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李弼程 《国防科技》2016,37(5):72-75
装备技术已成为制约网络舆论斗争作战效能的关键性问题。论文突破传统的网络舆论斗争研究定式,根据网络舆论斗争的作战流程,建立了网络舆论斗争系统结构模型,分析了装备技术组成,给出了应对策略。论文的研究成果,对于发展网络舆论斗争装备技术,占领网络舆论制高点,具有重要理论意义和参考价值。  相似文献   
根据特种作战力量网络空间防御作战系统的结构模型的预警、保护、检测、响应和恢复五个方面,按照指标的不同类型和特点,利用模糊综合评判法对指标进行量化、一致化和标准化处理,利用层次分析法确定各指标的权值,最后利用综合加权法建立综合效能评估模型从而实现对网络空间防御作战的效能评估。该方法适用性和实用性强,为网络空间防御作战效能的评估提供一种方法和思路。  相似文献   
Decision-making in defense acquisition programs in the Republic of Korea (ROK) has been problematic, especially in highly advanced complex systems. The highly disputed force modernization program for the ROK Air Force’s fifth-generation fighter, dubbed the Fighter eXperiment, went through extreme turbulence during the type selection phase. The gist of the turbulence became evident through poor institutional coordination within the defense acquisition authorities that eventually forced them to rescind the decision generated from their own yearlong efforts, thus basically shooting themselves on the foot. The paper highlights the background of the program and reviews the institutional elements that influenced the decision-making process, and conclude that the absence of an effective coordination mechanism has made decision-making in complex defense programs even more troublesome.  相似文献   
一种基于模型的系统设计方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种面向功能需求,基于模型的"V"型系统设计方法,通过图形化行为建模技术对系统功能进行分解,运用多种仿真和验证技术,在设计过程中实现对系统功能、行为以及与需求规范的一致性和完整性进行实时验证,及时发现并纠正错误,从而避免在产品的物理原型阶段或测试阶段才发现系统设计的错误.  相似文献   
从防空兵作战指挥的实际需求出发,利用概率论和防空作战运筹理论,描述了集中、分散、混合和平行等射击指挥方式的概念、特点及其相互关系,论述了射击指挥方式定量分析的基本方法、主要依据和指标,建立了基于群抗击效率的评估模型,在对多种射击指挥方式进行定量比较的基础上,揭示了射击指挥中具有普遍意义的、潜在的实用规则.  相似文献   
王宇刚  贺智  何振威 《国防科技》2020,41(4):133-137
技术决定战术,军事技术历来是战争领域最活跃、最具有生命力的因素。当前,以军事智能为特征的颠覆性技术已成为推动新一轮军事革命的强力引擎,它改变了原有战争样式和形态,使战争制胜机理发生复杂而深刻的变化。军事理论作为战争实践的先导,必须首先把握、科学预测和有效评判新技术对战争带来的影响,才能发挥出理论的牵引作用。古往今来的历次战争实践表明,军事理论与技术之间往往不是并行发展的,而是相互错位、交替向前的。谁能在错位的当口抢占先机,缩短错位周期,谁就能提前形成代际优势或代差,赢得战争主动。因此,必须充分认清军事理论创新与颠覆性技术之间的关系,找准军事理论与颠覆性技术错位的原因,运用科学方法,加强理技结合,把颠覆性技术内化于军事理论,达成超越对手的“理论突袭”。  相似文献   
针对岸防炮兵雷达的特点和作战任务,从探测能力、定位能力、数据处理能力、目标识别能力、抗干扰能力、可用性、可靠性和生存能力8个指标层,建立岸防炮兵雷达作战效能评估的层次结构体系,并确定了指标体系综合指标的随机性和模糊性,运用模糊层次分析法对雷达效能进行综合评估,给出了确立各因素权重的方法.为该雷达作战使用提供了辅助决策的依据.  相似文献   
2020年初,新型冠状病毒肺炎给我国人民的生命安全造成巨大威胁,科技抗疫成为战胜疫情的关键。本文介绍了在疫情防控全国“一盘棋”中,北斗卫星导航系统跨界融合新一代信息技术、加速创新应用的新模式:智能监测把控抗疫主阵地,精准引导全程护航物资投送,巡防结合阻断疫情传播,做到了冲锋在一线、征战在途中、守护在后方。此外,还对北斗卫星导航系统在地理测绘、交通运输和智慧城市建设等领域中展现出的广阔发展前景进行了描述。  相似文献   
教师是思想的传承者和教育的主导者,在新疆少数民族双语教师培训中加强民族团结教育,培养学生在社会交往中正确对待和处理民族问题的基本素质,引导学生形成维护民族团结的自觉意识和良好的行为习惯,是抵制和粉碎民族分裂势力破坏活动、维护民族团结、维护新疆社会稳定和国家安全的有效途径。  相似文献   
How do we understand combat effectiveness – soldiers’ performance in battle? Despite the broad consensus that understanding combat effectiveness is important both for scholars and policymakers, there is widespread disagreement about what combat effectiveness is. More specifically, studies of effectiveness tend to focus on either the skill of soldiers in battle, or their will to fight. Yet both skill and will are essential components of an effective fighting force. This article argues that understanding combat effectiveness requires understanding both of these key components of effectiveness. In other words, combat effectiveness requires both the skill and will to engage the enemy in an organized manner. It then demonstrates the usefulness of this conceptualization by applying it to the cases of British, Indian, and Australian forces fighting the Japanese during the Second World War. Only when scholars are talking about the same concept will our understanding of the conditions under which militaries are effective in battle progress. By comparing different units fighting the same opponent under the same material conditions, I demonstrate that units vary both in their combat skill and their will to fight, and that understanding their effectiveness in battle requires analyzing both of these key factors.  相似文献   
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