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We consider a single-machine scheduling model in which the job processing times are controllable variables with linear costs. The objective is to minimize the sum of the cost incurred in compressing job processing times and the cost associated with the number of late jobs. The problem is shown to be NP-hard even when the due dates of all jobs are identical. We present a dynamic programming solution algorithm and a fully polynomial approximation scheme for the problem. Several efficient heuristics are proposed for solving the problem. Computational experiments demonstrate that the heuristics are capable of producing near-optimal solutions quickly. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 45: 67–82, 1998  相似文献   
This article describes a new closed adaptive sequential procedure proposed by Bechhofer and Kulkarni for selecting the Bernoulli population which has the largest success probability. It can be used effectively for selecting the production process with the largest proportion of conforming items, and thus is applicable in vendor selection situations. The performance of this procedure is compared to that of the Sobel-Huyett single-stage procedure, and to a curtailed version of the single-stage procedure, all of which guarantee the same probability of a correct selection. Optimal properties of the Bechhofer-Kulkarni procedure are stated; quantitative assessments of important performance characteristics of the procedure are given. These demonstrate conclusively the superiority of the new procedure over that of the competing procedures. Relevant areas of application (including clinical trials) are described. Appropriate literature references are provided.  相似文献   
Book reviews     
Third World Military Expenditure: Determinants and Implications. By Robert McKinlay. Frances Pinter, London (1989)

The UK Defence Industrial Base: Development and Future Policy Options. By Trevor Taylor and Keith Hayward. Brassey's, London, for Royal United Services Institute (1989), ISBN 0-08-036713-5, £22.50

Mutiny. By Lawrence James. Buchan & Enright, London (1987), ISBN 0-907675-70-0, £12.95; Scapegoat! Famous Courts Martial. By John Harris. Severn House, London (1988), ISBN 0-7278-2103-2, £12.95; In Glass Houses. By Robert Boyes. Military Provost Staff Corps Association, Colchester (1986), ISBN 0-9513467-0-9, £6.50 (paperback)

The Nuclear Weapons World: Who, How and Where. Edited by Patrick Burke. Frances Pinter, London (1988), ISBN 086187-705-5, £50.00

Merchants of TreasonAmerica's Secrets for Sale. By Thomas B. Allen and Norman Polmar. Robert Hale, London (1988), ISBN 0-7090-3543-8, £14.95 ($21.95); Intelligence and Intelligence Policy in a Democratic Society. Edited by Stephen J. Cimbala. Transnational Publishers, Dobbs Ferry, NY (1987), ISBN 0-941320-44-8, $37.50; Catching Spies—Principles and Practices of Counterespionage. By H. H. A. Cooper and Lawrence J. Redlinger. Paladin Press, Boulder, CO (1988), ISBN 0-87364-466-2, $24.95

The BattleshipRoyal Sovereignand Her Sister Ships. By Peter C. Smith. William Kimber, Wellingborough (1988), ISBN 0-7183-0704-6, £12.95; Air Power at Sea, 1945 to Today. By John Winton. Sidgwick & Jackson, London (1987), £9.95  相似文献   
Until only recently, the mechanism behind determining item price has been ignored and the discount price taken as a given in quantity-discount inventory decision problems. Inventory subject to declining demand further complicates both pricing and replenishment decisions. This article provides the vendor with the means for optimally determining both the discount price and replenishment order frequency for all buyers in the system in an environment of declining demand. In the multiple-buyer case, we provide an efficient algorithm for classifying buyers into homogeneous subgroups to further enhance joint cost savings among all system participants.  相似文献   
Estimating the performance of an automatic target recognition (ATR) system in terms of its probability of successfully identifying a target involves extensive image collection and processing, which can be very time‐consuming and expensive. Therefore, we investigate the Wald sequential test for the difference in two proportions as a sample size‐reducing alternative to ranking and selection procedures and confidence intervals. An analysis of the test parameters leads to a practical methodology for implementing the Wald test for fairly comparing two systems, based on specific experimental goals. The test is also extended with the modified, sequentially rejective Bonferroni procedure for the multiple pairwise comparison of more than two systems. Two sampling schemes for different experimental goals are also discussed. The test methodology is applied to actual data to compare different configurations of a specific ATR system, with the results demonstrating that the modified Wald sequential procedure is a useful alternative to comparing proportions with confidence intervals, particularly when data are expensive. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 46: 357–371, 1999  相似文献   
The use of life-cycle costs in procurement is limited by the accuracy of cost estimates and assessments of availability risks under the conditions generating costs. Critical to these problems are the needs and responses of equipment to maintenance and repair. Using transition probabilities to define the relationships between serviceability and maintenance and repairs, this article develops a comprehensive decision support system for military procurement. It uses a dynamic programming model to determine the least-cost set of maintenance and repair decisions, where adjustments are included for warranty conditions, time value of money, the opportunity costs of equipment failure, and the end-of-cycle salvage values or disposal costs. The system allows users to define working and failed states, create their own rules or indicators of availability from estimates of state probabilities and establish thresholds of risk acceptability.  相似文献   
An improved demand prediction model is presented which incorporates features of two earlier models. The unified model pools usage data classified by repair part class and by component class. The performance of the model is evaluated in a provisioning and replenishment context and compared with that for the current procedure which employs technicians' usage estimates.  相似文献   
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