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在明确了"工程化"内涵的基础上,研究了美军依托联合能力集成与开发系统(Joint Capabilities Integrationand Development System,JCIDS)建立的与装备需求生成紧密相关的军队联合能力需求生成机制。指出该机制具有典型的工程化特征和很高的工程化程度,集中体现在程序、任务、方法、成果、描述和管理6个方面。逐一阐述了各个方面中蕴含的工程化思想和方法,对建立符合我军特点的装备需求工程学科有一定参考价值。 相似文献
This paper presents a new methodology to solve the cyclic preference scheduling problem for hourly workers. The focus is on nurse rostering but is applicable to any organization in which the midterm scheduling decision must take into account a complex of legal, institutional, and preferential constraints. The objective is to strike a balance between satisfying individual preferences and minimizing personnel costs. The common practice is to consider each planning period independently and to generate new rosters at the beginning of each. To reduce some of the instability in the process, there is a growing trend toward cyclic schedules, which are easier to manage and are generally perceived to be more equitable. To address this problem, a new integer programming model is presented that combines the elements of both cyclic and preference scheduling. To find solutions, a branch‐and‐price algorithm is developed that makes use of several branching rules and an extremely effective rounding heuristic. A unique feature of the formulation is that the master problem contains integer rather than binary variables. Computational results are reported for problem instances with up to 200 nurses. Most were solved within 10 minutes and many within 3 minutes when a double aggregation approach was applicable. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2007. 相似文献
Column generation for stochastic green telecommunication network planning with switchable base stations

We present the green telecommunication network planning problem with switchable base stations, where the location and configuration of the base stations are optimized, while taking into account uncertainty and variability of demand. The problem is formulated as a two‐stage stochastic program under demand uncertainty with integers in both stages. Since solving the presented problem is computationally challenging, we develop the corresponding Dantzig‐Wolfe reformulation and propose a solution approach based on column generation. Comprehensive computational results are provided for instances of varying characteristics. The results show that the joint location and dynamic switching of base stations leads to significant savings in terms of energy cost. Up to 30% reduction in power consumption cost is achieved while still serving all users. In certain cases, allowing dynamic configurations leads to more installed base stations and higher user coverage, while having lower total energy consumption. The Dantzig‐Wolfe reformulation provides solutions with a tight LP‐gap eliminating the need for a full branch‐and‐price scheme. Furthermore, the proposed column generation solution approach is computationally efficient and outperforms CPLEX on the majority of the tested instances. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 351–366, 2016 相似文献
Clustering problems are often difficult to solve due to nonlinear cost functions and complicating constraints. Set partitioning formulations can help overcome these challenges, but at the cost of a very large number of variables. Therefore, techniques such as delayed column generation must be used to solve these large integer programs. The underlying pricing problem can suffer from the same challenges (non‐linear cost, complicating constraints) as the original problem, however, making a mathematical programming approach intractable. Motivated by a real‐world problem in printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturing, we develop a search‐based algorithm (Rank‐Cluster‐and‐Prune) as an alternative, present computational results for the PCB problem to demonstrate the tractability of our approach, and identify a broader class of clustering problems for which this approach can be used. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2009 相似文献
采用MSC.Patran参数化建模和遗传算法进行包带式星箭连接结构优化设计。首先给出了包带连接结构二维轴对称模型优化设计过程中涉及的V形卡块刚度等效、包带预紧力模拟和载荷施加方法,以及强度和刚度约束条件、优化目标等内容;然后以某直径为3m的包带连接结构为例进行了优化设计,并分析了对接框内延伸段长度和端头高度对应力及变形的影响;最后建立三维有限元模型进行静力分析。结果表明(1)该方法适用于包带连接结构的优化设计;(2)增加对接框内延伸段长度和端头高度能够提高整体连接刚度;(3)三维有限元模型与轴对称模型计算结果一致,验证了轴对称模型分析方法的正确性,以及V形卡块等效和预紧力模拟方法的有效性。 相似文献
针对漂浮式微型波力发电装置,根据弗汝德·克雷洛夫假定法对几种常用形状浮子所受波浪力的大小进行了计算,得出垂直圆柱形浮子吸收波浪能效果最佳的结论;运用装置和浮子共振时吸收能量最大的原理,对垂直圆柱形浮子的基本参数进行了研究,为漂浮式微型波力发电装置捕浪器浮子的设计打下了基础。 相似文献
Most machine scheduling models assume that the machines are available all of the time. However, in most realistic situations, machines need to be maintained and hence may become unavailable during certain periods. In this paper, we study the problem of processing a set of n jobs on m parallel machines where each machine must be maintained once during the planning horizon. Our objective is to schedule jobs and maintenance activities so that the total weighted completion time of jobs is minimized. Two cases are studied in this paper. In the first case, there are sufficient resources so that different machines can be maintained simultaneously if necessary. In the second case, only one machine can be maintained at any given time. In this paper, we first show that, even when all jobs have the same weight, both cases of the problem are NP-hard. We then propose branch and bound algorithms based on the column generation approach for solving both cases of the problem. Our algorithms are capable of optimally solving medium sized problems within a reasonable computational time. We note that the general problem where at most j machines, 1 ≤ j ≤ m, can be maintained simultaneously, can be solved similarly by the column generation approach proposed in this paper. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 47: 145–165, 2000 相似文献
陆军武器装备需求生成机制创新 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
探讨了外军武器装备需求生成的做法和启示,分析了陆军武器装备需求生成存在的主要问题,提出建立以"面向任务、基于能力"的需求牵引观为指导,以总部为主导的"自上而下"和"自下而上"相结合的联合能力需求生成机制的构想,并对联合能力需求生成机制的创新提出对策和建议。 相似文献