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针对某型航母建立了基于海平面的舰桥主桅坐标系,近似计算了一处雷达天线密集区各设备在该坐标系中的坐标,建立了某三维相扫描三坐标雷达、某目标捕获雷达、某对海雷达等典型雷达天线的数学模型,根据反辐射导弹战斗部的引爆点位置及破片模型解算了反辐射导弹对密集区典型目标的毁伤效能,以期对反辐射导弹攻击航母提供理论支持.  相似文献   
对拖曳式单诱饵诱偏反辐射导弹原理和过程进行了分析;推导计算了单诱饵诱偏距离;分析了拖曳线长度、反辐射导弹导引头测角误差和诱饵辐射功率对诱偏距离的影响;对一定条件下反辐射导弹的爆炸点进行了仿真,对诱偏效果进行了分析。  相似文献   
针对反潜巡逻机使用磁探仪和自导深弹的攻潜效能研究,提出了一种基于蒙特卡洛法的计算模型。在建立攻潜坐标系的基础上,给出了连投深弹射击深度的定义;结合磁探仪定位原理,提出了基于峰值追踪的定位目标和连投攻击的方法,仿真结果表明该方法能够提高命中概率;给出了目标分布和连投深弹的散布模型,依据攻潜过程和命中判定条件,进行了攻潜效能的计算;仿真分析了影响攻潜效能的主要因素,并研究了投弹间隔的确定方法。  相似文献   
F—117A 隐身战斗机是海湾战争中使用的技术航空兵器之一,它以其优良的隐身和作战性能赢得声誉。本文扼要介绍该机对隐身采用的各种措施及其电光火控系统应用,以期对此新机有一步的了解。  相似文献   
人工智能技术是解决机载武器火力指挥控制问题的最有效途径之一,根据近年来的研究结果,对智能机载武器火力指挥控制的系统构成、工作原理进行了技术概述,并简要地讨论了智能机载武器火力指挥控制系统设计中的关键技术.  相似文献   
介绍了一种采用现代先进仿真技术思想、支持面向对象的建模与仿真、用于防空导弹全弹道飞行动态仿真的一体化仿真系统框架 ,详细说明了它的主要特点、构成及各部分的功能  相似文献   
研究了相控阵技术的基本特点及其实现多目标跟踪与测控的基本原理 ,分析了基于相控阵技术的“一站控制多机”的实现技术 ,给出了一种实现方案 ,并探讨了其可行性  相似文献   
传统的双机协同组网目标定位模型中,滤波方法大多为交互式多模型算法。交互式多模型算法的缺陷为需要目标机动先验模型,且模型个数的选择难以同时满足工程上关于跟踪精度和算法复杂性的要求。通过引入渐消因子,实时自适应校正机动目标的状态估计偏差,有效降低了目标运动先验模型对滤波的影响,提高了系统的机动处理能力和模型的工程实用性。  相似文献   
提供了一种航母编队远程防空作战中预警机巡逻区域大小配置的优化方法。通过对航母编队防空区域划分,提出了大小配置的基本要求。以预警机平飞长度、转弯半径和巡逻速度为因素,以目标发现概率、覆盖率和目标发现距离作为评价指标对试验结果进行直观分析,得到对评价指标影响最显著的因素为平飞长度,进而采用正交设计、变步长搜索迭代的方法得到巡逻空域大小的最优布置方案。  相似文献   
Few issues were as contentious in the development of the Soviet Navy as the role of aircraft carriers and sea-based aviation. Despite the continued insistence by the highest naval authorities and scientific experts that surface combatants simply could not be protected in the open ocean without the support of ship-borne aviation, Soviet leaders – for a variety of reasons – resisted aircraft carrier development until the final decades of the Cold War. In examining one of the most defining and telling asymmetries of the Cold War at sea, the author argues that while the USSR was economically and technologically capable of building aircraft carriers of any class, bureaucratic infighting, misperceptions of cost and practicality, and the inherent flaws of a totalitarian system ultimately created an impossible gap in capabilities between the two sides. The priorities and direction of Soviet weapons and defense technology development during the Cold War was largely a factor of the military-political situation taking shape at home, and in the world. As a rule, the navy was assigned missions that corresponded to its capabilities at a given point in time, rather than the other way around. Often, the navy lacked the material resources needed to implement its core mission. The availability of these resources, in turn, depended on the country's economic situation, its scientific potential, the technological state of its industry, as well as the subjective influence of political and military leaders on the priorities of technological development. The impact of the country's socioeconomic imperatives was undoubtedly also felt in the sluggish pace of development of ship-borne aviation and aircraft carriers in the USSR.  相似文献   
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