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The term “hybrid warfare” is a new one that the West began to use to explain its failure to cope with asymmetric threats. Focusing on the war on global terrorism, the West temporarily withdrew its attention from traditional adversaries, such as Russia, which has used this gap and has audaciously returned to the stage as a global actor. Until the Russian annexation of the Crimean Peninsula in 2014 and inflaming the Ukrainian crisis, most Western authors attributed “hybrid threats” mostly to non-state actors. But the Ukrainian scenario showed the true face of “hybridity” in the modern battlefield when practised by a powerful state actor. Russian “hybrid warfare” in Ukraine has already been seen as a combination of conventional and unconventional methods, that have been complemented with other instruments of national power – diplomatic, economic and information. The purpose of this article is, through an analysis of the Ukrainian scenario, to demonstrate that although the term “hybrid” is new, the concept itself is old and is a continuation of already seen doctrine from the Cold War era. Although “hybrid threats” can come both from state and non-state actors, the Russian interference in Ukraine is proof that they are especially dangerous for the West if, or when, they are initiated from a traditional, sophisticated adversary that has the capacity to use all forms of warfare.  相似文献   
Parts of NATO’s contemporary planning framework called the comprehensive operations planning directive (COPD), and parts of the operation-level planning process should be revised since they suffer from methodological inconsistency. This claim is defended by discussing contradicting methodological properties and heuristics applied when framing and managing a military problem in accordance with the COPD. The methodological inconsistency within the COPD; in other words, simultaneously applying contradictory methodological properties, implies one theoretical and three practical implications. The theoretical implication is summarised in a meta-theoretical framework and explained by discussing five methodological properties: non-linearity, emergence, independently changeable generalisations, invariance and boundaries. The three practical implications of methodology imply that methodology is guiding: the problem-frame, conceptual development and action. To improve military planners’ understanding and management of these four identified implications, NATO is recommended to develop a “handbook of methodology.” The purpose of such a handbook should be to emphasise the utility of methodology when planning military operations.  相似文献   
PN码的快速捕获是设计直接序列扩频接收机的关键技术之一。对于无限长的输入序列,采用了基于分段相关的快速捕获算法。分段相关采用重叠保留法,用FFT实现每块的相关运算。在Matlab环境下验证了本算法可以在低信噪比及高动态环境下实现PN码的快速捕获。  相似文献   
在得到对空观察哨直接观测信息的基础上,对目标可能航向进行二次外推,并利用效用函数综合评估法对目标相关性进行检验,完成对目标信息的融合,解决了观察哨情报数据关联和航迹外推问题.仿真及试验结果表明该方法用于防空观察哨情报融合是可行的,其结果分析的应用能指导观察哨训练和战时观察哨的配置.  相似文献   
传统教学以学生被动接受,死记课本知识,教师为课堂主宰,教学单向流动,学生个性受到严重压抑为特点。建构主义摒弃了这些传统教学方式,强调学生是知识意义的主动建构者,学生是教学的主体,教师是学生知识建构的组织者、参与者、帮助者,学生的背景知识受到重视,学生的个性得到充分的尊重,师生、生生的交流互动是教学中重要环节。在建构主义理论指导下的写作教学体现了平等、互动、创新的特质。  相似文献   
就业与社会稳定的正相关:就业的保障功能的发挥、激励功能的发挥、融入功能的发挥、协作功能的发挥,都有助于实现社会稳定。就业存在的问题与社会稳定的负相关:失业人员大量存在、就业弱势群体大量存在、就业权益缺失,都影响着社会稳定。  相似文献   
近年来,记忆词汇的方法不断涌现,但是这些方法仅仅考虑其中某一方面因素,而非综合考虑多方面因素。鉴于单词间拼写和发音重合度对于词汇记忆的重要性,融合了单词拼写和发音重合度,提出了基于单词间关联度的词汇记忆方法,结合图论知识给出了单词最优记忆回路的近似算法,运用Matlab编程对大学英语四级词汇进行了排序,通过实验和假设检验验证了使用基于单词间关联度的词汇记忆方法的记忆效率明显优于普通方法。  相似文献   
针对圆柱壳在复杂载荷作用下静力稳定性问题提出了一种新的求解方法.基于分离变量的方法,设定一组可涵盖任意边界条件的复数位移函数,将位移函数代入系统平衡方程后,圆柱壳的静力稳定性问题就可以转化为一个复系数八次多项式的求根问题.该特征方程的偶次幂系数项以及常数项为实数,而奇数次幂项均为纯虚数.研究表明,根的大小代表了圆柱壳端部作用力的强度,以及该作用力在离开这个边界一定距离上的衰减特性.分析了该新方法和经典方法的关系,并给出了一个各向同性圆柱壳在轴向压力作用下稳定性分析算例,得到了线弹性失稳解.和经典方法的结果比较表明,文中所提出的新方法适用可行,且和经典方法具有同样的精度.  相似文献   
“六熟悉”、灭火预案和指挥员的素质是取得灭火战斗胜利的三个关键因素,在分析三者之间关系的基础上,指出三者具有同样的作用,不可偏废。否则,将无法取得灭火战斗的胜利。  相似文献   
图像质量的客观评价与人类主观感知之间一定存在必然的联系,并且这些客观评价方法应该取代主观评价。也就是说,这些客观评价方法允许在不征求任何用户意见的基础上,去评价一个给定系统的性能。本文研究了在变化的压缩体制下实施在若干图像上的一套客观测量和主观评价之间的相互关系,并给出了初步的分析结果。  相似文献   
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