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计算机辅助判断敌机主要来袭方向模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
判断敌机来袭方向是防空兵战术研究中的重要内容。本文在数字化地图的基础上,通过对军事原则的分析,抽象出十种因素作为判断敌机来袭方向的依据,并对其进行量化,给出了综合判断模型。  相似文献   
高技术条件下的民兵反空袭战法未来我国高技术条件下的民兵反空袭作战,应当是一种人力密集、武器多类、打法多样、攻击致命的非对称作战形式,具有灵活机动、独立作战、攻击效果好的特点。应采取的主要战法有:张弓织网———利用数量众多的高射炮、高射机枪、单兵便携式导弹等武器,布设密集的空中火力网,击毁来袭敌机或巡航导弹。空中设障———采取一些夜视器材难以观测到的材料,制成收放自如的高密度的空中飘浮物,并可在其上安放爆炸品,昼收夜放,形成人工云层、空中障碍,迫使来袭敌机或导弹“撞网”,达到击毁之目的。虚张声势———在敌武…  相似文献   
给蛋鸡补钙,在番茄秧上喷蜂蜜,给蔬果注册上户口……这些有技术含量的创新做法,成了河南农村民兵瞄准市场、学用科技、进行科学种植养殖的技法。蛋鸡补钙好处多。老人儿童需要补钙,下蛋鸡也需要补钙。这是河南省汝南、西峡等县一些民兵养鸡专业户总结的经验。汝南县三里店乡“鸡状元”马力功告诉笔者:喂加钙饲料的母鸡,产蛋率高,产出的鸡蛋外壳硬度好,装车贩运时鸡蛋不易破,收购商最愿收购这种蛋,市场价格也偏高。番茄喷蜜营养好。每年隆冬时节,西峡、汝南、扶沟等地不少民兵种菜专业户都让番茄“喝”蜂蜜。他们将稀释后的蜂蜜液喷洒在番茄秧上,“喝”过蜂蜜的番茄棵棵枝繁叶茂,果子光滑透亮。果子个大、水灵、色泽  相似文献   
1949年1月,我在新泽西州的迪克斯堡结束了步兵基础训练,当时只有17岁的我正值年少气盛,血气方刚,感觉自己就像是电影《第一滴血》中兰博那样的硬汉。陆军派我到弗吉尼亚州的李营(现在的李堡),担任营区司令部的办事员。我有生以来离开生长的纽约布鲁克林,到过最远的地方就是新泽西州的霍博肯了,因此当时的我可以说是心潮澎湃,急切地渴望着会有一番兰博式的冒险经历。  相似文献   
近几年,云南省会泽县人武部党委认真学习贯彻"三个代表"重要思想,坚持以与时俱进的精神开拓进取,扎实推进入武部全面建设和民兵预备役建设的创新发展。4月初,该人武部被曲靖军分区表彰为学习实践"三个代表"重要思想先进单位。 一、夯实基础谋发展。部党委坚持以新修订的《军队基层建设纲要》为指导,认真对照基层建设标准,努力提升人武系统基  相似文献   
一位能歌善舞的伤残女兵,当医生告诉生命已进入倒计之际,她没有恐惧和屈服,而是以对生活的挚爱和令死神却步的歌声让生命延续了20多年,而且最终拥有了事业、爱情和家庭,并继续为理想奋斗着,书写下残疾人挑战人生的辉煌篇章,彰显出一个生活真理:人必须靠精神活着!  相似文献   
山西省霍州市人武部以学习电子对抗知识为牵引,掀起了学习高科技知识的热潮。 该人武部党委为使所属干部适应未来战争的需要,掌握高科技知识,结合今年建立信息化民兵应急  相似文献   
山西省霍州市人武部连续16年被省军区评为先进人武部,16年来,部党委“一班人”把方向、顾大局,带领广大干部和民兵出色地完成了上级交给的各项任务。在新的市场经济条件下,他们更是百尺竿头,以做好军事斗争准备为牵引,谋划着民兵预备役工作,使老典型放出新的异彩。  相似文献   
The human visual system is still an important factor in military warfare; military personnel receive training on effective search strategies, and camouflage that can effectively conceal objects and personnel is a key component of a successful integrated survivability strategy. Previous methods of camouflage assessment have, amongst others, used psychophysics to generate distinctiveness metrics. However, the population from which the human observers are drawn is often not well defined, or necessarily appropriate. In this experiment we designed a new platform for testing multiple patterns based on a camouflaged object detection task, and investigate whether trained military observers perform better than civilians. We use a two-alternative forced choice paradigm, with participants searching images of woodland for a replica military helmet displaying Olive Green, Multi Terrain Pattern, US Marine Pattern or, as a conspicuous control, UN Peacekeeper Blue. Our data show that there is no difference in detection performance between the two observer groups but that there are clear differences in the effectiveness of the different helmet colour patterns in a temperate woodland environment. We conclude that when tasks involve very short stimulus presentation times, task-specific training has little effect on the success of target detection and thus this paradigm is particularly suitable for robust estimates of camouflage efficacy.  相似文献   
Person-borne improvised explosive devices (PBIEDs) are often used in terrorist attacks in Western countries. This study aims to predict the trajectories of PBIED fragments and the subsequent safety risks for people exposed to this hazard. An explosive field test with a typical PBIED composed of a plastic explosive charge and steel nut enhancements was performed to record initial fragment behaviour, including positions, velocity, and trajectory angles. These data were used to predict the full trajectory of PBIED fragments using a probabilistic analysis. In the probabilistic analyses a probability of fatality or serious injury was computed. Based on the results presented, many practical conclusions can be drawn, for instance, regarding safe evacuation distances if a person were exposed to a suspected PBIED.  相似文献   
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