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建立正确的航母编队防空威胁模型是反航母任务规划成功的前提,在分析网络化条件下航母编队综合防空反导体系作战特点基础上,综合考虑反舰导弹性能、防空雷达网和编队防空火力威胁等因素,利用加权指数方法建立了网络化条件下航母编队综合防空网络威胁模型。仿真结果表明该模型能够体现航母网络化防空体系的真实情况,可以用于反航母任务规划。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the multiple pathways through which legitimacy of armed groups is constructed in conflict-affected states. It adopts a political sociological approach to the study of armed group legitimacy. Such a strategy assists in identifying whether armed groups enjoy legitimacy in a given empirical context and avoids applying pre-determined normative criteria. The focus is on three types of relationships: civilian communities, the state or regime in power and external actors including regional and international sponsors, to discern which types of legitimacy matter for armed groups in different relationships.  相似文献   
这组《贺新郎》,是辛弃疾和好友陈亮上饶相聚之后,用同一词牌填词唱和之作。通过对两人词作的分析,阐述了辛、陈二人力主抗金,壮志难酬、报国无门的愤懑之情,大胆对南宋统治集团的屈辱投降进行揭露和批判。表达了他们充满爱国豪情和恢复中原的决心。  相似文献   
An equity model between groups of demand points is proposed. The set of demand points is divided into two or more groups. For example, rich and poor neighborhoods and urban and rural neighborhoods. We wish to provide equal service to the different groups by minimizing the deviation from equality among groups. The distance to the closest facility is a measure of the quality of service. Once the facilities are located, each demand point has a service distance. The objective function, to be minimized, is the sum of squares of differences between all pairs of service distances between demand points in different groups. The problem is analyzed and solution techniques are proposed for the location of a single facility in the plane. Computational experiments for problems with up to 10,000 demand points and rectilinear, Euclidean, or general ?p distances illustrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2011  相似文献   
航母编队防空作战编成是影响其海上生存和完成作战任务的关键因素,在构建航母编队防空作战效能评估指标体系基础上,运用直觉模糊集理论的多属性决策方法,对航母编队防空作战编成待评方案进行评估。实例证明了该方法的可用性和有效性,可为航母编队指挥员指挥决策提供理论和方法支撑。  相似文献   
科学地研究游击战的获胜机理是军事学领域尚未解决的核心问题之一。运用信息作战原理,在海上游击战环境中,通过潜艇与航母战斗群反潜直升机的对抗来分析海上游击战的信息作战原理,研究表明:航母受到攻击的威胁通常为潜艇的1.5到5倍,只要发挥潜艇的信息与火力的联合作战优势来削弱航空母舰战斗群的反潜信息与火力的联合作战优势,仅单艘潜艇就可对航空母舰造成重创。信息作战原理不仅揭示了游击战环境中各种小概率事件及随机因素的影响机理,而且也可用作为对游击战指挥控制原理进行研究的理论基础及方法。  相似文献   
近年来,随着我国堵截、打击毒品犯罪力度的持续加大,境内外贩毒集团组织实施大宗毒品贩运的能力明显减弱,毒品犯罪快速蔓延的势头得到初步遏制。但是,贩毒集团为逃避打击、降低风险,不断变换犯罪手法,钻法律漏洞,特别是组织、利用特殊人群进行贩毒活动的现象日益增多,并呈现出家族化、规模化的趋势,而公安机关在打击特殊群体贩毒活动中,由于立法和执法等多方面的原因,还面临法律、查缉、羁押、案件处理等一系列的问题。执法实践要求运用法律、经济、行政、教育、文化等措施,综合治理特殊群体贩毒问题,努力从源头上遏制特殊人群贩毒问题的滋生、蔓延。  相似文献   
Qualitative studies of terrorist movements frequently highlight the importance of diaspora communities as important factors in producing and sustaining terrorist activity in countries. The underlying theoretical argument is that bifurcation of tight-knit minority communities between countries nurtures separatist or irredentist sentiments among affected community members, thus prompting terrorist activity, while minority community members in other countries might mobilize financial and political resources to support terrorist activity among their compatriots. In this study, we empirically test whether transnational dispersion, versus domestic concentration, of minority communities in countries produces higher incidents of terrorism. Conducting a series of negative binomial estimations on a reshaped database of around 170 countries from 1981 to 2006, derived from the Minorities at Risk database and the Global Terrorism Database, we determine that both transnational dispersion of kin minority communities and domestic concentration of minorities within countries increase terrorism and that transnational dispersion is a particularly robust predictor of terrorist attacks.  相似文献   
根据利昂·费斯汀格的认知失调理论引申出认知失衡概念,分析群体性事件发生过程中,群众对政府的期望值、对政府的公信形象、对社会现实和对社会参照群体的认知失衡,使一些群众产生心理失衡,致使他们对政府态度的转变和实施一些反社会的行为。必须贯彻党的群众路线,树立党员干部的良好形象;着实解决群众关心的利益问题,促进群众对政府的认知协调;把握群众工作的主动权,及时纠正群众的认知失衡。  相似文献   
为确定模拟电路非零交叉情况下故障元件存在范围,提出了一种K故障下诊断的新方法。它是一种确定故障元件存在的最小范围的方法,即在十分现实的K故障下,确定能代表电路所有元件并给出在K故障假设下的最优可测试元件组,使故障定位工作只局限于该组元件。通过可测试值计算和规范式不确定性组与最优可测试成分组的确定,可以诊断故障元件的范围。  相似文献   
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