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提出了大学语文教学中,如何将美学教育规律渗透其中,指导学生去发掘美、感受美、判断美、创造美,以便充分发挥大学语文教学中的审美教育作用。  相似文献   
长期以来 ,在中国古典诗歌的研究中 ,意境都是作为评价诗歌艺术水准的重要标准 ,有时甚至是惟一标准。这种评价标准直接限制了评价者的视线 ,也不符合诗歌创作的实际。本文就此进行了辨析 ,并明确指出 :意境本身只是一个诗歌评价的艺术概念 ,在不同的环境条件下 ,意境本身也是有高低之分的。  相似文献   
联系武警学院办学实际 ,阐述学习十六大精神和“三个代表”重要思想的几点体会和思考 ,较为明确地提出了学院建设与发展的几个值得重视和关注的问题  相似文献   
文化现代化是现代化的重要内容,也是现代化的最终体现。在中国文化走向现代化的过程中,毛泽东的文化现代化思想无疑占有重要地位,他领导的中国革命和建设为文化现代化奠定了基础,他回答了涉及中国文化建设的重大理论问题,并且在中国文化现代化的实践中进行了尝试。  相似文献   
《大学语文》作为军队院校的一门基础课,一直没有得到很好的重视,特别是近年来与英语课教学相比,有弱化的倾向。《大学语文》教学应充分挖掘现有教材的教化作用,指导学员扩大阅读面,引导学员构建自己的精神家园;贯彻大语文观,为培养军队人才服务。  相似文献   
从1917年胡适的《白话诗八首》开始,新诗已走过近百年的历程,在近一个世纪的发展中,一代代诗人的努力使新诗形成了迥异于旧体诗的独特形式和创新品格,并在探索中形成了散文化倾向、扩充新意象、不断创新探索等特色。  相似文献   
联合国综合发展观以联合国千年发展目标为具体实施方案,是一种对全球发展实践具有普遍指导意义和实际应用价值的综合发展思想。科学发展观是在科学判断我国国情,充分借鉴联合国综合发展观以及参照联合国千年发展目标的指标与要求的基础上提出的。科学发展观的提出使联合国综合发展观实现了中国的本土化,同时它也是我国从事理性化发展实践的理论起点。  相似文献   
Traditionally, policy and planning have been institutionally weak in the Naval Staff (Office of the Chief of Naval Operations – OPNAV). In their place, the N8 (Programming) has dominated resource decision-making, and, by default, decisions relating to policy and planning. Recent uncertainty over defense authorization and appropriations has resulted in calls for a greater role to be played by the N3/5, Policy and Plans Directorate. The article argues that reform of the Department of the Navy’s planning process is urgently needed. OPNAV’s weak planning and overly dominant programming practices are compared with those of the Departments of the Army and Air Force and are shown to be out of conformance with them. The article concludes with specific and detailed recommendations for reform of both the current planning and programming processes.  相似文献   
The 1981 Defence Review undertaken by John Nott as Secretary of State for Defence controversially and dramatically cut the capabilities of the Royal Navy’s surface fleet. Many of those involved in these decisions have emphasised the budgetary and politico-strategic drivers for these reductions in capability, and the first generation of academic analysis has broadly followed this position. However, recently released government and private archival sources demonstrate that Nott’s review was initially much more severe than thought, and that this was due as much to the presumptions and assumptions of the key decision makers as to any strategic or budgetary factors.  相似文献   
In the South China Sea, China neither implements power-maximizing policy nor engages a peaceful approach. Instead, China implements both coercion and cooperation in pursuing its strategic interest in the disputed area. How can we explain China’s paradoxical behavior? This article claims that the best way to explain China’s policy in the South China Sea is to understand the character of dualism in China’s strategic culture. Following constructivist theory that stresses culture, this article argues that Chinese duality approach in the South China Sea is rooted in the philosophy of Daoism. The symbol of Yin-Yang depicts Chinese assertive as well as cooperative behavior in dealing with the South China Sea dispute. Although from a normative perspective Daoism recognizes pacifism and non-violent behavior, the most important feature of Daoism is the assumption that reality consists of two opposing elements that are mutually embedded.  相似文献   
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