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张莹莹  曹禹 《国防科技》2021,42(5):28-33
数据治理是数据管理的核心职能。装备制造业务涉及设计、生产、试验、综合保障以及计划管理各方面,相关数据类型繁多,产生和积累了大量业务数据。但由于目前大部分军工企业的数据标准化体系不健全,导致基础数据质量不高。本文通过借鉴、数据治理等技术,研究构建具备数据治理、数据标准、数据架构、数据安全、数据质量、数据应用等核心能力,三位一体并覆盖装备制造全寿命周期的数据治理体系,同时,依据装备数据管理规范和标准开发面向装备领域的流程化数据治理服务平台,以实施统一编码,打通流程和数据,为装备制造各阶段的信息共享、追溯、统计分析提供数据基础,促进设计研发、生产制造和运营管理的有效集成,从而有效发挥数据效能,提升军工企业的信息化高端收益水平。  相似文献   
近年来,日本将太空安全视为国家太空战略的首要事项,不断加强太空安全能力建设。成立宇宙作战部队之后,太空安全战略向备战太空走向明显。本文分析了日本太空安全战略由“和平利用”到“保守防御”型再到“攻防兼备”型的演变过程,通过对《宇宙基本法》《宇宙基本计划》《国家安全战略》《日美防卫合作指针》等文件内容进行研判,得出日本太空安全战略具有致力于太空军事利用、构建日美太空同盟和发挥国际太空规则话语权三个特点。  相似文献   
“太空安全战略”专题编者按 组稿专家:杨乐平(国防科技大学空天科学学院教授、博士生导师) 近年来,以美国重建太空司令部与天军独立为标志,国际太空领域战略竞争与军事对抗日益加剧,太空前所未有地应用于军事与安全,太空安全也受到了前所未有的挑战。为了解未来太空安全发展和主要国家太空安全战略动向,深化太空安全战略研究,《国防科技》编辑部于2021年6月启动“太空安全战略”专题征文活动,国内相关学者积极投稿,经专家遴选,本期发表入选稿件6篇。来稿内容涵盖未来30年太空安全发展预测、美国太空安全最新发展、俄罗斯太空安全政策、欧盟太空安全政策、日本太空安全战略以及印度太空力量发展等主题,较为全面地反映了当前国际太空安全领域的最新发展与战略动向。从长远看,随着地球以外人类活动的增加、太空新经济蓬勃发展和太空创造财富规模不断扩大,水平大幅提升,太空将超越陆、海、空成为国家安全最重要的领域。从这个意义上讲,太空安全战略研究学术价值与影响较大,值得高度关注。  相似文献   
刘丽等作者在《装甲兵工程学院学报》第19卷第2期中,利用非齐次线性方程组给出了一种身份认证协议和一种消息认证协议。指出了这2个协议在设计上存在的安全缺陷,并给出了几种可能的攻击方法。  相似文献   
针对网络中心发布/订阅系统异步、松散耦合和多对多通信等特点,采用了SOAP消息传递机制对信息进行了封装,从而屏蔽了信息的异构性。考虑到信息传输的可靠性,采用XML-Encryption机制构造SOAP消息,为消息交换和数据传输提供一种安全的保证。实际应用表明该系统在网络中心战中有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   
避雷针保护范围的图形仿真与图解法分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对避雷针设计过程中计算公式过于复杂的问题,提出了利用平面几何作图求解避雷针联合保护范围的方法,给出了单支、双支和四支避雷针保护范围的作图解题步骤,并利用计算机图形仿真,给出了避雷针保护范围的空间结构图形。  相似文献   
信息安全保障与信息作战的关系探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了给信息作战计划的制定、行动的实施提供安全保障指导,探讨了信息安全保障与信息作战(IO)之间的关系,以几种典型信息作战要素和信息作战空间的三个层次为对象,详细分析了信息安全保障与二者之间的关系。为军队信息安全保障体系的建立提供一定理论支持。  相似文献   
设计安全策略模型时应考虑安全策略的时序特性和灰色特性,还应综合考虑保密性、完整性和可用性三方面的需求。已有的安全模型没有描述时序性和灰色特性,而且一般只侧重描述保密性或完整性。为此,本文提出了动态灰色时序系统(简称DGTS)。本文详细描述了DGTS,以及基于DGTS的动态语义设计的灰色时序安全策略规范语言GTSL。  相似文献   
Radioactive sealed sources have a long history and a much wider worldwide distribution than do weapons-usable fissile materials. This article compares the mechanisms for controlling radioactive sources with those of weapons-usable materials and makes the case for improved policy making on the safe and secure management of radioactive sources (often referred to simply as “sources”). Such sources have been widely distributed with commercial and government support to nearly every country, yet there are no legally binding, international agreements or regulations to control any aspect of their life cycle. This is problematic because some sources that are disused, abandoned, or otherwise fall out of regulatory control could be used in the form of a radiological dispersal device (RDD, or dirty bomb). An RDD could pose significant economic and psychological impacts with the potential for detrimental effects on public health. The lack of international measures to control sources is troubling for several reasons: creating an RDD is much easier than fashioning a nuclear weapon from scratch or from stolen fissile materials; given the many incidents involving diversion from regulatory control and the misuse of sources, an RDD attack would be one of the more likely scenarios; materials security for sources is generally weak and inconsistent; it is nearly impossible to determine the total amount of sources manufactured and distributed; used sources are frequently found uncontrolled and transiting borders, and penalties are light at best; the market-based supply and demand of sources facilitates their rapid and loosely regulated distribution; and the “peaceful uses” aspect of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons along with norms that began developing around the time of Atoms for Peace have promoted the nearly unchecked global distribution of sources. Several immediate and long-term actions are suggested to reduce the threat posed by radiological sources.  相似文献   
SADC has a poor record in advancing peace and security in Southern Africa. Many identify poor policy frameworks and weak technical capacities as the major obstacles. Laurie Nathan goes beyond these easy explanations in his important new book on SADC. Absence of common democratic values and reluctance to surrender state sovereignty are key factors preventing SADC from making progress according to this book. This article argues that Nathan overstates the case and that there are real prospects and potentials for making further progress in regional cooperation. The lessons from the history of European integration also points to the important role of regional leadership. South Africa, in coalition with other likeminded countries, may still be in a position to move the SADC project forward.  相似文献   
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