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Uncertainties abound within a supply chain and have big impacts on its performance. We propose an integrated model for a three‐tiered supply chain network with one supplier, one or more facilities and retailers. This model takes into consideration the unreliable aspects of a supply chain. The properties of the optimal solution to the model are analyzed to reveal the impacts of supply uncertainty on supply chain design decisions. We also propose a general solution algorithm for this model. Computational experience is presented and discussed. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2007  相似文献   
设计了基于磁强计确定飞行器的姿态的KF算法,该算法在不足够和不精确测量或具有较大模型不确定的情况下仍具有一定的鲁棒性和足够的精度。采用某太阳同步卫星的典型阶段的仿真数据来验证设计的算法的性能,结果表明,该算法收敛,精度令人满意。  相似文献   
We consider a rolling‐horizon (RH) replenishment modeling framework under which a buyer can update demand information and inventory status, modify order quantities committed previously, place an advanced order for a new period at the end of the RH, and move along in time seamlessly. We show that the optimal order policy for the two‐period RH problem is a dual‐threshold type for updating period(s) plus a base‐stock type for the advanced order. We provide analytical formulas and algorithms to compute the optimal thresholds and the optimal base‐stock level exactly. With our analytical results and numerical procedures, we demonstrate the significant value of RH replenishment in matching supplies to demands more closely. We also show that with RH updating (flexibility), the value of additional demand information beyond the RH diminishes quickly. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
一种超长突发错误的纠错编码方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要介绍了在数据传输过程中提高可靠性的几种差错控制方法,详细陈述了前向纠错中的卷积交织编码,并提出了一种采用卷积交织纠超长突发错误的编码方法,给出了实现该编码的软件流程框图,解决了数传中不好解决的超长突发错误的自动纠错问题。  相似文献   
We consider price and capacity decisions for a profit‐maximizing service provider in a single server queueing system, in which customers are boundedly rational and decide whether to join the service according to a multinomial logit model. We find two potential price‐capacity pair solutions for the first‐order condition of the profit‐maximizing problem. Profit is maximized at the solution with a larger capacity, but minimized at the smaller one. We then consider a dynamically adjusting capacity system to mimic a real‐life situation and find that the maximum can be reached only when the initial service rate is larger than a certain threshold; otherwise, the system capacity and demand shrink to zero. We also find that a higher level of customers’ bounded rationality does not necessarily benefit a firm, nor does it necessarily allow service to be sustained. We extend our analysis to a setting in which customers’ bounded rationality level is related to historical demand and find that such a setting makes service easier to sustain. Finally we find that bounded rationality always harms social welfare.  相似文献   
一种气囊承载特性分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
船舶气囊隔振装置需事先充气至额定高度后才能正常使用,为实现对其高度的精确充气控制,需掌握单个气囊的承载特性.为此,针对JYQN舰用气囊的承载特性理论计算问题展开研究.首先,依据弹性薄壳无矩理论,建立了气囊承载特性分析模型,通过对囊体平衡微分方程的求解,得到囊体内力解析表达式;然后,将内力表达式代入囊体物理方程,得到位移...  相似文献   
本文通过对作者创作文本及读者阅读作品过程的特点分析,试图了解一个问题,即作者的创意不是以什么方式才能被读者把握,而是在什么意义上理解才是对作者创意的重现。没有一种理解是对作者创意的彻底的、最终的理解。理解总是以预设前见为背景,最大程度的理解仍是最小程度的误解。只有通过理解的整体性与理想性,将文本置于社会共有的视域中,才能克服阅读/理解中的相对主义。  相似文献   
在提出一种新型水陆坦克的基础上,研究了其作战任务剖面,提出其作战使用性能要求,建立了一套科学评估的方法体系——综合效能多指标评价法,将各种评价方法——层次分析法、灰色评估法、模糊综合评判、Delphi法等融为一体,建立了新型水陆坦克系统效能评估的递阶层次分析模型,对新型水陆坦克和六三式水陆坦克的综合效能分别进行了系统评价,为高层领导对武器装备决策提供了科学的依据。  相似文献   
建立了战场伪装与系统生存能力的定量关系模型, 用其可以解析地计算系统被发现概率; 同时, 根据生存能力指标可以实现伪装指数的分解与合成, 为战场建设的总体规划提供依据  相似文献   
本文根据多自由度系统受单一载荷作用的特点,将载荷识别的理论公式简化为只要依据系统任意点的响应信号和一个对应的频响函数即可运算,并在使用HP3562A 动态信号分析仪的实验中证明具有很好的识别精度。此种识别技术还可推广用于识别实际上不是作用于某点的当量载荷。  相似文献   
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