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介绍了自给闭路式正压氧气呼吸器的结构、工作原理和使用特点。论述了自给闭路式正压氧气呼吸器在消防抢险救援中使用的必要性,探讨了实现其技术先进性的措施和途径。  相似文献   

NFPA1981是美国消防协会关于消防和应急开路自给式呼吸器的标准.介绍了谊标准的历史沿革、2002年版主要内客,讨论了新增的HUD、RICUAC,以及EOSTI的技术要求。  相似文献   

北京某预备役防化团紧密结合当前实际,着眼促进军民融合式发展,大力打造过硬核化应急救援力量,组织应急分队人员进行了以盾棍术、队列、防护、侦毒器的操作与使用,核化生救援技术专家咨询系统为主要内容的强化训练;为应急分队遂行多样化核化生应急救援任  相似文献   

阐述了民用设备用于消防灭火救援的使用现状和存在的主要问题,从使用民用设备被动管理分析了存在这些问题的主要原因,并采取提高调集能力、参战队员的救援素质、民用设备的使用率、注册登记的基础建设、互相制约机制等对策加强依法注册登记管理民用设备,拓宽灭火救援装备来源,解决灭火救援装备短缺的问题,调动全社会力量更好地完成消防部队担负的各项灭火救援任务。  相似文献   

为规范和统一基层消防部队制作灭火救援预案所使用的计算机图标符号,作者以字符库为基础,开发了在Office上使用的消防符号插件,以及软件在实际使用过程中的问题与效果,并探讨了灭火救援预案制图的发展方向。  相似文献   

根据部队使用"手枪式催泪喷射器"、"警棍式催泪喷射器"、"37毫米爆炸式催泪弹"三种产品的反馈意见,年初,科研部组织召开了三种产品技术改进方案论证会。各课题组技术人员分别就技术改进路线、完成时限,研究制定了产品的改进方案。经过努力工作,目前三种产品的技术改进工作已顺利完成。  相似文献   

民用爆炸物品是国家严格管制的特殊商品。为了切实加强民用爆炸物品在生产、贮存、运输、使用等重要环节的绝对安全,前不久,河北省国防科工办,迁安市人民政府主办了民爆产品流通企业安全事故应急救援预案演练,这在全国民爆产品流通企业中尚属首次。这次演练,集中地选取了民用爆炸物品发生盗窃、失火、爆炸三种典型的案例组织,取得圆满成功。  相似文献   

在部队组织搜救落水人员的时候,可能遇到需要救援人员渡水教人的突发情况,在接受前线指挥和做好自身防护工作的同时,如何在最短时间内救援落水目标,是我们在洪灾中需要思考的问题。本文建立了三个基本优化模型,使如何在救援行动中高效的完成救援任务,有了一定的技术指导,同时得出了相关结论。  相似文献   

航空军事运输力量是执行非战争军事行动中救援行动的主体力量,其兵力使用问题研究具有重要的实际意义。通过分析航空军事运输力量在非战争军事行动中不同救援任务类型的特点,提出了兵力使用的基本依据,构建了遂行不同任务类型的兵力使用模型,并通过计算实例对模型进行了验证,最后给出结论。  相似文献   

对高层住宅安全疏散的几种形式进行了比较,重点分析了剪刀楼梯对日常使用和疏散救援的影响。提出了改进意见,并试图探索一种疏散楼梯与临时避难平台相结合的疏散方式。  相似文献   

This article details the history and philosophy behind major changes in police tradition and organisation in Nigeria in 1955. Women in the Nigeria Police Force (NPF), influenced by their background as enforcers of societal norms, developed a type of social-work-oriented policing. Using primary and secondary sources of historical information, this article discusses the origin of women in the NPF, the specialised role of women in police work, and the changes that have been effected in the roles and functions of women in policing in Nigeria. Situated within the conceptual frameworks of patriarchy and gender, this article argues that gender biases impeded the incorporation of women into the police and, when eventually introduced, gender limitations constrained their roles, operations and activities.  相似文献   

从软件测试在软件开发过程中的作用出发,阐述了软件测试在武器系统研制试验与鉴定过程中的重要地位,指出武器系统在靶场进行试验过程中,对武器系统软件进行系统测试的重要性。根据靶场的实际条件和武器系统在靶场进行试验时武器系统软件具有的特点,基于现代软件测试理论和软件测试方法,研究探讨了在靶场这一特殊的环境下对武器系统软件进行系统测试的试验方法和进行测试的系统步骤,对武器系统软件的靶场测试具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Violent conflict escalated in Africa in 2014, with five sub-Saharan states – the Central African Republic (CAR), Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Sudan – accounting for an estimated 75% of all conflict-related deaths on the continent. This paper provides an overview of the five major sub-Saharan African conflicts in 2014 and considers the underlying causes and dynamics in the Seleka/anti-Balaka conflict in the CAR, the Islamist threats of Boko Haram and al-Shabaab in Nigeria and Somalia, the civil war in South Sudan, and the long-running conflict between Sudan's government and southern and Darfuri rebels. The paper unpacks the general trends evident in these conflicts and the implications for the settlement thereof, including the targeting of civilians, ethnic and religious mobilisation and the state as epicentre of violence. The paper concludes with a brief look ahead to 2015.  相似文献   

This article provides a critical analysis of counterinsurgency in Afghanistan at the tactical level. The efforts of several Naval Special Warfare detachments deployed to Naw Bahar district in Zabul Province, Afghanistan are examined in detail to identify key successes and failures in planning and execution. It defines the operating environment in which the detachments worked and identifies the goals and outcomes of the first and second phases of the counterinsurgency effort. The article concludes by placing the tactical effort in the context of the overall strategy in Afghanistan and suggests that time is the limiting factor to success.  相似文献   

Countries in transition often experience increased levels of crime, making their citizens vulnerable to the exploits of criminals. The lack of reliable statistics hampers the development of sound crime reduction strategies. This essay considers the value of victim surveys as additional sources of information to augment official police data. It presents the findings of such a survey undertaken in Dar es Salaam and compares them with findings obtained in similar surveys of Cape Town, Durban, Pretoria and Johannesburg. The information obtained in the survey conducted in Dar es Salaam provides valuable insights into crime rates and patterns. In comparing the results of the survey in Dar es Salaam, some interesting trends emerged around the theft of vehicle parts and vehicle theft, violent crimes, the levels of violence employed in burglaries and the use of weapons. The information gleaned from these surveys will go far in developing crime reduction strategies and measures that will be effective and appropriately targeted.  相似文献   

汉维语数字作为各自语言文字的一部分,其主要功能是计数,表实指,是数概念在语言系统中的反映。但在文学作品和日常生活中,由于汉、维两种语言表达习惯上的差异很大,各有其独特的称数方式,而且使用方法也各不相同,因此给人们的理解和使用带来一定的困难,本文主要从汉、维语数词方面的差别入手,对汉、维语数词进行对比性探讨,并对汉、维语数词的差别做了归纳。  相似文献   

The period from December 1940 through to the spring of 1941 saw the British Army win a series of rapid and decisive victories over Italian and Vichy French forces in North and East Africa and the Middle East. A key feature of these operations was the extensive British use of fast-moving all-arms mobile formations utilising superior speed and mobility to out-manoeuvre considerably larger Italian formations. A number of reasons have been given for the British Army adopting this mode of warfare, but the paper contends that the best explanation is that they were an organic evolution from methods used by the British Army in ‘small wars’ throughout the early twentieth century, use of mobile ‘frontier columns’ at the operational and tactical level of war being described and recommended by Callwell himself and visible with the Army in practice in operations in India and the Middle East in particular. The inter-war period saw the combination of this model of warfare with post-First World War military technology, notably tanks, close air support and coordination by wireless. Colonial operations in this period also saw some utilisation of what would later be identified as ‘Special Forces’ – also used extensively in the Desert War – the most obvious example being Captain Orde Wingate's Special Night Squads in Palestine in 1938.  相似文献   


The Sahel has gained attention in international politics as one of the central theatres in the war on terrorism. International actors in this war seek alliances with states in the region, reinforcing the latter’s military strength and their legitimacy from outside. At the same time, increasingly-connected young populations question the legitimacy of their states, and contest that legitimacy from within and below. In the absence of states delivering any reasonable form of social contract, young people become torn between different governing orders and find themselves in a liminal space. In this article we present the cases of youth in Mali and Chad, who find themselves in a period of re-definition of their position in society and hence search for legitimate structures representation. In this search they may frame their belonging in terms of ethnicity, religion or political opposition – and increasingly also in adherence to global citizenship. New information flows and connectivity among young people in these regions, and between them and the diaspora, has given a new turn to their search for citizenship/belonging and rightful representation. However, whether their search will be successful in this geopolitical context is questionable.  相似文献   


While the study of organised violence is considered essential to understanding the history of the West, and accordingly imbued with various layers of meaning and remembrance, war is widely regarded as inimical to the modern nation in Africa and stable development more broadly. Using examples drawn from primarily from East Africa, this paper considers the ways in which warfare in the deeper (‘precolonial’) past has been framed and envisioned in recent decades, in particular by governments whose own roots lie in revolutionary armed struggle and who began life as guerrilla movements. While in some cases particular elements of the deeper past were indeed mobilised in pursuit of contemporary political goals, in many other scenarios histories of precolonial violence were beheld as problematic and unworthy of remembrance. This paper highlights the paradox and ambiguity which has attended the memory of key aspects of Africa’s deeper past.  相似文献   

Central to the mainstream Sikh identity is the concept of ethically-justified force, used as a last resort. There is no place for absolute pacifism in this conception of ethical living. Fighters and martyrs occupy an important place in the Khalsa narrative, and Sikhs are constantly reminded of the sacrifices and heroism of their co-religionists of the past. This article explores how the Sikh warrior identity is manifested in the contemporary world. It examines the Sikhs who, in the 1980s and 1990s, were involved on both sides of the Punjab crisis: those militants who fought for a Sikh homeland (“Khalistan”) and those Sikhs in the Indian army who suppressed the insurgency. The article also looks beyond the militants and soldiers to Sikhs employed in modern security-related professions, the broader issue of Sikh symbols relating to the use of force, and violence within the Sikh diaspora. An examination of the Sikhs in various parts of the world reveals additional uses and consequences of ideology, whether in enlistment in the armed forces of the states in which they live, or in the support of the militancy in India, particularly in the 1980s. The conclusion is that the modern Sikh warrior is a nuanced actor behaving in various ways, some overt and some subtle: the warrior is willing to physically fight those perceived to be tyrannous, but most initiatives have shifted to pursuing justice through non-violent means, such as legal struggles for civil rights. Although armed Sikh militancy against the Indian government is in the past, there are strong residual resentments still requiring redress. All of this is of great relevance to understanding the ethics of armed force within modern Sikhism.  相似文献   

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