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密集部署的集团军区域防空体系,各防空群火力范围相互重叠,火力关系复杂。需要军防空指挥机构对所属各防空群的火力运用进行统一调控。论述了军区域防空体系火力区分的基本含义、特点和实施方法,建立了相应的数学模型,目的是为军防空火力运用和军新型防空指挥自动化系统开发提供理论指导和技术支持。  相似文献   
通过结合目标红外特征,研究了空-空弹在复杂背景条件下的目标红外成像末制导的技术原理和实施途径。对复杂地背景的辐射特征和主要空中攻击目标军用喷气战机的目标红外辐射源类型作了分析,研究了红外目标特征的提取方法和算法。  相似文献   
基于ESPRIT的中段弹道目标特征提取方法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种新的弹道目标特征提取方法:对宽带雷达回波进行STRETCH处理后用ESPRIT方法估计其中频点,然后采用Gerschgorin半径方法进行散射源数目估计,去除虚假频率,获得目标散射点的数目、位置、散射中心强度等特征参数。与基于FFT算法的特征提取方法相比,这种方法具有更强的抑制杂波能力和更高的分辨率。仿真结果表明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
在《现代教育技术》的课程教学中,笔者对B-learning进行了前测——后测菲对等控制组设计的准实验研究。通过对实验数据的分析发现,在学科知识测验方两,两组无显著差异;在是否完成自己预期目标:疗面,两者呈现了显著差异;在协作方面,两种教学方法也擘现出了较显著的差异。另外,B-learning对于培养学习者认知能力和解决问题的能力非常有效。为了能更好地开展B-learning,教师要帮助学生变革他们的学习观,给学生及时有效地指导,并提供丰富的支持环境。  相似文献   
射击指挥是防空兵作战指挥的重要组成部分,防空兵群的射击指挥能力,严重影响着整个防空兵群的作战能力。引入模糊评判模型,在分析评价射击指挥能力的各个指标的基础上,对防空兵群的射击指挥能力作出综合评价。  相似文献   
雷达目标高分辨距离像的特征提取及识别方法   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文首先应用TLS-ESPRIT算法提取光学区高分辨雷达目标散射中心位置信息,并提出了“基于散射中心位置的相关匹配”目标识别算法,而后,证明了该算法相关匹配系数与所选择的基底无关以及算法的稳定性问题。最后,给出了五种飞机缩比模型的实验结果。  相似文献   
一种动态门限群签名方案的安全性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
门限群签名是群签名的推广,其中只有授权子集才能代表整个群体进行签名。一旦发生纠纷,签名成员的身份可以被追查出来。指出一种动态门限群签名方案有冗余,提出了针对该签名三种攻击。分析结果证明该门限群签名方案不具有防冒充性,不能抵抗合谋攻击,门限的动态更新、群成员注销和系统密钥更新也不安全。  相似文献   
In this paper, we consider a coherent system with n independent and identically distributed components under the condition that the system is monitored at time instances t1 and t2 (t1 < t2). First, various mixture representations for reliability function of the conditional residual lifetime of the coherent system are derived under different scenarios at times t1 and t2 (t1 < t2). Several stochastic comparisons between two systems are also made based on the proposed conditional random variables. Then, we consider the conditional residual lifetime of the functioning components of the system given that j components have failed at time t1 and the system has failed at time t2. Some stochastic comparisons on the proposed conditional residual lifetimes are investigated. Several illustrative graphs and examples are also provided.  相似文献   
The lessons from the two French counterinsurgencies, Indochina and Algeria, give rise to a new understanding of the projection of airpower in remote and hostile environments and the purpose, design, and use of aircraft in counterinsurgency. In both Indochina and Algeria, the campaigns were ones of poverty, and it is their imaginative management under severe resource constraints that provides thoughtful and applicable lessons for today. In both cases, airpower held the promise of delivering victory and solving the resource issue. In Indochina, acquisition of the needed aircraft, operating knowledge, and experience came too slowly to realize this promise. In Algeria, the French embraced the lessons from Indochina and were quite successful and innovative in the use of airpower. The lessons can be reduced to four requirements: (1) a network of airfields for liaison, ground-support, and intra-theater airlift to enable effective air support of ground forces; (2) a solid, reliable, and simple ground-support aircraft capable of operating from forward airfields within range of ground engagements; (3) a capable intra-theater heavy-lift transport to supply the extended ground forces; and (4) helicopter capability to enhance tactical troop mobility and support.  相似文献   
The notion of signature has been widely applied for the reliability evaluation of technical systems that consist of binary components. Multi‐state system modeling is also widely used for representing real life engineering systems whose components can have different performance levels. In this article, the concept of survival signature is generalized to a certain class of unrepairable homogeneous multi‐state systems with multi‐state components. With such a generalization, a representation for the survival function of the time spent by a system in a specific state or above is obtained. The findings of the article are illustrated for multi‐state consecutive‐k‐out‐of‐n system which perform its task at three different performance levels. The generalization of the concept of survival signature to a multi‐state system with multiple types of components is also presented. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 593–599, 2017  相似文献   
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