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任有福,山西省晋城区人武部政委,上校军衔。中国书法家协会会员,著名书法家石海之弟子,其作品曾入选中国当代书法家作品选,1997年中国军事博物馆展出其作品并永久收藏,现为山西省书法协会理事。  相似文献   

1月7日,北京书法家协会18位著名书法家,带着地方政府和各级领导的关怀与厚爱,带着深深的情意和浓浓的祝福,来到总后直属供应保障局,为工作在一线的基层官兵撰写春联、赠送书法作品,并现场对部队的书法爱好者进行  相似文献   

梅德 《中国民兵》2010,(11):57-57
《朝日新闻》是日本综合性日文报纸之一。这张创刊百余年的报纸经过发展,在日本知名度最高、最具影响力。然而,有很多人不知道,《朝日新闻》报头的4个字,非日本人题写,而出自一位中国书法家之手。此人便是我国唐代著名的书法家欧阳询。  相似文献   

欧阳中石著名学者、书法家、书法教育家。现任首都师范大学教授、博士生及博士后导师、中国书法文化研究所所长、全国政协委员、中国书法家协会顾问、中国画研究院院务委员、艺术品中国资深艺术顾问。李铎文职将军、著名书法家。中国书法家协会副主席、中国人民革命军事博物馆研究员、中国书画函授大学特约教授、中国国际书面艺术研究会顾问、齐白石书画艺术研究院副院长。肖崇仁中国书法家协会会员、  相似文献   

早就听说中国书法界有一位以写反体书法著名,但一直没有机会与其结识。前不久,在军营的一次笔会上,我有幸与这位叫李营的书法家"零距离"接触。俗话说"百闻不如一见",通过听其言、观其行、赏其字,心中油然升起十分崇敬,用"奇才、奇葩、奇情"来评价这位书法家,我想还是恰如其分的。  相似文献   

<正>洪坤江(自署洪昆冈),字璞生,中共党员,斋号甲戌墨苑、瞻璞斋,中国著名书家,现为甲戌书院院长、中国书画家协会理事、广东省书法家协会会员、汕头市书法家协会会员。1994年春创办的甲戌书院,至今已走过了26个春秋。近来,出自他笔下的墨宝多次在拍卖会中备受青睐,多年来累计募集千余万公益款,助力公益事业。洪坤江自幼酷爱书法,多年来苦练书法技艺,勤于墨海。  相似文献   

炽情创作状态是书法家追求艺术高境界的一种心理体验,是一种突然的颖悟,是一种表现的激情,是一种审美的愉悦,是一种“如痴如醉”的精神状态。  相似文献   

晋城市城区人武部政委任有福,酷爱书法,在当地小有名气。他不仅是中国书法家协会会员,其作品还曾入选中国当代书法家作品选,1997年中国军事博物馆展出其作品并永久收藏。  相似文献   

吉林市印刷厂基干民兵朱成维酷爱书法,利用业余时间勤学苦练。在1988年“三溪杯”全国硬笔书法大赛中,一举获得优秀奖。1988年当选为中华硬笔书法家协会理事。他的4幅作品在全国巡回展  相似文献   

白狼,中国当代狂草大家,艺术评论家、剧作家、画家、雕塑家、园林艺术、城市景观空间艺术设计师、高级工程师。政协全国书画院常务理事、解放军八一画院特聘书法家、北京伟人书画院、书法院院长,加拿大美术家协会副主席,日本东京书画院副院长,中国书协会员。  相似文献   


This paper examines the impact of civil war on military expenditure. We employ two measures of military expenditure: the share of military expenditure in general government expenditure and the logarithm of military expenditures. We would reasonably expect a priori that military expenditure as a share of general government expenditure increases during a civil war and that such increases would taper off over the duration of a civil war. We also explore whether the termination of a civil war induces a decline in the share of military expenditure as a share of the general government expenditure in the short-run. We find evidence the of share of military expenditure increases during a civil war and falls in the year succeeding the end of a civil war, and, in particular, if a war ends in a peace treaty. The level of military expenditures, however, rises during civil wars and does not appear to decline in the short-term after the end of a civil war.  相似文献   

在城市地震发生后,火灾往往是最危险的。因此,进行地震火灾危险性分析十分重要。分析了地震火灾产生的原因及其影响因素,提出了地震火灾灾度概念和城市地震火灾危险性分析的模型,建立了城市居民区地震火灾风险评价体系。研究结果可以给城市居民小区地震火灾风险评估提供一套理论模型,用以评价未来某一城市的地震火灾风险。  相似文献   

高层建筑高度高、规模大、可燃物多、设施齐全、功能用途复杂、火灾危险性大,一旦发生火灾,蔓延迅速,人员疏散困难,扑救难度大,严重威胁高层建筑内人员生命财产安全。如何有效处置高层建筑火灾是消防部队面临的新课题。通过对扑救高层建筑火灾几个关键性问题的思考,探讨火灾发展变化的特点和火灾扑救的难点,提出了扑救该类火灾的建设性意见。  相似文献   


This article argues that the intelligence sector is a privileged vantage point to observe and analyse a transformation of the State in France, as this transformation deeply affects the heart of the executive power and the French intelligence and security apparatus. Traditionally, intelligence was not conceived in France as a functional tool in the hands of the decision-maker but was rather defined as a ‘regalian power’. Intelligence activities were derived from a very specific conception of the State, and especially the particular notion of ‘reason of State’ (raison d’État). The current intelligence reform prompts speculation as to whether it represents more than a ‘simple’ functional reorganisation or in fact could signify that intelligence is now recognised as a tool in the hands of a ‘État de droit’ (‘liberal state’). The idea of a French ‘exceptionalism’ is addressed through a theoretical approach of the way France redefines intelligence and surveillance in relation with a major evolution of the notion of ‘reason of State’ itself. Then the article illustrates the assumption of a ‘lost tradition’ of reason of State through an analysis of the current reform of the intelligence sector in France. This reform is based on processes of rationalisation, centralization, modernisation and normalisation of both intelligence activities and intelligence services in France. As a conclusion, the article addresses the reactions to the January and November 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris, and asks whether resilience towards terrorism requires to accelerate the pace of the transformation of the French intelligence sector.  相似文献   

高层公寓的火灾特点不同于普通的高层住宅,其火灾危险性高于普通住宅。分析了高层公寓的火灾特点,并从消防车作业面、安全疏散、防火分隔、防排烟、灭火设施、内装修等方面提出了高层公寓防火设计应注意的问题。  相似文献   

为形成一个具有更小拉伸的网格参数化映射,在三角形网格面片面积均匀分布的情况下,采用分两步走的均匀面积映射法。通过均质化参数域里的三角形面积,用均匀或不均匀方式有效地降低了采样稀疏问题的影响,避免了传统方法中矩阵奇异值的计算。对三角形网格,先进行均值协调参数化,然后通过一个凸组合让参数域更加均匀,得到一个拉伸较低、面积更加均匀的三角形分布,从而可以更好地取样且适合于纹理映射。通过实验和对比,可以证明在均匀纹理映射方面,均匀面积映射法比保角映射法和等积投影映射法都有明显的提高。  相似文献   

Combat in near-Earth orbit is emerging as a more realistic possibility. The argument here is that changes in space technologies combined with a sea change in political rhetoric is bringing the possibility of military conflict in space technologies. This movement reflects a generational shift as the original decisions regarding military conflict in space are now being reassessed by a generation who did not experience World War II or the Cold War. For these, the sanctuary approach to space activities is not as persuasive and new enhanced space technologies bring the possibility of victory or at least survival possible during a conflict in space.  相似文献   

Deterioration in security relations as between NATO and Russia reached boiling point in the aftermath of Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 and its subsequent destabilization of Eastern Ukraine. As a result, some voices in the West look forward to the departure of Vladimir Putin from power, and others to the possible disintegration of Russia as a unitary state. However, both the departure of Putin and the collapse of Russia have a nuclear dimension. Putin has issued pointed reminders of Russia’s status as a nuclear great power, and Russian military doctrine allows for nuclear first use in the event of a conventional war with extremely high stakes. Beyond Putin, a breakup of Russia would leave political chaos in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and elsewhere, inviting ambiguous command and control over formerly Russian nuclear forces.  相似文献   

This article concerns scheduling policies in a surveillance system aimed at detecting a terrorist attack in time. Terrorist suspects arriving at a public area are subject to continuous monitoring, while a surveillance team takes their biometric signatures and compares them with records stored in a terrorist database. Because the surveillance team can screen only one terrorist suspect at a time, the team faces a dynamic scheduling problem among the suspects. We build a model consisting of an M/G/1 queue with two types of customers—red and white—to study this problem. Both types of customers are impatient but the reneging time distributions are different. The server only receives a reward by serving a red customer and can use the time a customer has spent in the queue to deduce its likely type. In a few special cases, a simple service rule—such as first‐come‐first‐serve—is optimal. We explain why the problem is in general difficult and we develop a heuristic policy motivated by the fact that terrorist attacks tend to be rare events. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2009  相似文献   

Recent elections in Latin America, such as those of Mauricio Macri in Argentina, Horacio Cartes in Paraguay, and the impeachment process of Dilma Rousseff in Brazil, point to a new direction in Latin American politics and away from the “hard left;” they also point to a new momentum in the security relationship between the US and Latin American countries. Former US President Obama’s 2016 trip to Cuba and Argentina was a clear demonstration of this new security paradigm and also a clear indication that there is a new momentum brewing in the US towards a rethinking and reshaping of security strategies and mindsets. This article will explore the multidimensional security relationship between the US and Latin American countries in light of recent changes in the US’ posture toward the region.  相似文献   

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