及综合对抗训练效益。  相似文献   

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