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Extant literature documents a relationship between military deployment and the risk of an international terrorist attack against citizens of the deploying country. It appears that deployment significantly increases the possibility of terrorist actions in the home country. In particular, if country A decides to send troops to nation B, then citizens of the former country are more likely to fall victim of an attack carried out by a terrorist organisation originating from the latter country. Contributing to this line of literature, we further refine this relationship by distinguishing between regions where the troops are sent as well as by introducing differences between types of deployment. Our results indicate that missions to Asia and the Middle East are more dangerous than missions to other regions as reflected by the terrorist threat in the home country. Robustness tests do however show that the significance of the location variable Asia is predominantly attributed to the mission to Afghanistan. As for types of deployment, only ad hoc missions seem to increase the risk of an attack, whereas no significant results are found for other missions such as operations under UN and NATO flag. Leaving out the missions to Iraq and Afghanistan however also increases the danger resulting from missions by fixed coalitions. Our results find however no evidence that ‘wearing a blue helmet’ increases the probability of a terrorist attack at home.  相似文献   
针对低信噪比条件下雷达弱小目标的检测与跟踪,提出了基于支持向量机和无迹粒子滤波的检测前跟踪算法。该算法采用无迹卡尔曼滤波生成粒子滤波的重要性密度函数,提高了粒子的使用效率,在此基础上将支持向量机引入到粒子重采样步骤中,通过构建状态的后验概率密度函数来获得多样性的新粒子,有效解决了粒子贫化问题,仿真结果表明,该算法提高了目标的检测概率和跟踪精度。  相似文献   
基于AdaBoost-SVM的P2P流量识别方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统的P2P流量识别技术存在识别率低和误判率高的缺点,将机器学习中Ada Boost算法的良好分类能力和SVM的泛化能力结合起来,提出一种基于Ada Boost-SVM组合算法的P2P网络流量识别模型,将SVM作为Ada Boost的基分类器,运用最小近邻法计算支持向量与训练集的样本间的距离实现分类进行P2P流量识别。最后,以4种P2P流量数据为研究对象在MATLAB上进行仿真,仿真结果表明,提出的Ada Boost-SVM的组合算法在P2P网络流量的分类性能和分类准确率上都优于单纯的Ada Boost和SVM,组合算法的P2P流量平均识别率高达98.7%,远高于Ada Boost和SVM的识别率。  相似文献   
针对通信装备保障系统能力的评估问题,基于对经典评估算法的分析和对通信装备保障能力组成要素的研究,采用效能评估中经典并且目前常用的ADC方法,对通信装备保障系统能力进行效能评估建模与分析,确定了通信装备保障系统主要的能力指标以及影响因素,为通信装备保障系统及其组成装备的效能评估研究奠定基础、提供参考。通过对通信装备保障能力评估的研究,可以揭示构成通信装备保障能力诸要素间的本质联系,明确通信装备保障水平,提高通信装备保障能力。  相似文献   
舰炮制导弹药发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从舰炮制导弹药的基本概念出发,结合其使命任务,对比中美两栖作战力量区别,指出发展低成本高精度制导兵器的必要性。总结当前国内外对制导弹药的研究现状,提取其关键技术,对比中外在顶层概念设计、系统交联、弹药实验测试等方面的发展差距,为下一步制导弹药的研究,提出了阶梯式、螺旋式发展、加强基础性研究工作、开展制导弹药协同控制技术研究等重要建议。  相似文献   
随着飞行模拟训练在我国的常态化、普及化发展,模拟装备的保障压力也日益增长,为了有效缓解保障压力增长与保障力量薄弱之间的突出矛盾,提出一种基于多层中转跨网络的飞行训练模拟器远程保障系统。该系统依托现有的专用网资源建立从技术保障中心到远程模拟器的数据通道,通过在不同网段间架设中转服务器的方法为技术保障人员提供从专用网到模拟器局域网计算机的通信链路,从而辅助技术保障人员对远程模拟器进行远程保障。目前,该系统已在空军多个部队进行了部署和应用,使用结果表明,该系统的应用和推广能大大拉直模拟装备的保障路径,缩短排故时间,节省维护经费。  相似文献   
Analysing the relationship between the provision of military support and the probability of becoming the target of a terrorist attack, this paper contributes to the literature on the causes of transnational terrorism. We find that deployment of military troops of country X in country Y increases the probability of a terrorist attack on citizens of country X by a terrorist group located in country Y. Exporting weapons to country Y seems to increase the probability of being attacked by the terrorists of this country Y as well. Deploying materials, however, does not seem to significantly influence the probability of attack. Including lagged values for our military support variables ensures that the causality direction is from military support to terrorist attacks. Moreover, these results indicate that while the effect of military deployment on the probability of attack lasts for more than 1 year, the effect is rather short-lived.  相似文献   
天基信息支援下区域反导组网作战各系统实现互连、互通、互操作的关键是战术信息分发系统,而该系统中存在着多种类型的数据链路,这些链路之间又存在着各种约束条件,因此科学合理的对这些链路进行规划是系统实现的重要工作之一.建立并提出了天基信息支援下区域反导组网作战战术信息分发系统数据链路的规划模型和一种新的解算方法,为该系统数据链路的规划提供了理论依据.  相似文献   
考虑了备件资源有限,有多个需求单位的条件下,依据装备数量、零部件、元器件的故障率,单装用数、平均更换时间、各级维修机构领取备件的平均时间,建立了两级备件保障度的模型,并在备件总资源量一定的条件下,按保障度最大给出了两级备件配置的程序、方法和示例.模型举例说明了模型输出结果的特征和敏感性.模型应用可减少备件的积压,降低备件的短缺,提高备件的保障效果.  相似文献   
引起图像退化的因素众多,因而难以用一个统一的方法来进行恢复处理。鉴于图像的像素和各颜色分量通道间本质上存在某种相关性,以及以支持向量机为核心的统计学习理论具有较好地解决小样本、非线性、高维数问题的能力,提出了一种新的空域图像恢复方法,并通过对来自于待处理图像本身的训练样本的学习,构造自适应的回归插值函数;然后基于该函数对图像作有选择的修改,从而达到图像恢复的目的。实验表明,该方法是有效的,并且具有较好的泛化性能。  相似文献   
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