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提出一种基于支持向量机的功率变换器开关管开路故障诊断方法。利用支持向量机建立分类模型,模型以相电流功率谱为输入量,7种故障状态为输出量,选用高斯核,使用基于二叉树分类器的分类算法。将诊断结果与基于BP神经网络的诊断结果进行比较,结果表明基于支持向量机的分类器在功率变换器开关管开路故障诊断中具有更高的准确率和更好的泛化能力。  相似文献   
军队后勤建设离不开国家能源供给,军队能源储备、军事训练、国防工程、科研试验以及日常生活等方面均与国家能源供给有着密切的关系。探讨了国家能源供给对军队后勤建设的影响内容,分析了国家能源供给对军队后勤建设的影响,提出了确定国家能源供给对军队后勤建设影响的方法步骤。  相似文献   
驱动器并联方式能有效扩大驱动容量,但该方式容易引入环流。为了抑制环流,分析了两个独立电源供电的两台驱动器并联结构系统,阐述了环流的特性,并提出了基于环流反馈的控制结构。这种控制结构通过环流的反馈,只需要控制调整其中一台驱动器,就可减小两台驱动器输出电压的差异,实现环流抑制。仿真结果表明:这种控制结构降低了控制的复杂性,能够抑制环流,实现独立电源供电的无刷直流电机驱动器并联。  相似文献   
With the help of the Internet and express delivery at relatively low costs, trading markets have become increasingly popular as a venue to sell excess inventory and a source to obtain products at lower prices. In this article, we study the operational decisions in the presence of a trading market in a periodic‐review, finite‐horizon setting. Prices in the trading market change periodically and are determined endogenously by the demand and supply in the market. We characterize the retailers'optimal ordering and trading policies when the original manufacturer and the trading market co‐exist and retailers face fees to participate in the trading market. Comparing with the case with no trading fees, we obtain insights into the impact of trading fees and the fee structure on the retailers and the manufacturer. Further, we find that by continually staying in the market, the manufacturer may use her pricing strategies to counter‐balance the negative impact of the trading market on her profit. Finally, we extend the model to the case when retailers dynamically update their demand distribution based on demand observations in previous periods. A numerical study provides additional insights into the impact of demand updating in a trading market with the manufacturer's competition. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
世博会的圆满召开,不仅需要强大的军事“硬实力”作后盾,也需要军事“软实力”作支撑。本文从军事“软实力”的基本概念入手,将其分解为感化认同力、形象吸引力、心理威慑力等三个子要素;从各要素出发,以完成世博安保任务为着眼点,提出加强军事“软实力”的具体思路。  相似文献   
Having a robustly designed supply chain network is one of the most effective ways to hedge against network disruptions because contingency plans in the event of a disruption are often significantly limited. In this article, we study the facility reliability problem: how to design a reliable supply chain network in the presence of random facility disruptions with the option of hardening selected facilities. We consider a facility location problem incorporating two types of facilities, one that is unreliable and another that is reliable (which is not subject to disruption, but is more expensive). We formulate this as a mixed integer programming model and develop a Lagrangian Relaxation‐based solution algorithm. We derive structural properties of the problem and show that for some values of the disruption probability, the problem reduces to the classical uncapacitated fixed charge location problem. In addition, we show that the proposed solution algorithm is not only capable of solving large‐scale problems, but is also computationally effective. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
在信号流图的基础上,提出多回路分析的方法,并用于研究反区时速度矢量不稳定及其稳定控制的机理。建立了纵向动力学的信号流图,并证明了一个回路的收敛性定理。在此基础上,通过理论分析得出了速度矢量不稳定在不同层面上的原因,也得出了速度和轨迹的发散度表达式等,并表明阻力-速度曲线、轨迹角-速度曲线、极曲线、阻力系数曲线等存在相互对应的反区和正区,并且阻力-速度曲线和轨迹角-速度曲线在斜率上成比例。研究得出进场动力补偿系统下速度矢量的稳定临界条件、收敛度、稳定机理等,理论分析和仿真比较了速度恒定进场动力补偿系统和迎角恒定进场动力补偿系统在控制性能上的差异。  相似文献   
逆变器驱动电机系统EMC模型建立及直流侧传导干扰研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
针对逆变器驱动电机系统建立了EMC(电磁兼容)模型,其中改进了三相异步电机的EMC模型,通过构建实验系统,对系统的直流侧传导干扰进行了测量,并采用Simulink工具对系统进行了时域传导干扰分析,仿真结果与实验吻合,结果显示主要传导干扰出现在逆变器载频的整数倍附近,在0~150kHz频段中随频率增加,传导干扰增大,其中共模传导干扰占主要成分.  相似文献   
军事供应链中不可避免地存在不确定性。构建了军事供应链不确定性产生机理的概念模型,从需求、供应、环境三个方面分析了军事供应链不确定性产生的原因,同时,对军事供应链中可能存在的各种不确定性进行了讨论,明确了加剧不确定性影响的因素是军事供应链系统的复杂性。具体表现为军事供应链成员交互关系的复杂性和军事供应链网络结构的复杂性。提出正是由于这两个原因的存在,对军事供应链的保障性能产生了巨大的影响。  相似文献   
大容量储能发电机作为脉冲电源,整流后通过逆变器向大功率脉冲负载供电。采用储能发电机直流侧并联方式工作,可以有效提高系统带载能力与可靠性。当并联运行的储能发电机转速不同时,根据转速合理分配电机释放功率可以有效提高系统工作效能,因此需要设计一种具有功率调节功能的励磁控制算法。在电压、电流双闭环控制的基础上,引入功率前馈控制,推导并求解了前馈功率与励磁电流关系以及控制参数,并根据电机初始转速设计了功率分配算法。仿真试验结果表明,功率前馈控制在励磁控制过程中起主导作用,有效分配储能电机释放功率大小,提高了励磁电流响应速度,抑制了负载功率扰动对励磁控制系统的影响。  相似文献   
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