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Motivated by applications to service systems, we develop simple engineering approximation formulas for the steady‐state performance of heavily loaded G/GI/n+GI multiserver queues, which can have non‐Poisson and nonrenewal arrivals and non‐exponential service‐time and patience‐time distributions. The formulas are based on recently established Gaussian many‐server heavy‐traffic limits in the efficiency‐driven (ED) regime, where the traffic intensity is fixed at ρ > 1, but the approximations also apply to systems in the quality‐and‐ED regime, where ρ > 1 but ρ is close to 1. Good performance across a wide range of parameters is obtained by making heuristic refinements, the main one being truncation of the queue length and waiting time approximations to nonnegative values. Simulation experiments show that the proposed approximations are effective for large‐scale queuing systems for a significant range of the traffic intensity ρ and the abandonment rate θ, roughly for ρ > 1.02 and θ > 2.0. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 187–217, 2016  相似文献   
晚清崛起、长期盘踞于甘宁青三省的诸马军阀集团是近代中央政权治理西北不能忽视的重要军事政治势力。国民党南京政权建政初期,无力西顾,甚为轻忽诸马的实力及其影响力。随着政局趋稳和对西北内部复杂情势的了解,尤其是通过1933年至1934年诸马联合兵拒孙殿荚屯垦青海事件,使国民党中央政权进一步认识了诸马军阀的“利益边界”及其在西北政.治军事格局中的作用和影响,从此国民党中央政权与西北诸马军阀关系初步定型。  相似文献   
研究了一类舍有连续偏差变元和阻尼项的非线性双曲型偏微分方程,获得了该方程在Robin边值条件和Dirichlet边值条件下解振动的一些充分条件,所得结果说明了时滞与阻尼项对解的振动性的影响.  相似文献   
Assigning storage locations to incoming or reshuffled containers is a fundamental problem essential to the operations efficiency of container terminals. The problem is notoriously hard for its combinatorial and dynamic nature. In this article, we minimize the number of reshuffles in assigning storage locations for incoming and reshuffled export containers. For the static problem to empty a given stack without any new container arrival, the optimum reshuffle sequence is identified by an integer program (IP). The integer program captures the evolution of stack configurations as a function of decisions and is of interest by itself. Heuristics based on the integer program are then derived. Their competitiveness in accuracy and time are established by extensive numerical runs comparing them with existing heuristics in literature and in practice as well as with extensions of the existing heuristics. Variants of the IP‐based heuristics are then applied to the dynamic problem with continual retrievals and arrivals of containers. Again, numerical runs confirm that the IP‐based heuristic is competitive. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2009  相似文献   
李先念长期担任中共中央政治局委员、书记处书记、国务院副总理兼财政部部长等职,参与制定了三线建设一系列重大战略决策,直接领导实施了三线重点工程建设,并指导三线建设重点企业进行调整改造,是第一、第二两代中央领导集体中唯一参加了三线建设决策制定、指导实施、调整改造三个阶段全过程的重要成员,为三线建设做出重要贡献。  相似文献   
曾中生是中国工农红军高级指挥员,军事家。他早年投身革命运动,在20世纪30年代参与领导指挥鄂豫皖红军的建设和作战,是鄂豫皖苏区的主要领导人之一,并参与领导创建川陕苏区,对红四方面军的成长壮大,对鄂豫皖和川陕苏区的建立和发展,做出了不可磨灭的贡献。其军事理论建树主要体现在3个方面:红军建设的基本原则、方针与方法,红军作战的战役战术原则,动员群众参战的原则、方法与瓦解敌军的斗争策略。  相似文献   
马克思主义是植根于时代和历史的客观必然性之中的理论,是顺应工人阶级和广大人民群众时代需要的产物,是植根世界经济政治文化科技等时代条件的产物,是荟萃人类文明成果的时代精神的产物.  相似文献   
线性切割索被广泛应用于现代武器系统的切割、分离、开舱,在某武器系统的开舱设计过程中,通过对不同装药的线性切割索进行了充分的功能试验,确定直观论证选用的线性切割索能确保武器系统在开舱过程中具有很高的可靠性。从而说明该线性切割索设计研制是成功的。  相似文献   
关于建立军民结合指数的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在比较各种建立指数方法的基础上,对建立我国军民结合发展指数的方法进行研究,并进一步思考了建立指数的具体方案。  相似文献   
按照预定的日程实施测量设备再校准,是实验室一个通用的做法,ISO/IEC17025《检测和校准实验室能力的通用要求》要求,在测量过程中应按照经济合理的日程插入期间核查,以证实测量设备是否处于校准技术状态。本文打破以时间周期确定测量设备校准间隔的传统模式,探讨以测量设备测量被测对象的多少(即测量设备使用的频繁程度)为基础,利用期间核查实时发现测量设备校准技术状态的变化,从而确定测量设备校准间隔的新模式。  相似文献   
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