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美国的辩诉交易制度具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。有必要借鉴国外辩诉交易制度的合理因素,建立中国式的辩诉交易制度。建立中国式的辩诉交易制度,应对其适用条件、适用案件的范围及适用程序做出明确规定。  相似文献   
研究一阶非线性脉冲周期边值问题,应用微分不等式和Schaefer不动点定理,得到了脉冲边值问题解存在的充分性判据,并给出了相应的Green函数。  相似文献   
Wildfire managers use initial attack (IA) to control wildfires before they grow large and become difficult to suppress. Although the majority of wildfire incidents are contained by IA, the small percentage of fires that escape IA causes most of the damage. Therefore, planning a successful IA is very important. In this article, we study the vulnerability of IA in wildfire suppression using an attacker‐defender Stackelberg model. The attacker's objective is to coordinate the simultaneous ignition of fires at various points in a landscape to maximize the number of fires that cannot be contained by IA. The defender's objective is to optimally dispatch suppression resources from multiple fire stations located across the landscape to minimize the number of wildfires not contained by IA. We use a decomposition algorithm to solve the model and apply the model on a test case landscape. We also investigate the impact of delay in the response, the fire growth rate, the amount of suppression resources, and the locations of fire stations on the success of IA.  相似文献   
孙广英 《国防科技》2018,39(2):001-004
网络信息时代,面对层出不穷的不良信息,如何提高官兵抵制负面影响的素质能力,概括起来就是:要针对不良信息“腐蚀性”强的特点,不断培育官兵“乐于追随”的不变定力;要针对不良信息“迷惑性”强的特点,不断培育官兵“善于思辨”的不凡智力;要针对不良信息“煽动性”强的特点,不断培育官兵“敢于斗争”的不惧魄力;要针对不良信息“持久性”强的特点,不断培育官兵“甘于奉献”的不竭动力。  相似文献   
研究新公布的北斗民用导航电文中的两类历书与北斗二号导航电文历书的差异,对比分析各类历书对接收机首次定位时间的影响。利用实际的历书数据,比较不同历书类型的用户算法,分析不同龄期数据对接收机首次定位性能的影响。结果表明,高精度历书在1周的数据龄期内性能较为稳定,中等精度历书精度稍逊于高精度历书,但由于简化了电文空间,能接近高精度历书性能。简约历书进一步简化了参数数目和电文空间,尽管位置误差达到了数百千米,但却能在数月之后保持相应精度,有利于缩短接收机首次定位时间。  相似文献   
大容量储能发电机作为脉冲电源,整流后通过逆变器向大功率脉冲负载供电。采用储能发电机直流侧并联方式工作,可以有效提高系统带载能力与可靠性。当并联运行的储能发电机转速不同时,根据转速合理分配电机释放功率可以有效提高系统工作效能,因此需要设计一种具有功率调节功能的励磁控制算法。在电压、电流双闭环控制的基础上,引入功率前馈控制,推导并求解了前馈功率与励磁电流关系以及控制参数,并根据电机初始转速设计了功率分配算法。仿真试验结果表明,功率前馈控制在励磁控制过程中起主导作用,有效分配储能电机释放功率大小,提高了励磁电流响应速度,抑制了负载功率扰动对励磁控制系统的影响。  相似文献   
针对传统信号发生器存在的成本高、功能单一、电子线路复杂等缺点,设计了一种基于频率合成技术的虚拟任意信号发生器。通过动态链接库(DLL)与下位机设备DDS-3X25进行通信,基于"模块化"和事件结构的设计思想,用LabVIEW编程实现了基本波形、任意波形、噪声叠加、波形数据载入、波形数据量化转换和线性插值等程序模块。实验结果表明,该设计不仅能产生纯净和叠加噪声的正弦波、方波、三角波和锯齿波等基本波形,而且可以输出手绘的任意波形,验证了设计的有效性。  相似文献   
研究非齐次边界条件下,含有p-Laplacian算子的微分方程的可解性,在Banach空间中应用Krasnoselskii不动点定理,得到了边值问题正解存在性结果。  相似文献   
PID在柴油发电机组输出稳定性控制中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前移动式柴油发电机组机械式调速器响应速度慢、精度差以及负载变化较大时发电机组输出电压和频率波动较大的问题,研究了PID在柴油发电机组稳定性控制中的应用,进行了电子调速器电路的研究与设计。对75kW柴油发电机组进行了空载、半载及满载实验,实验结果验证了设计电路和控制方法的正确性。该电子调速器采用PID方法对发动机转速进行控制,达到了改善柴油发电机组输出稳定性的目的,并且具有响应速度快和准确度高的特点。  相似文献   
Magnetic resonance imaging and other multifunctional diagnostic facilities, which are considered as scarce resources of hospitals, typically provide services to patients with different medical needs. This article examines the admission policies during the appointment management of such facilities. We consider two categories of patients: regular patients who are scheduled in advance through an appointment system and emergency patients with randomly generated demands during the workday that must be served as soon as possible. According to the actual medical needs of patients, regular patients are segmented into multiple classes with different cancelation rates, no‐show probabilities, unit value contributions, and average service times. Management makes admission decisions on whether or not to accept a service request from a regular patient during the booking horizon to improve the overall value that could be generated during the workday. The decisions should be made by considering the cancelation and no‐show behavior of booked patients as well as the emergency patients that would have to be served because any overtime service would lead to higher costs. We studied the optimal admission decision using a continuous‐time discrete‐state dynamic programming model. Identifying an optimal policy for this discrete model is analytically intractable and numerically inefficient because the state is multidimensional and infinite. We propose to study a deterministic counterpart of the problem (i.e., the fluid control problem) and to develop a time‐based fluid policy that is shown to be asymptotically optimal for large‐scale problems. Furthermore, we propose to adopt a mixed fluid policy that is developed based on the information obtained from the fluid control problem. Numerical experiments demonstrate that this improved policy works effectively for small‐scale problems. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 287–304, 2016  相似文献   
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