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首先研究了在深海环境下,采用三阵元垂直线列阵水声探测系统进行被动目标定深的基本原理。然后分别从随机误差、阵元配置偏差和相干多途水声信道干扰的角度,对被动目标定深的误差源进行了理论分析,并推导了相关公式。通过仿真实验,总结出各误差源对被动目标定深精度影响的规律,为进一步开展被动目标定深研究、提高被动目标定深精度奠定了基础。  相似文献   
坦克作为地面战场的主要目标,分析其姿态至关重要。根据坦克姿态估计的需要,在可见光条件下采集了坦克车体纵轴与瞄准镜光轴不同夹角的图像作为训练集。利用主成分分析法选取了目标的主要特征向量,每个训练子集用3个特征向量表示,利用少量的特征向量建立目标的8个特征空间,降低了空间的维数。设计判别准则将待识别目标向量与重构向量之间的余弦值进行比较,即确定目标所在的空间位置,完成了目标姿态的识别。实验结果表明,利用建立目标多特征空间的方法识别目标空间位置是有效的。  相似文献   
We consider a general linear filtering operation on an autoregressive moving average (ARMA) time series. The variance of the filter output, which is an important quantity in many applications, is not known with certainty because it depends on the true ARMA parameters. We derive an expression for the sensitivity (i.e., the partial derivative) of the output variance with respect to deviations in the model parameters. The results provide insight into the robustness of many common statistical methods that are based on linear filtering and also yield approximate confidence intervals for the output variance. We discuss applications to time series forecasting, statistical process control, and automatic feedback control of industrial processes. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
基于声强矢量的舰船目标运动参数估计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于声强矢量测量法提出了舰船目标运动参数的估计方法,并提出了快速算法.计算机仿真实验表明,以上算法是可行的,可以实时估计出舰船的速度和距离。  相似文献   
Modern technology is producing high reliability products. Life testing for such products under normal use condition takes a lot of time to obtain a reasonable number of failures. In this situation a step‐stress procedure is preferred for accelerated life testing. In this paper we assume a Weibull and Lognormal model whose scale parameter depends upon the present level as well as the age at the entry in the present stress level. On the basis of that we propose a parametric model to the life distribution for step‐stress testing and suggest a suitable design to estimate the parameters involved in the model. A simulation study has been done by the proposed model based on maximum likelihood estimation. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2003  相似文献   
提出一种利用传感器电子数据表格技术改善加速度传感器动态性能的办法。传感器标定时,其相关的特征参数被储存在传感器电子数据表格中;测试初始化时,每个传感器的特征参数被读入测试系统,指导系统自动完成其数学模型的建立,并在测试时进行实时数据校正。实验证明传感器电子数据表格技术的引入提高了加速度传感器的工作频带带宽和动态响应速度等动态性能指标。  相似文献   
A company wishes to estimate or predict its financial exposure in a reporting period of length T (typically one quarter) because of warranty claims. We propose a fairly general random measure model which allows computation of the Laplace transform of the total claim made against the company in the reporting interval due to warranty claims. When specialized to a Poisson process of both sales and warranty claims, statistical estimation of relevant quantities is possible. The methodology is illustrated by analyzing automobile sales and warranty claims data from a large car manufacturer for a single car model and model year. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
针对阵列体制雷达,由极大似然估计导出自适应多零点单脉冲测角原理。分析发现迭代步长过大导致双零点单脉冲技术在多目标条件下失效,因此提出加权步长改进角度估计的迭代过程,只需要较少计算量就能实现群内多个目标的精确测角。仿真结果表明:该算法在较高信噪比条件下可以精确测量群内三个目标角度,测角误差约为0.15倍波束宽度;当群目标数较多或者目标相位差接近于0时,算法性能下降明显。  相似文献   
针对单通道射电天文抗干扰方法在观测数据干噪比较低情况下的干扰消除性能降低甚至失效的问题,通过引入辅助天线观测提出了一种基于参数模型估计的抗干扰方法。该方法利用辅助天线所接收到的具有较高干噪比的观测数据建立干扰信号参数的估计模型,同时通过构建主辅通道参数差异性模型对估计模型进行修正,实现对干扰信号参数的精确估计,达到消除干扰信号的目的。仿真实验表明,相比于单通道方法,改进后的方法在解决低干噪比条件下的射电天文抗干扰问题方面具有更广泛的适用范围。  相似文献   
非合作通信背景下,针对传统干扰近似法(IAM)进行正交频分复用(OFDM)/偏移正交振幅调制(OQAM)系统信道估计需要导频符号值作为先验信息的问题,提出一种基于OQAM符号特征的IAM(OCBIAM)估计算法。该算法利用IAM导频结构和OQAM实符号的有限集特征,将信道衰落系数幅度和相位分开估计,在仅获得导频位置而未知导频符号值的条件下实现了OFDM/OQAM系统半盲信道估计。并且证明了OCB-IAM算法由于利用接收符号的二阶统计量将高斯白噪声变为非随机的单音干扰,从而在中低信噪比条件下具有优于IAM算法的估计性能。仿真实验验证了理论推导的正确性和OCB-IAM算法的可靠性。  相似文献   
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