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美国警察使用枪支需遵循必要合理原则和生命威胁原则,符合法律和警局政策规定的条件和程序。我国可以借鉴美国警察枪支使用法律制度的优点,从强化对警察的保护、规定明确的用枪原则和详尽的用枪条件、健全警察用枪程序和相关支撑制度等方面,完善我国警察枪支使用法律制度。  相似文献   
论我国治安调解及制度完善   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在中国具有深远历史的调解文化的影响下,中国的调解制度迅速发展,并开始逐渐形成以法院调解、民事调解、治安调解为主体的“大调解”机制。治安调解作为秉承中国调解制度渊源,符合当前社会治安形势的一种办案方式,发挥着行政处罚所无法替代的作用。但在现实的基层公安工作当中,受制于有关法律方面的欠缺以及执法人员的素质等实际情况,治安调解工作存在一些比较普遍的问题,需要进一步的研究与解决。  相似文献   
The security sector reform (SSR) programme in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has failed, according to a former high-level member of the United Nations (UN) mission in the DRC, as a large section of the country remains outside government control, and the security institutions of the state continue to constitute one of the predominant sources of insecurity for the local population in a number of ways. Based on several field studies, this article critically scrutinises the SSR of the Congolese National Police (Police nationale congolaise; PNC) and the efforts to reform it between 2004 and 2016. It further attempts to explain why so little progress was made in the SSR of the PNC, despite extensive involvement from donors. The article shows that the instrumental and traditional approach to SSR is partly to blame, because in this case it failed to address the root problems and initiate the needed fundamental reform and reconstruction of the police force. It also shows that reforming local security institutions becomes even more difficult when the local authorities do not support the effort.  相似文献   
The provisions of the 1999 Constitution, which recognises the existence of a single police force and forbids parallel police organisations, have oftentimes generated controversies among actors in the Nigerian federal polity. Rising insecurity precipitates lingering questions on the utility and adequacy of a single, highly centralised and centrally controlled police force given Nigeria’s geographic vastness and demographic diversity. Conversely, arguments have also dwelt on the dangers of fragmentation considering Nigeria’s psychosocial, economic and political nature. This article attempts to balance these arguments by analysing policing and the operations of the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) through the lens of the subsidiarity principle. Subsidiarity is a governance principle in federations, captured in the founding documents of the European Union (EU), which prescribes that governmental powers, authorities and duties should be held by the tier that can best perform them equitably, efficiently, effectively, suitably and based on interest and need. Drawing largely on interviews with purposively selected police scholars, political actors, civil society organisations and police personnel, the paper contends that this principle offers a pragmatic solution to the perennial problems of intergovernmental frictions on the use of the police within the context of governance in the Nigerian federation.  相似文献   
于力  孙艺笑  徐磊 《国防科技》2018,39(4):114-118
为加快建设现代化武警部队,解决配属装备与日益增长的任务需求之间的矛盾,论文以武警部队指挥体系变更、警种部队调整的现实背景,围绕武警部队遂行任务情况,整理分析出新编各警种对装备的任务需求,为推动武警部队装备体系发展提供理论参考。  相似文献   
风险管理是一门新兴学科,已普遍应用于各个领域。维和工作处处充满风险,有必要进行深刻探讨,进而对中国警察参与联合国维和行动面临的风险进行科学合理的分析并提出应对措施。  相似文献   
在非传统安全威胁不断增多的情况下,公安边防部队维护边疆社会治安和政治大局稳定的职能作用更加凸现。针对公安边防部队点多、线长、面广的特点和毗邻省区结合部管理防范相对薄弱的实际,研究探索新形势下加强毗邻跨域警务协同、联手固边的工作机制,形成无缝链接——“全国边防一盘棋”的整体战略,全面提升公安边防部队战斗力,具有极其重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
缘于新时期地区安全战略的需要,澳大利亚打造了国际派遣处,建立起了维和警察新体制。该维和警察新体制的运作机制和理念值得关注和学习。澳大利亚希望通过其维和警察新体制扩张并主导在南太平洋地区的警察维和行动。与此同时,澳大利亚在南太平洋地区的强势维和行动面临挑战。  相似文献   
随着我国社会经济的快速发展,武警部队后勤保障社会化改革工作也进入新的阶段,应从着力点的选择、具体措施的制定和强化监督管理三个方面,对新阶段武警部队后勤保障方式社会化工作进行改革。  相似文献   
教师是决定培训质量高低与培训效果好坏的关键性因素。加强培训师资队伍建设,是公安机关人民警察培训工作的重中之重。要充分认识传统教师与培训教师的区别,明确公安机关人民警察培训师资队伍建设途径与方法。  相似文献   
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