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随着中国现代小说的兴起.女性声音也相应出现,在与男性一并参与宏大叙事的同时,女性叙事者也选用日记体小说这一私人性极强的体裁与话语形式,以突出男权强势话语的重围,建构起女性自我的权威。丁玲的《莎菲女士的日记》就是一个很好的例子。本文拟围绕《莎菲女士的日记》探讨“日记体小说”的叙事策略。  相似文献   
What do UK policymakers mean when they say that Britain’s strategic environment is returning to “multipolarity”? In realist international theory, polarity is a specific causal concept; the number of powers capable of balancing even the most capable other state(s) in the international system (“poles”) is taken to determine the system’s stability. Does the post-2017 appearance of polarity references in British security policy documents therefore reflect some unexpected UK renaissance of realist thought? Or is something else going on, as recent work by Ben Zala suggests? This article will demonstrate that, while UK official usage of the “multip–” word has indeed flourished recently, the term is actually being used in a more elastic, less bounded way than realism prescribes in order to generate other kinds of political effect. Specifically, “polarity” (and its “multi-” prefix) is used to characterise the behaviour of those major states that oppose Western-preferred international order, to elide Britain’s own relative power/status tensions, and to capture an expansive laundry-list of perceived international dangers. The article then discusses five ways in which a shift in polarity could negatively affect Britain; important consequences that merit preparatory contemplation, yet that an imprecise, catch-all understanding of “multipolarity” too readily obscures.  相似文献   
近期发生的新冠病毒疫情引发公众对公共卫生安全话语的极大关注。现阶段自媒体话语滥觞对主流意识形态话语的消解,凸显了构建应急话语体系的必要性。国家安全话语构建离不开语言学话语理论支撑,语言学与大数据分析的融合可为健全国家应急话语体系提供操作思路。本文梳理疫情发生以来人民网、央视新闻等主流媒体网站及微信、微博等自媒体平台涌现的大量疫情多语类相关话语,通过弥补大数据在分析话语整体意义层面的不足,提出应急话语构建和分析的七个维度。本文认为,国防科技应发挥大数据统计分析优势的同时,结合话语分析方法构筑质化的语言学模型,走跨学科之路,构建国家安全话语公共卫生应急话语体系。  相似文献   
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