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I present a formal framework to explore the welfare and distributional effects of a government’s optimal choice over two types of public spending in a closed economy: domestic security (DS) and investment in social capital (SC). Production is characterized as a function of social and physical capital stocks that both vary across the regions. DS stands for total factor productivity, while SC stands for human capital and civic cooperativeness combined. SC accumulates via public spending on universal primary education, cultural, and civic events and such, and is exposed to regional spillover effects. Numerical simulations of the static solution of the government’s welfare maximization problem reveal that the optimal rate of spending on SC (m*) is negatively related with the income share of physical capital, SC spillovers and fiscal decentralization. Simulations also show that SC homogeneity is positively associated with both the level and equitability of aggregate income. The maximum attainable levels of income, welfare and social cohesion and the most equitable incomes are all observed to realize at some intermediate range of m* values. In case DS augments SC, however, social cohesion improves and welfare declines monotonously in m*.  相似文献   
This article explores the question of why so few insurgencies from the ancient world have ever made it onto the big screen. Many of these stories have been made into documentaries, but have been ignored by Hollywood. Even those events that have been made into Hollywood films, like the uprising of Spartacus, do not show any of the successful uprisings, only the defeats. Among the possible reasons may be Hollywood's fascination with big wars and big battles rather than small wars because they are more cinematic. Another reason is that American movies are reluctant to show successful slave uprisings or insurgencies against great powers. In the end, all movies are about the present, not the past, and thus Western bias will side with the imperial power, not the terrorist.  相似文献   
基于人工社会的计算实验使应急管理的定量分析与研究成为可能。然而,应急管理模型涉及多个学科与领域,具有多层次、非线性和多粒度等特点,需要一套规范的流程来指导人工社会的模型建立和模型管理。论文梳理了面向应急管理的模型体系,提出了基于领域特定建模的人工社会建模方法,解决了多领域建模问题;研究了模型的形式化描述与编码问题,并实现了模型的有效管理;结合"甲型H1N1"病程模型,详细论述了模型的构建方法与管理问题,为面向应急管理的计算实验提供一体化的模型服务。  相似文献   
防火门关键材料、安装、使用中存在的问题,会对防火门的使用功能、人员疏散等产生诸多不利影响。就防火门关键材料中填充材料的性能、木质板材的阻燃、五金和防火玻璃的使用不当等问题进行了综述,并提出了相应改进对策;对安装过程中的校验、规范、细节、辅料的使用等问题提出了具体改进措施;指出了用户在使用中存在的突出问题,并提出解决方案。  相似文献   
大学章程是大学依法自主办学、实施管理和履行公共职能的基本准则,制定高质量的大学章程对于促进高等教育内涵式发展具有十分重要的意义.阐释大学章程的内涵及其对高校内涵式发展的促进作用,分析大学章程建设与高校内涵式发展的有机联系,指出高校制定大学章程应注意的问题.  相似文献   
网络的发展和普及给人们带来了空前丰富的信息资源,这既满足了用户对信息的广泛需求,同时也对图书馆提出了更高的要求。从机、活、专三个方面分析探讨了图书馆未来的发展趋势,希望能给图书馆的发展提供参考意见。  相似文献   
党的十八届三中全会指出要深化教育领域综合改革,健全促进就业创业体制机制:提出"三个进一步解放",即进一步解放思想、进一步解放和发展生产力、进一步解放和增强社会活力。这一新形势下,为确保社会和谐稳定、推进区域发展和教育公平,实现新疆高校跨越式发展显得尤为重要。本文对此形势下实现这一目标进行探讨。  相似文献   
本文通过对新疆喀什地区中小学双语教师专业化发展现状调查,运用绩效技术手段,找出当前中小学双语教师专业化发展中存在的主要问题及引发问题的根源,构建中小学双语教师专业化发展的绩效改进过程模型,并提出中小学双语教师专业化绩效改进建议。  相似文献   
Whether or not Colombia has improved is a controversial topic. If improvement has occurred, what, if any, lessons from the Colombian model can be learned? The first lesson is that Colombia's problems were caused more by a weak state than by drugs. The second lesson is that improving state capacity requires more than just increased security. The state must also provide the basic social services that citizens require to gain and maintain their support. Additionally, government institutions need to improve their professionalism, protect human rights, and root out impunity and corruption. The alternative is to suffer from new cycles of violence as old foes are vanquished, but new ones emerge.  相似文献   
目前消防部队信息化建设取得了初步成效,但与部队需求还存在一定差距,存在着对信息化建设认识不够高、信息化应用不深入、专业人才偏少、人员素质偏低、投入资金不足等问题,并针对存在的问题提出了解决对策。  相似文献   
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