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针对导弹空间飞行环境的日益恶化,为了分析空间碎片对远程弹道导弹空间飞行安全的影响,分析了导弹弹道和空间碎片预测模型,建立了基于数值法的远程弹道导弹与空间碎片碰撞预警模型,通过仿真分析了空间碎片对远程弹道导弹飞行安全的影响.仿真结果表明,空间碎片对远程弹道导弹空间飞行安全具有潜在的威胁,研究结果可为导弹飞行安全预警和导弹发射窗口选择提供一些借鉴.  相似文献   

首先阐述和分析了赛博空间和电子战的概念和特点,给出了电子战在赛博空间中的定位。然后探讨了电子战在赛博空间中的应用,给出了电子战在赛博空间中可能应用的几大方面。最后总结了赛博空间电子战面临的关键技术与挑战。  相似文献   

复杂作战交互所具有的区域性特征,对作战仿真系统战场空间建模提出了新的要求.首先阐述了基于空间区域划分的战场空间模型的实现思想、概述了模型实现方法,并给出了模型的形式化描述;然后,就基于空间区域划分的战场空间模型对于区域性复杂作战交互建模的支持进行了简单探讨;最后,通过一个简单的实例,分析了基于空间划分的战场空间模型对于作战仿真系统运行性能的影响.  相似文献   

综述了信息化作战发展动态,采用思维空间、地理空间、赛博空间、地赛空间*新概念分析了信息化战场作战对抗领域.探讨了新空间概念对武器体系需求和研究理念的影响.提出了地赛空间领域体系对抗"能流体系"的概念和能流体系对抗与控制的思想,探讨了地赛空间领域对抗的内容和层次.分析了地赛空间领域能流体系对抗的特征,提出了武器装备体系研...  相似文献   

空间武器系统效能分析研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
总结了进行空间武器效能评估研究的意义,给出了空间武器系统效能的概念,探讨了ADC法、指数法、层次分析法、模糊评判法、灰色层次评估法、SEA法、多指标综合评价法、系统动力学法、专家评定法等效能评估方法的优缺点及其适用范围.在详细分析了空间武器系统的构成之后,建立了空间武器系统效能的层次化分析模型,确定了空间武器系统的效能指标体系.最后根据空间武器系统的特点,提出了基于Agent的空间武器系统效能仿真分析框架.  相似文献   

地下空间的利用率越来越高,增加了对空间的使用效率,拓展了人们的生活休闲空间。虽然相关规范对地下空间的安全性做了一些规定,但比较零散,各种数据还不统一,加之受地下空间自身条件所限,设计上很难达到实用与消防安全方面的和谐统一,笔者根据工作实际,对地下空间的分区和疏散问题进行分析和归纳,提出了对民用地下空间防火分区和安全疏散消防设计要点的理解。  相似文献   

综述了美国在军事空间技术新的发展动向,包括美国空军的“空间军力加强、空间军力应用、空间支援、空间对抗”四大空间军事任务区,快速响应空间,新的空天进攻飞行器,军事小卫星运载器,军事小卫星,导弹防御先进技术等的发展动态。分析了军事空间技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

随着空间活动的日益频繁,空间碎片的数量也与日俱增,给远程弹道导弹的空间飞行安全带来巨大威胁。针对空间碎片数目繁多,为了快速进行导弹空间飞行安全预警和发射窗口选择,根据远程弹道导弹空间飞行特点,提出了适用于导弹与空间碎片碰撞预警的空间碎片筛选方法,并通过仿真计算证明了该筛选方法的科学性和合理性,该筛选方法可提高导弹空间飞行安全预警效率并缩短预警时间。  相似文献   

随着信息技术在战争中的广泛应用,战场空间正在由传统的陆、海、空三维空间向自然空间、非自然空间和认知空间拓展,并且已经初步形成了七维一体作战空间的雏形,战场空间也呈现出与以往不同的宏观化、微观化、虚拟化和无序化的新特点;在分析各作战空间辩证关系的基础上,提出了对未来我军现代化建设的几点启示.  相似文献   

文章针对信息对抗领域出现的"网络空间"这一新名词,进行了词源考证。同时结合美军的网络空间作战构想,文章详尽解析了信息对抗领域中赛博空间及赛博空间作战的含义。分析了未来赛博空间作战的特点以及赛博空间电子战目标,对未来赛博空间战电子战对策进行了研究。  相似文献   

Although the environmental movement was established in the West, there is currently an Islamist variant that has received less attention. The Quran and the Hadiths provide guidance for the faithful on the relationship between Allah, humanity and nature. The article will examine and compare the environmental agendas of six Islamist groups: Hizb'allah, Hizb ut-Tahrir, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, Jamaat-e-Islami, and al Qaeda. While they all share similar concerns, Islamists have developed globalized, glocalized, or localized ‘scales’ of engagement, depending on the targeted audience. Finally, the article will examine the security implications of Islamist environmentalism, including the possibility of an alliance between Islamists and militant environmentalists.  相似文献   

合成了混杂聚硼硅氮烷(H-PBSZ)并对其结构进行了分析,分析了其交联过程,并采用不同的工艺使其交联固化,研究了交联压力对产物的结构、形貌以及表观密度的影响。结果表明,H-PBSZ结构中含有B-N、Si-N、B-H、N-H以及Si-H等化学键,随着温度的升高,B-H、N-H以及Si-H键会发生断裂;交联过程中,先驱体会放出大量的气体,交联产物的致密度受气泡大小及其速度的影响;高压交联可以减小所放出的气泡的体积,减缓其上升的速度,并可抑制含氢键的断裂反应,降低气体的放出量,从而制得较高致密度的交联产物。  相似文献   

Energy continues to serve as the bedrock of modern economies and the main driver of modern society. For Africa, the production and supply of energy resources such as crude oil, natural gas, uranium, coal, biomass, biofuels and other renewables are an important source of employment, rents, taxes, royalties and profits. This sector brings in several tens of billions of dollars of revenue annually. The production and delivery of such resources, however, depend on critical infrastructures such as pipelines, refineries, processing plants, terminals, rigs, electrical energy pylons, substations, pump stations, vessels, and tankers. These infrastructures have been attacked by terrorists, insurgents, vandals and saboteurs, all of whom see them as targets against which to register their grievances and extract concessions from the state. This paper is a chronological account of some of the documented incidents of terrorism, insurgency, kidnapping, destruction, sabotage, and human casualties suffered in the oil and gas sectors in Africa between 1999 and 2012. It is based on data extracted from the databases of the RAND Database of World Terrorism Incidents and the University of Maryland's Global Terrorism Database (GTD).  相似文献   

分析了弹底引信旋卸时的应力分布特点,给出了应力分布规律已知时,引信不发生破坏的可靠度与最大许用旋卸扭矩之间的函数关系式,并将此式中的积分区间化为有限区间,使之能够用数值积分的方法求解。当应力分布规律未知时,假定所有被旋卸的引信都承受了同一最大应力,这样根据应力-强度干涉模型即可方便地求出其可靠度或最大许用扭矩。这两种计算方法也适用于其它螺纹连接件的旋卸可靠性分析。  相似文献   

我国自主招生改革11年来,在转变高校选才理念,提升高校生源综合素质,促进人才培养模式变革,引导基础教育改革,促进素质教育的实施等方面取得了一定的成效。但也遭遇高校选拔自主权不足,不利于农村考生参与竞争,高校和学生投入成本高、效率低,招考缺乏有效监督机制等困境。未来的自主招生改革应进一步落实高校招生自主权,服务基层考生,促进教育公平,构建多元化的招生录取标准,探索高水平院校联考,促进招生管理法制化。  相似文献   

We consider two game‐theoretic settings to determine the optimal values of an issuer's interchange fee rate, an acquirer's merchant discount rate, and a merchant's retail price in a credit card network. In the first setting, we investigate a two‐stage game problem in which the issuer and the acquirer first negotiate the interchange fee rate, and the acquirer and the retailer then determine their merchant discount rate and retail price, respectively. In the second setting, motivated by the recent US bill “H.R. 2695,” we develop a three‐player cooperative game in which the issuer, the acquirer, and the merchant form a grand coalition and bargain over the interchange fee rate and the merchant discount rate. Following the cooperative game, the retailer makes its retail pricing decision. We derive both the Shapley value‐ and the nucleolus‐characterized, and globally‐optimal unique rates for the grand coalition. Comparing the two game settings, we find that the participation of the merchant in the negotiation process can result in the reduction of both rates. Moreover, the stability of the grand coalition in the cooperative game setting may require that the merchant should delegate the credit card business only to the issuer and the acquirer with sufficiently low operation costs. We also show that the grand coalition is more likely to be stable and the U.S. bill “H.R. 2695” is thus more effective, if the degree of division of labor in the credit card network is higher as the merchant, acquirer, and issuer are more specialized in the retailing, acquiring, and issuing operations, respectively. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2012  相似文献   

This is a very timely review of body armour materials and systems since new test standards are currently being written, or reviewed, and new, innovative products released. Of greatest importance, however, is the recent evolution, and maturity, of the Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene fibres enabling a completely new style of system to evolve – a stackable system of Hard Armour Plates. The science of body armour materials is quickly reviewed with emphasis upon current understanding of relevant energy-absorbing mechanisms in fibres, fabrics, polymeric laminates and ceramics. The trend in on-going developments in ballistic fibres is then reviewed, analysed and future projections offered. Weaknesses in some of the ceramic grades are highlighted as is the value of using cladding materials to improve the robustness, and multi-strike performance, of Hard Armour Plates. Finally, with the drive for lighter, and therefore smaller, soft armour systems for military personnel the challenges for armour designers are reported, and the importance of the relative size of the Hard Armour Plate to the Soft Armour Insert is strongly emphasised.  相似文献   

Despite the lance’s status and the amount of attention the couched lance has received in historiography, study of its martial art has been neglected. The various lance types and techniques used by western European cavalry have only recently begun to receive scholarly attention. Additionally, Medieval European lance use has too often been studied in isolation, without an adequate understanding of the idiosyncratic and asymmetrical dynamics of mounted combat. Although the charge with the couched lance was a valid tactic, it was only one of many. Light and heavy lances were used in one hand or two to trip, block, unhorse, and wrestle. These techniques were governed by the harsh laws of distance, speed, impact, iron, and asymmetry. By utilizing the surviving Fechtbücher and several Peninsular and Near Eastern sources, a brief foray into the diverse techniques of lance use and their purposes has been attempted here.  相似文献   


A crisis is emerging in the Nile Basin, where some 300 million people in Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania and Burundi rely on the Nile directly or indirectly. Egypt and Sudan wish to preserve a regime based on treaties drawn up during the colonial era that allocated the vast majority of the Nile's water to them. Countries upstream are determined to challenge this. In 1999 the countries using the river formed the Nile Basin Initiative to try to resolve these differences. More than a decade of negotiations failed to break the impasse. In May Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda decided to wait no longer and signed a new treaty, without the consent of Egypt and Sudan. The signatories have given the other Nile Basin countries one year to join the pact. For Egypt, which relies on the Nile for 95 per cent of its water, this is a question of life or death. Egypt has, in the past, indicated it will go to war if its share of the Nile is reduced. Talks continue, but the impasse is driving the region towards a crisis to which there is no easy resolution.  相似文献   

German grand strategy during World War II included making Europe independent of oil imported from sources controlled by the United Kingdom, the United States, and the USSR. The first step was to wrest control of oilfields. Producing and distributing the oil, however, required the creation of a company capable of replacing the evicted British, American, and Soviet suppliers. Therefore, in 1941, the Third Reich established the Continental Oil Company. Analysis of the company’s foundation and operations sheds light on the objectives of the Third Reich, including the postwar economic development of Axis Europe and the extension of German hegemony beyond the USSR into the Middle East.  相似文献   

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