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在国家看来,国债表现为其财政属性;而在国债主体看来,则国债仅是一种金属商品。国债发行之所以难,正是因为国家对国债金融商品属性的重视不够,使得国债本身及其市场供需双方存在诸多不足。为此,必须高度重视国债的金融商品属性;一是实行国债发行计划公告制度;二是加强国债品种创新;三是建立国债投资基金;四是建立做市商制度,加强场外交易;五是进一步完善国债回购市场并适时恢复国债期货市场。  相似文献   

中国特色“军民融合”式发展思想研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国特色“军民融合”式发展思想的出发点和归宿点是实现富国与强军的统一,促进国防和军队建设又好又快的发展,实质是依靠人民建设国防,是人民战争思想在现时代的创造性运用,核心和精髓是把国防和军队建设深深融入经济社会发展体系之中,关键是建立和完善军民统筹协调的体制机制。走开中国特色“军民融合”式发展路子,必须着力夯实“军民融合”的思想观念;坚持系统思维,加快军民结合、寓军于民的国家创新体系建设;坚持制度先行,突出相关政策法规建设;坚持统筹兼顾,切实把军民融合项目纳入国家整体发展规划之中。  相似文献   

制度是一个国家从事政权运行管理基本形式,是一个国家从事政治经济活动的基本保障,中西方国家都有一套政治制度管理形式,与之实际国情契合。当今世界局势不稳定和不确定性增加,以中国为代表的社会主义制度和以美国为代表的资本主义制度都是适合本国国情的国家制度。我国将中国特色社会主义制度与市场经济相结合,形成了中国特色社会主义市场经济体制。本文从中国现代国家制度的建立历程,比较了中国的社会主义制度与西方资本主义制度的差异,在新时代背景下,新冠疫情更加速了百年未有大变局的变化,更加显示出中国社会主义制度的优势转化为治理效能,在中国共产党坚强领导下,实现中华民族伟大复兴。  相似文献   

《国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》中明确提出.”建立中国特色军民融合式发展体系要坚持国家主导、制度创新、市场运作、军民兼容原则“。那么,我国国防科技工业军民融合式发展体系的国家主导模式职责是什么?问题的核心应是:明确市场与政府关系,厘清政府的主导职能作用。  相似文献   

制度机制是军民融合式发展的支撑和保障,具有导向作用和协调作用。当前我国军民融合式发展还存在一些问题,需要以制度创新作为核心,以机制建设作为纽带,在建设中国特色军民融合式发展体系的过程中形成合适的制度机制。  相似文献   

目前我军预算执行控制存在主体缺位、目标偏移、机制不顺、责任不明、力度不强等问题,其原因来自权力因素、机制因素、制度因素、程序因素。加强预算执行控制的对策包括:规范预算执行制度、建立军队预算支出绩效评价体系、设计适用现代化监控的技术手段。  相似文献   

积极推行以采办合同管理为主要内容的装备采购制度改革,建立完善的合同管理法规体系,推行竞争机制,明确和规范装备采购的市场交易主体,规范装备市场采购秩序  相似文献   

目前,我国公安机关在处置群体性事件过程中,在警察权定位及适用权限判断上存在着警察权适用程序失准、绩效不足、角色失当、制度不完善等困境。应从明确公安机关的处置原则、角色定位、建立权力规制和权利救济制度、构建公安机关分级应对策略等方面加以完善。  相似文献   

军品企业为争取投入品而进行交易的费用,与为实现产品价值而进行交易的费用,共同构成了军品企业的交易成本。增强军品企业竞争力和实现军事经济资源的优化配置、通过制度改进和创新来节约交易费用、不断完善交易收益的制度安排,是控制军品企业交易成本的可行途径。  相似文献   

对国防科技创新中的交易费用进行深入科学的分析,有助于以最小化交易成本为导向,推进国防科技创新相关制度改革,进而提高创新效率,增强质量效益。  相似文献   

This article considers a multistage channel with deterministic price‐sensitive demand. Two systems for pricing decisions, that is, the bargaining system and the leader‐follower system, are compared. We characterize the necessary and sufficient conditions on the power structure, under which the solution of the bargaining system Pareto dominates that of the leader‐follower system. Also, under such conditions, we give a tight upper bound of channel efficiency of the bargaining system, which converges to 100% channel efficiency as the number of stages increases to infinity. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 449–459, 2016  相似文献   

A dynamic multi-stage decision-theoretic approach is introduced to establish the optimal offset and its incidence, the contract price arising from bargaining, and the scale of the acquisition. A new rationale is suggested for offsets in terms of their role as an insurance devise. Results are derived for the pricing of delivery contracts subject to offset claims and their national security implications. It is shown that the national security is strictly convex in the offset transaction. As to the incidence of the offset, the offset claim is shown to be capitalised in the delivery price. The bargaining price is shown to depend on the value of the product to be delivered for the national security, the relative negotiation power of the contracting partners and the social cost of public funds. The analysis highlights the expectation effects of offsets on the bargaining price and the scale of delivery. The results aid in explaining why offsets are widely used in procurement contracts for defence materiel. As they contribute to the national security, they should be allowed to survive and not be denied under competition laws.  相似文献   

One of the most important decisions that a firm faces in managing its supply chain is a procurement decision: selecting suitable suppliers among many potential competing sellers and reducing the purchase cost. While both auctions and bargaining have been extensively studied in the literature, the research that combines auctions and bargaining is limited. In this article, we consider a combined auction‐bargaining model in a setting where a single buyer procures an indivisible good from one of many competing sellers. The procurement model that we analyze is a sequential model consisting of the auction phase followed by the bargaining phase. In the auction phase, the sellers submit bids, and the seller with the lowest bid is selected as the winning bidder. In the bargaining phase, the buyer audits the cost of the winning seller and then negotiates with him to determine the final price. For this auction‐bargaining model, we find a symmetric equilibrium bidding strategy for the sellers in a closed form, which is simple to understand and closely related to the classical results in the auction and bargaining literature. We also show that the auction‐bargaining model generates at least as much profit to the buyer as the standard auction or sequential bargaining model. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   

在详细分析威慑与威逼区别的基础上,构建了不完全信息下军事威逼讨价还价博弈模型。按照最大期望效用准则,分析了不完全信息下军事威逼走向讨价还价阶段的条件,研究表明:运用鲁宾斯坦经典讨价还价唯一完美均衡解,得出以下结论:争夺目标自身的效用越大,战争带来的声誉得益效用越大,军事威逼走向讨价还价阶段的可能性越大;一旦进入讨价还价阶段,威逼者会接受挑战者提出的方案,冲突将不再发生。  相似文献   

The client‐contractor bargaining problem addressed here is in the context of a multi‐mode resource constrained project scheduling problem with discounted cash flows, which is formulated as a progress payments model. In this model, the contractor receives payments from the client at predetermined regular time intervals. The last payment is paid at the first predetermined payment point right after project completion. The second payment model considered in this paper is the one with payments at activity completions. The project is represented on an Activity‐on‐Node (AON) project network. Activity durations are assumed to be deterministic. The project duration is bounded from above by a deadline imposed by the client, which constitutes a hard constraint. The bargaining objective is to maximize the bargaining objective function comprised of the objectives of both the client and the contractor. The bargaining objective function is expected to reflect the two‐party nature of the problem environment and seeks a compromise between the client and the contractor. The bargaining power concept is introduced into the problem by the bargaining power weights used in the bargaining objective function. Simulated annealing algorithm and genetic algorithm approaches are proposed as solution procedures. The proposed solution methods are tested with respect to solution quality and solution times. Sensitivity analyses are conducted among different parameters used in the model, namely the profit margin, the discount rate, and the bargaining power weights. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2009  相似文献   

武警院校研究生学风和学术诚信方面出现问题,既有外部环境的影响,又有院校监管不力的责任,还有研究生素质能力偏弱的因素。加强武警院校研究生学风和学术诚信保障体系建设,要在创造良好内外部环境、加强学风和学术规范教育、增强研究生学习和研究兴趣、完善培养和学位制度、发挥导师育人作用、加大监督惩处力度上下工夫。  相似文献   

An economic theory of genocide is presented with application to Rwanda‐1994. The theory considers ‘macro’ conditions under which an authority group chooses genocide and ‘micro’ conditions that facilitate the spread of genocide. From the macro perspective, a bargaining model highlights four rational explanations for an authority’s choice of genocide: prevention of loss of power, indivisibility, elimination of a persistent rival, and political bias. From the micro perspective, an evolutionary game model shows how supporters of genocide gain the upper hand in group dynamics over resisters and bystanders. The theory and application suggest that the conditions for genocide are not exceptional.  相似文献   

分析了新型数字化单兵系统的功能特点,建立了数字化单兵系统作战效能评估的指标体系,提出一致性排序法与模糊综合评价法相结合的评估方法,采用一致性排序法确定了指标权重,运用模糊综合评价理论对系统效能进行了评估,为数字化单兵系统的应用实践和功能改进提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

论中国民族声乐文化底蕴的传承与弘扬   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经过中华民族悠久的历史沉淀,中国民族声乐形成了深厚而独特的文化底蕴。在传承和弘扬声乐文化底蕴的过程中,中国民族声乐逐渐形成了特有的形式、风格和灵魂。通过解析文化底蕴对民族声乐的影响和作用,揭示了文化底蕴对于中国民族声乐的重要意义。结合声乐教学实际,探讨挖掘文化底蕴的方法。  相似文献   

从1917年胡适的《白话诗八首》开始,新诗已走过近百年的历程,在近一个世纪的发展中,一代代诗人的努力使新诗形成了迥异于旧体诗的独特形式和创新品格,并在探索中形成了散文化倾向、扩充新意象、不断创新探索等特色。  相似文献   

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