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基于神经网络和遗传算法对反装甲目标威胁度评估研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对威胁度估计问题和装甲车辆在战场上的实际情况,运用神经网络和遗传算法理论探索反装甲目标威胁度评估问题。基于BP神经网络模型的算法,利用神经网络良好的自适应能力和遗传算法强大的全局搜索能力,通过样本数据训练,提高了威胁度估计的准确性和适应性。经过验证该算法能够有效反应出反各种反装甲目标的威胁度,其稳定性、精确性也比较高。  相似文献   
<纲要>是新世纪新阶段基层建设的根本法规.学习贯彻<纲要>是事关部队全局的大事.要学深悟透,掌握基本内容,把握基本要求,领悟基层建设的特点规律,切实增强贯彻落实的针对性有效性,推进基层建设的科学发展.  相似文献   
军队政治工作创新发展的基本经验是:始终坚持用党的创新理论武装官兵;始终坚持围绕中心、服务大局;始终坚持听党指挥、服务人民、英勇善战的优良传统;始终坚持主动应对新形势新要求.  相似文献   
按照国家教育部关于研究生教学要求 ,探讨武警学院边消警部队政工学研究生教学的政策依据 ,研究生教学的科学性和必要性以及研究生教学的可行性 ,并论述了武警学院边消警部队政工学研究生教学的专业特点、参考培养方案及要求等。  相似文献   
通过研究椭圆曲线群,给出基于其上的2个零知识证明方案,这2个方案均使得甲方向乙方宣称自己拥有某种信息,并通过互动证明使其确信具有该信息,但同时还未泄漏该信息。  相似文献   
Most countries put significant amounts of time and effort in writing and issuing high-level policy documents. These are supposed to guide subsequent national defence efforts. But do they? And how do countries even try to ensure that they do? This paper reports on a benchmarking effort of how a few “best of breed” small- to medium-sized defence organisations (Australia, Canada, and New Zealand) deal with these issues. We find that most countries fail to link goals to resources and pay limited attention to specific and rigorous ex-ante or post-hoc evaluation, even when compared to their own national government-wide provisions. We do, however, observe a (modest) trend towards putting more specific goals and metrics in these documents that can be – and in a few rare cases were – tracked. The paper identifies 42 concrete policy “nuggets” – both “do’s and don’ts” – that should be of interest to most defence policy planning/analysis communities. It ends with two recommendations that are in line with recent broader (non-defence) scholarship on the policy formulation-policy implementation gap: to put more rigorous emphasis on implementation (especially on achieving desired policy effects), but to do so increasingly in more experiential (“design”) ways, rather than in industrial-age bureaucratic ones (“PPBS”-systems).  相似文献   
深化培育当代革命军人核心价值观,必须做到贴近生活、引领生活并最终融入生活,使当代革命军人核心价值观成为提升官兵人生价值和生活质量的精神因子;聚焦推动部队建设科学发展、有效履行历史使命这个中心工作,使当代革命军人核心价值观在激励官兵履职尽责、建功立业中显示强大威力;注重把隐性、抽象的价值意蕴转换为形象直观、真实感人的具体载体,通过无意识教育使当代革命军人核心价值观能为广大官兵看得见、读得懂、学得了.  相似文献   

Increasingly, academic research in conflict-affected contexts relies on support from humanitarian organizations. Humanitarian organizations constitute sites of study in and of themselves; they partner with academics to roll out surveys or randomized program interventions; and they frequently facilitate security, logistics and transportation for independent researchers. We use a research partnership between IRC, the World Bank, and academic researchers in the UK, the US and eastern DR Congo, to explore the effects of humanitarian affiliation on conflict field research. In investigating when, how and under what conditions humanitarian identities are adopted by researchers (and how these affiliations shape research dynamics) we identify three paradoxes. First, “wearing humanitarian clothes” to facilitate research logistics can both facilitate and constrain access. Second, humanitarian affiliations invoked by researchers to ensure security and protection in volatile research sites can undermine the “insider” status of local staff. Finally, working through humanitarian organizations allows local and international researchers to benefit from the protections and privileges afforded to humanitarian employees without providing any of the services on which privileged access rests. In this article, we map out decisions faced by local and international researchers concerning when to adopt and discard humanitarian identities, and the fraught logistical, ethical and methodological consequences of these decisions.  相似文献   
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