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We consider the salvo policy problem, in which there are k moments, called salvos, at which we can fire multiple missiles simultaneously at an incoming object. Each salvo is characterized by a probability pi: the hit probability of a single missile. After each salvo, we can assess whether the incoming object is still active. If it is, we fire the missiles assigned to the next salvo. In the salvo policy problem, the goal is to assign at most n missiles to salvos in order to minimize the expected number of missiles used. We consider three problem versions. In Gould's version, we have to assign all n missiles to salvos. In the Big Bomb version, a cost of B is incurred when all salvo's are unsuccessful. Finally, we consider the Quota version in which the kill probability should exceed some quota Q. We discuss the computational complexity and the approximability of these problem versions. In particular, we show that Gould's version and the Big Bomb version admit pseudopolynomial time exact algorithms and fully polynomial time approximation schemes. We also present an iterative approximation algorithm for the Quota version, and show that a related problem is NP-complete.  相似文献   
文中为解决超长帧编码系统中联合帧数过多导致LSP参数量化性能下降这个问题,将多项式拟合引入超长帧编码系统中,利用多项式拟合压缩LSP参数矩阵,以降低量化时实际联合的帧数。再用分裂矩阵量化器进行量化。仿真结果表明,在120 bps的参数量化速率下,此算法的量化性能优于矩阵量化算法(MQ),平均谱失真比MQ算法降低了0.0719 dB,平均分段信噪比提高了0.1971 dB。  相似文献   
关于独立学院教学体制的构建   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
独立学院作为一种新型的办学模式,是高教改革的战略抉择,对我国高等教育向“大众化教育”转变具有重要的意义。构建合理的独立学院教学体制是实现人才培养的关键。对此,独立学院必须以培养应用型专门人才为目标,以市场为导向,科学确定学生的知识结构和能力体系,构建合理的人才培养模式;应根据独立学院的特点,以教学运行管理为重点,加强教学管理的规范化建设,构建合理的教学管理机制;以提高教学质量为目标,构建合理的教学质量监控与保障体系;充分运用独立学院灵活的办学机制,构建一支由母体高校教师、专任教师和兼职教师三部分组成的,适应独立学院教学工作需要的教师队伍。  相似文献   
针对移动机器人的路径跟踪复杂性问题,设计了一种易于实现的控制系统,其中的跟踪策略改进了传统的视线导航算法,使机器人光滑趋近到期望路径,控制器的设计采用基于模糊逻辑的变速度控制和角速度滑模控制,减小了角速度的抖振,并使控制具有一定的智能化特点.实验结果表明,设计的控制系统即可以保证路径跟踪的精度,同时避免了运动控制的不稳定性.  相似文献   
部队建设的基础在基层,基层建设是警卫部队建设与发展的重要内容,也是警卫事业全面发展的重要保证。在新世纪新阶段,只有以科学发展观为指导,把科学发展观贯穿于警卫部队基层建设的全过程,落实到各项具体工作中,才能使部队建设在安全、有序的环境下得以全面、持续、和谐、健康地发展,才能真正提升部队战斗力,履行好警卫部队肩负的历史使命。  相似文献   
军队思想政治教育要适应和谐社会的要求,一方面深化调节,注重满足军人自身发展的需要,引导官兵建立与和谐社会相融合的人际关系;另一方面,运用“和”的思想解决矛盾和问题,达到对官兵负面思想的有效控制。  相似文献   
为实现柱状工件直径的实时快速非接触测量,利用结构光原理,对柱体直径的视觉测量方法进行了研究.详细介绍了结构光法测直径的原理和步骤,以及激光平面的标定和坐标变换求解空间二次曲线方程及特征参数的方法.实验证明该方法测量速度快,精度适中的特点,适用于大批量产品在线测量,亦适用于恶劣环境下的测量.  相似文献   
针对世界自然和文化双遗产的峨眉山景区的消防安全现实情况,分析了该景区主要面临的消防安全问题,提出了在编制自然和文化遗产地自然消防规划时应注意的问题及解决办法。  相似文献   
由于奥运临时用房项目建设的临时性、特殊性、紧迫性,导致了部分项目的消防设计存在难以满足现行规范的问题。笔者作为消防设计审核人员,以“为建筑内人员提供安全保障;为消防人员提供消防条件,保障其生命安全;尽量减少财产损失;保护结构安全;尽量减少对正常营运的干扰。”为安全目标,利用消防性能化设计,完善了消防设计中的火灾防控技术措施。  相似文献   
In this article, the Building Evacuation Problem with Shared Information (BEPSI) is formulated as a mixed integer linear program, where the objective is to determine the set of routes along which to send evacuees (supply) from multiple locations throughout a building (sources) to the exits (sinks) such that the total time until all evacuees reach the exits is minimized. The formulation explicitly incorporates the constraints of shared information in providing online instructions to evacuees, ensuring that evacuees departing from an intermediate or source location at a mutual point in time receive common instructions. Arc travel time and capacity, as well as supply at the nodes, are permitted to vary with time and capacity is assumed to be recaptured over time. The BEPSI is shown to be NP‐hard. An exact technique based on Benders decomposition is proposed for its solution. Computational results from numerical experiments on a real‐world network representing a four‐story building are given. Results of experiments employing Benders cuts generated in solving a given problem instance as initial cuts in addressing an updated problem instance are also provided. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
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