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Cyber attack against Critical National Infrastructure is a developing capability in state arsenals. The onset of this new instrument in national security has implications for conflict thresholds and military ethics. To serve as a legitimate tool of policy, cyber attack must operate in accordance with moral concerns. To test the viability of cyber attack, this paper provides a new perspective on cyber ethics. Cyber attack is tested against the criteria of the common good. This involves identifying the four core components of the common good from a conflict perspective: respect for the person; social wellbeing; peace and security; and solidarity. The fate of these components is assessed in relation to the six key characteristics of cyber attack from a moral standpoint: security; the role or absence of violence; discrimination; proportionality; cyberharm; and the threshold of conflict. It is concluded that the common good must be incorporated into developing state cyber strategies.  相似文献   
武警初级任职教育教学特点决定着学科方向建设和发展。而学科方向对学科建设具有决定性的推动作用。武警部队初级任职教育院校要针对影响学科方向的问题,结合武警部队需要和院校建设特点,搞好学科方向建设。  相似文献   
What if claims about the future informed us about the intentions and the capabilities of our opponents to wage war against ourselves? Would and should the existing norms that restrict the preventive use of force change in the wake of such transformation? This article highlights the potential normative consequences of this change and discriminates between several possible normative evolutions. Would and should the “knowability of the future” alter radically the traditional rule of self-defense? This rule could indeed be jeopardized but, as I argue in this paper, it should not (and might not necessarily). However, the distinction between preemption and prevention could become obsolete. Future claims about security will also induce new security doctrines as knowledge about the future would be used to signal one’s intentions and deter one’s opponent. This change would also have a significant impact on accountability, as citizens would have a more active role in discussions over foreign policy. Moreover, new modes of predictions and forecasting will challenge the traditional role of experts whose biases have hampered their analyses and anticipations. Thus, trustworthy future claims could bring significant progress in both ethical and political terms as they would trigger a debate on the role of knowledge in democratic societies.  相似文献   
武警初级指挥院校任职教育教学模式改革的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贴近部队岗位需求、加速武警初级指挥院校任职教育发展步伐是一项系统工程,涉及到顶层设计、教学内容、教学手段、考核方式改革等一系列问题。应以岗位任职能力培养为主线,按照能力构成创立课程结构,围绕能力培养改革教学方法,紧扣能力生成创新考核模式;尽快建立起内容优化、方法科学、手段先进的任职教育模式。  相似文献   
陆军后勤转型建设大背景下,陆军后勤专业兵培训基地师资队伍建设滞后问题凸显,探索和加快其师资队伍建设具有重要意义。结合现阶段陆军后勤专业兵培训基地自身特点和师资队伍建设存在的问题,从师资队伍配备模式、考评体系、培养机制三个方面提出了加快师资队伍建设的建议。   相似文献   
俄罗斯军事教育注重培养学员的国家意识,强调教员必须具有很强的综合能力,教学方法灵活、实用,考试方法突出能力素质的考核。俄罗斯军事人才培养形成了注重实战演练、坚持岗位轮换、引进竞争机制、重视鉴定考核的良性机制,保证了人才培养的质量。武警部队初级指挥院校提高任职教育质量应借鉴俄罗斯军事人才培养方法,在培训内容、教员选拔、授课方法、考试形式等方面进行改革。  相似文献   
论军队任职教育院校学报编辑策划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
策划是任职教育院校学报发展的关键环节,对学报的生存与发展具有重要意义。文章叙述了任职教育院校学报编辑策划的内涵和原则,指出了提高任职教育院校学报质量应在学报定位、栏目、选题、稿源和装帧等方面强化编辑策划功能。  相似文献   
工业文明在给人类带来物质繁荣的同时,又把人类引入了难以克服的自然、社会、环境灾难中,可持续发展应运而生.继承科技进步和生产力发展的文明成果,顺应世界经济一体化和西部开发的历史潮流,发挥兵团的制度和地域优势,用可持续发展战略推动兵团经济跨越式发展,理应成为兵团迎接西部开发的基本原则.  相似文献   
结合我院任职教育实际,分析了任职教育出现的新情况、新问题,从整合专业内容、创新教学方法、构建教学体系、规范教学管理、建设教员队伍、优化教学环境等方面提出了深化任职教育的途径及对策。  相似文献   
任职教育是武警警官再学习的过程。图书馆要根据培训对象的流动性、培训类型的多样性、培训内容的需求性和培训方式的开放性等任职教育特点,在提高信息服务功能上、在树立“以人为本”的理念上、在开展个性化服务上下功夫。  相似文献   
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