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通过对大型石化工业园区的实地调研,总结了新时期石化企业的工艺特点,分析了石化企业的火灾特点,提出了建立区域灭火救援中心、完善消防队站建设、加快消防装备配备、强化灭火救援训练和加强政府监管机制等对策加强大型石化工业园区的灭火救援工作。  相似文献   
灭火救援组织指挥的正确与否,直接关系到火灾扑救和抢险救援的成败。从指挥员的综合素质到组织指挥各环节的情况变化,影响灭火救援组织指挥的因素很多。从调度指挥、指挥员的综合素质、掌握对流态势、创造性运用战术理论等方面提出了把握灭火救援组织指挥的关键环节。  相似文献   
In the ten years since the establishment of South Africa's first inclusive democratic government, an ambitious, extensive and systematic process of reform has been carried out in the governance of security. The process is widely regarded as having been successful and a model for other processes of ‘security sector reform’ in the context of transitions from authoritarian forms of governance to democratic ones.

That this been achieved with hardly a shot fired in anger is a remarkable achievement and a credit to visionary political leadership as well as organisational capacity, in other words to effective security governance.

At the same time, progress has been uneven and sometimes fragmentary, policy intentions and commitments have not always been translated into practice, the end results have not been to everyone's liking, and transformation has engendered its own pathologies. Thus several challenges remain in improving security governance.

This article provides a broad overview of the roles played by the various actors in the governance of the security sector, including the executive, parliament and civil society. It examines the main policy frameworks and touches on organisational transformation, because it is impossible to deal with governance in isolation from these issues. Policy processes and the frameworks they give rise to—in particular—are critical for effective governance. This article deals with the defence, safety and security and intelligence fields. A comprehensive overview would need to include the governance of criminal justice and foreign policy. The article does not seek to make an overall evaluation of governance, but to identify achievements, shortfalls and challenges.  相似文献   
This article revisits Zimbabwe's land question from the vantage point of having been written five years after the ‘fast-track’ land redistribution programme was launched. Without belittling the accomplishments of land reform in the first 19 years of the country's independence, it is generally clear that the sweeping programme of 2000–2003, the most comprehensive of its kind, created a new paradigm. Clearly, the consequences will take many years to work themselves out through the country's political, economic and social fabric.

The article briefly defines what may be termed ‘old’ and ‘new’ versions of Zimbabwe's land question before outlining the salient aspects of the reform process itself. It then assesses the outcomes of the redistribution, the apparent lacuna between ‘land’ and ‘agrarian’ reform, and the debate that the reform process itself has kindled. Transforming land distribution into qualitative agrarian reform has proved an Achilles heel in the arguments put forward by the proponents of the fast-track programme. Finally, recommendations are provided as to what is necessary to secure land and agrarian reform in the short, medium and long term.  相似文献   
分析了我国面临的反恐形势和消防部队参与防暴、反恐任务的便利条件及存在的问题 ,提出了消防部队研究防暴、反恐技术的技术路线 ,全面提高消防部队处置恐怖袭击事件的快速反应能力。  相似文献   
随着新《中华人民共和国消防法》颁布实施,公安消防部队除了承担防火、灭火工作之外,还承担着重大灾害事故和其他以抢救人员生命为主的应急救援工作。我国边疆地域面积辽阔,一些县市面积很大,消防队伍力量薄弱,造成灭火救援力量不能及时的到达现场,不能最大限度的发挥公安消防部队的职能作用。结合解放军在作战时划分战区的考虑,从消防部队灭火救援工作的实际出发,对今后我国消防部队灭火救援工作提出了一些新思路、新方法。以期有效的利用我国目前的消防资源,最大限度减少火灾损失,发挥最大的能力,保障人民群众的生命安全。  相似文献   
消防应急救援信息具有信息基数大、隐性程度高、时效性强的特点。对消防应急救援中的信息实行公开,有利于维护社会稳定、普及防灾减灾知识、塑造消防部队的良好形象。消防应急救援信息的公开应坚持真实性、及时性、口径一致的原则,建立信息收集研判机制、与媒体的沟通机制、新闻发言人制度、网络舆情应对机制。  相似文献   
高校学生公寓、宿舍是学生休息、生活、学习的综合场所,由于当前学生数量成倍增长、电脑电视进入宿舍,学生生活学习用品增多,使得楼内可燃物随之增多,加之一些学生违反宿舍安全管理规定,不安全隐患急剧增多,火灾发生的几率明显增大。阐明了高校学生宿舍楼初期火灾的扑救办法和火灾中的逃生技巧,以期最大限度的减少财产损失和人员伤亡。  相似文献   
针对隧道内火灾特点及灭火救援难的问题,提出现有防火卷帘不适用于隧道内安装使用的问题,设想提出一种隧道专用水喷雾防火卷帘,将发生火灾的隧道用该防火卷帘堵塞、隔离封闭,阻止火势蔓延,实现快速灭火。  相似文献   
高层建筑高度高、规模大、可燃物多、设施齐全、功能用途复杂、火灾危险性大,一旦发生火灾,蔓延迅速,人员疏散困难,扑救难度大,严重威胁高层建筑内人员生命财产安全。如何有效处置高层建筑火灾是消防部队面临的新课题。通过对扑救高层建筑火灾几个关键性问题的思考,探讨火灾发展变化的特点和火灾扑救的难点,提出了扑救该类火灾的建设性意见。  相似文献   
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