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采用自制的复合荧光粉体和化学载体成分,研制出一种步兵轻武器新型夜瞄复合荧光材料.通过试验分别研究了新材料的发光性能、耐温性能、耐腐蚀性能和耐表面处理性能.试验结果表明,研制的新型夜瞄复合荧光材料发光时间长、亮度高,具有良好的耐温、耐腐蚀性能,不受武器表面处理的影响,可满足步兵轻武器夜间瞄准需求.  相似文献   

震惊全球的海湾战争,步兵披挂上阵只“表演”了4天,战争结束了。在波黑战争和科索沃战争中,步兵干脆就没有捞到表现的机会。一时间,“步兵及其使用的轻武器在高技术战争中已无用武之地”的论调颇有市场。但随着人们对高技术战争认识的深化,各国越来越认识到步兵及其使用的轻武器仍然是未来战争中不可缺少的重要力量。从一些发达国家研究轻武器的热潮中,不难看出其发展的新趋势。  相似文献   

轻武器是指由单兵或班组携行使用的战斗武器,主要包括种类枪械和近战武器。它具有结构简单,携行方便、使用灵活等特点,不仅是步兵分队的骨干装备,也是各军兵种的通用武器装备。我军轻武器经过60年的发展,已从建国时期的“万国枪展”发展成为当今轻武器家族的一朵“奇葩”。  相似文献   

步兵轻武器在对空作战中曾发挥了积极作用。1942年6月,德军在苏联战场上损失的飞机就有13%是被苏联士兵用步兵武器击落的。五十年代,在朝鲜战场上,美军有六百七十架喷气机被中国人民志愿军和朝鲜人民军战士手中的轻武器和高射机  相似文献   

轻武器是指由单兵和班组携行使用的战斗武器,主要包括枪械和近战武器,在各国军队中轻武器的装备数量都是最大的。枪械是轻武器装备的主体,在革命战争年代乃至建国后相当长的时间内,都是我军步兵使用的主要武器装备。值此建军80周年之际,特以手枪、步枪、机枪为切入点,结合不同的历史时期,对我军轻武器装备的发展作一简要回顾。从中可以看出我军轻武器装备从最初的"以缴获为主的万国枪展"到现在"独立自主、门类齐全"的发展脉络,更可体会到我军轻武器科研工作者的执着与艰辛。  相似文献   

20世纪以前,“轻武器”一词受到当时武器种类的限制,涵盖面很窄,提到“轻武器”主要是指枪械。以后随着科学技术的进步和步兵武器的发展,“轻武器”概念不断得到拓宽,定义也在逐渐地完善。目前,对轻武器的定义  相似文献   

经过长期的开发之后,轻武器基本结构及弹药的发展势头已经明显减弱。以微电子、新材料技术为代表的高新技术的发展,在看似“一潭死水”的轻武器研制格局中激起波澜,成为轻武器的“力量倍增器”,为提高其作战效能注入了活力。新概念、新机理轻武器的发展,必将大大丰富步兵的作战手段。  相似文献   

现代战争要求步兵分队在自己的作战距离内,对各种点面目标应具有很高的精确打击能力,因此要求轻武器装备必须具备先进的观察、测距、瞄准等功能,这就要求轻武器在结构、技术方面不断改进。其中最引人注目的是光电火控系统在轻武器装备上的应用。它标志着轻武器向现代高新技术领域迈出了至关重要的一步。  相似文献   

王政昱  陈亮 《国防科技》2006,(10):84-87
全文记述和评析了在坦克进入战场之初,仅仅以轻武器武装起来的步兵与刚刚爬出襁褓的陆战之王进行的对抗斗争。本文着重从步兵的角度去追溯反坦克战术和武器的起源,探求反坦克作战的开端。  相似文献   

作为步兵的主要轻武器装备之一,班组支援武器正向着轻量化,智能化的方向发展。“理想班组支援武器”(Objective Crew Served Weapons,OCSW)是21世纪初美军步兵武器发展的重点。1994年,美军在“联合勤务轻武器计划”(JSSAP)中列出“理想单兵战斗武器”(OICW)的同时,也提出发  相似文献   

分析目前步兵武器零件表层喷涂技术现状,提出全气动自动喷涂机设计方案,根据步兵武器零件结构特点,规划自动喷涂轨迹,设计全气动自动化喷涂专用设备.该设备具有本质安全性,适于部队条件下使用.  相似文献   

Counterinsurgency is often characterized by large numbers of small fire-fights interspersed with a few larger battles. Heavy firepower contributes to the outcome of the larger battles but the smaller contacts are often fought by infantry without heavy weapons support. Infantry combat performance in these fire-fights is therefore a key concern. It has been fashionable to discuss soldier combat performance in terms of ‘firers’, ‘non-firers’, and ‘posturers’, but we argue that other factors have a greater impact. We provide a detailed statistical analysis of a selection of combat factors, using combat data collected by the 1st Australian Task Force (1ATF) during the Vietnam War. An accepted measure of soldier lethality is the ‘shots per casualty’ ratio. Using this measure we are now able to describe the combat performance of the Australian infantry section in Vietnam in much greater detail than has hitherto been possible.  相似文献   

Li Chen 《战略研究杂志》2015,38(1-2):183-214
This article analyses the impact of the Korean War on the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA), particularly the period of positional warfare from 1951 to 1953. In the war of movement between October 1950 and June 1951, the PLA relied on its civil war era weapons and experience, including the doctrine of ‘battle of annihilation’. Operations in early 1951 suggested that the civil war legacies of the PLA no longer applied to the realities of combat in Korea. Based on both Soviet aid and domestic mobilisation, the PLA managed to build the material foundation for positional warfare and rapidly improved its logistics. Operationally, on the defensive, the PLA developed combined operations integrating infantry, artillery, and armoured forces. The PLA learned the lessons of the Korean War and strengthened its ties with the Soviet armed forces in order to modernise itself. The Korean War thus transformed the PLA from Civil War victor to Cold War guard.  相似文献   

随着激光、新材料、微电子、声光、电光等高技术的发展,利用各种束能产生强大杀伤威力的定向能武器已引起世界高度重视。定向能武器成为战场上高速移动目标的"克星",是能有效制敌的"杀手锏"装备,对未来作战样式和形态具有重要影响。文章系统分析了定向能武器的军事应用前景,详细剖析了世界定向能武器技术的研究进展及发展动向,给出了未来要大力发展的激光武器、高功率微波武器和粒子束武器关键技术,对于加快我军定向能武器装备发展,提升非对称制衡能力,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

Becoming a nuclear weapon state and sustaining a militarily credible nuclear weapons capability is far from trivial, especially for medium powers. Such a capability is demonstrated by much more than firing a first test or acquiring significant quantities of fissile material; capability is indicated by factors including weaponization, delivery of weapons, reliability and effectiveness of weapons and their delivery systems, fissile material availability, and nuclear and non-nuclear testing. Files in the British National Archives shed considerable light on the problems faced by the nuclear weapon program of the United Kingdom from 1952 through the late 1960s. The question is whether this experience is unique or if it instead offers insights into the potential problems faced by, or facing, other medium or aspiring nuclear weapon states. The proliferation-related topics highlighted include: fissile material production, nuclear testing, the first weapon, weapon delivery rates, non-nuclear testing, delivery platform problems, and long-term maintenance and capability sustainability. Further research could provide clearer insights.  相似文献   

武器装备命名研究在我国是一个比较新的课题。宏观上分析武器装备命名的特点有助于确立新课题的框架,为进一步深入研究奠定基础。总体而言,武器装备命名有着政治、军事、民族、历史四个方面的特点。  相似文献   

The French Navy's part in the Algerian War has been overlooked, but was vitally important. It took two main forms. The first, and primary, mission was to cut off the Algerian nationalists from outside support by a rigorous coastal blockade. Maritime surveillance in the Mediterranean and along the Algerian littoral achieved this. Inshore patrol vessels, supported by larger warships, sealed the routes by which the nationalists sought to infiltrate weapons and newly-trained guerrilla fighters from camps and arms dumps in Tunisia and Morocco. The French Navy intercepted cargo ships that sailed from East Bloc ports, attempting to smuggle arms into the Algerian nationalists. The most celebrated successes were the seizures of the Athos, Slovenija and Lidice in 1958–59. The Navy's second mission involved the deployment ashore, from April 1956, of the marine infantry (the demibrigade of Fusiliers-Marins). These units participated in the sweeps by French army units and engaged insurgent bands. They also garrisoned and protected installations, port facilities and transport networks in Algeria's coastal hinterland.  相似文献   

One of the biggest challenges currently facing the developing world is the proliferation of small arms and light weapons. Arms control and disarmament have been part of the diplomatic agenda since the middle of the 19th century and were two of the most important issues facing the world's major powers during the 1960s and 1970s. When the Cold War ended, different instruments had been developed to negotiate the control over nuclear, chemical, biological and conventional weapons. However, the proliferation of small arms and light weapons poses new challenges to the international system. While control over legitimate use is laudable, the major problem relates to the illicit proliferation external to the state system. To address this challenge, international and national law faces the challenge of regime creation, and of the implementation and enforcement of international and national standards. Possible approaches to regime creation are discussed in this essay and recent examples are provided of how these were applied in practice to the issue of small arms and light weapons by the OAS, ECOWAS, SADC, the OAU and in East Africa.  相似文献   


Nuclear disarmament is often seen as eventually requiring access to nuclear warheads or to the warhead-dismantlement process to verify that a state has not hidden weapons or weapon-materials despite promising to disarm. This article suggests this view is misplaced, and that what is needed is a verification mechanism able to provide reliable assurances of the absence of fissile materials available for use in weapons after a state has disarmed. Such a mechanism will need an initial declaration of the amount of fissile materials held by a state for all purposes, military and civilian. In a state with a nuclear arsenal awaiting elimination, this declaration would have to include materials that may not be available for verification because they are in nuclear weapons or are in other classified or proliferation-sensitive forms. This article describes a verification arrangement that does not require access to materials in weapons and in sensitive forms while still allowing checks on the overall accuracy of the declaration. Verification of the completeness and correctness of the declaration is deferred to the time when the weapons-relevant material enters the disposition process, at which point it no longer has any sensitive attributes. By removing the focus on monitoring warheads and dismantlement, this new approach could provide a more manageable path to nuclear disarmament.  相似文献   

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