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利用COSMIC掩星任务自2010年至2014年的电离层电子密度廓线,使用只考虑廓线自身特性的4种参数进行质量检核,并对廓线质量的时空分布进行分析。发现在廓线质量的空间分布上,廓线不合格率在高纬地区最高,其次是低纬地区,在中纬地区最低,这可能与电子密度分布在磁赤道附近存在赤道异常、两极地区的磁场强度最大有关。廓线质量的季节变化较明显,在南、北半球,冬、春两季的廓线不合格率均显著高于夏、秋两季。另外,廓线质量具有一定昼夜分布特性,不合格率白天明显较夜晚低,且在晨昏分界线上变化较大。合格廓线的电子密度峰值和峰值高度分布在磁赤道附近明显高于其他区域,呈现"双驼峰"现象。  相似文献   
针对防空导弹体系建模的复杂性,探讨研究防空导弹体系的Agent建模方法.提出了基于G/A矩阵的Agent建模方法步骤,通过分析角色之间的关系描述了Agent组织结构,给出了角色类和Agent类的统一定义,并建立了Agent结构框架和类实现模型,最后构建了基于FIPA规范的MAS综合集成框架.该方法的提出,为防空导弹体系的进一步建模提供了方法依据.  相似文献   
针对需求开发过程中涉及到的系统以及各系统之间的关系,提出了需求开发的WRSPM五元素参考模型,对参考模型中元素和元素之间的关系进行了较明确的定义,做出对参考模型的形式化描述。比较分析了将WRSPM参考模型与功能文档描述模型(FDM),并得出了参考模型的特点。  相似文献   
基于灰色时序的完整性规范技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
计算机系统的完整性安全策略模型与规范问题,是计算机安全研究中最重要的课题之一。已有的研究结果离实际应用还相差太远,例如Clark-Wilson完整性模型只是提出了一个框架。本文呈现了我们构造的形式化灰色时序安全策略规范语言(GTSL)。GTSL的理论基础是灰色系统理论和时序规范语言LO-TOS理论。由于它在完整性规范能力、完整性验证过程的构造与表示、责任分离合理性测试等一系列技术方面的完善与创新,使得GTSL成为真正能够实际使用的完整性安全策略规范语言。  相似文献   
类比推理是人工智能领域中的重要研究方向,而相似性准则是类比推理中的重要概念。文中给出了类比推理的一种描述框架,定义了相似性准则,并且基于项重写技术,提出了相应的验证方法。  相似文献   
设计安全策略模型时应考虑安全策略的时序特性和灰色特性,还应综合考虑保密性、完整性和可用性三方面的需求。已有的安全模型没有描述时序性和灰色特性,而且一般只侧重描述保密性或完整性。为此,本文提出了动态灰色时序系统(简称DGTS)。本文详细描述了DGTS,以及基于DGTS的动态语义设计的灰色时序安全策略规范语言GTSL。  相似文献   
DEVS提供了模块化、层次化的系统建模和仿真执行框架,但是缺乏对于系统行为的抽象建模能力。状态图扩展了原有的FSM,通过可视化的、灵活的状态迁移图描述系统的复杂行为。提出将状态图嵌入DEVS的组合建模方法,互为补充,以建立复杂的离散控制系统。DEVS作为系统的建模框架并提供执行逻辑支持,状态图扩展DEVS的事件交互机制和时间推进机制,描述系统的行为逻辑。详细介绍了状态图和DEVS的语法语义,重点阐述状态图嵌入DEVS的实现机制。结合一个应用实例,说明嵌入状态图的DEVS用于建立离散控制系统模型的优势。  相似文献   
Demand forecasting performance is subject to the uncertainty underlying the time series an organization is dealing with. There are many approaches that may be used to reduce uncertainty and thus to improve forecasting performance. One intuitively appealing such approach is to aggregate demand in lower‐frequency “time buckets.” The approach under concern is termed to as temporal aggregation, and in this article, we investigate its impact on forecasting performance. We assume that the nonaggregated demand follows either a moving average process of order one or a first‐order autoregressive process and a single exponential smoothing (SES) procedure is used to forecast demand. These demand processes are often encountered in practice and SES is one of the standard estimators used in industry. Theoretical mean‐squared error expressions are derived for the aggregated and nonaggregated demand to contrast the relevant forecasting performances. The theoretical analysis is supported by an extensive numerical investigation and experimentation with an empirical dataset. The results indicate that performance improvements achieved through the aggregation approach are a function of the aggregation level, the smoothing constant, and the process parameters. Valuable insights are offered to practitioners and the article closes with an agenda for further research in this area. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 60: 479–498, 2013  相似文献   
建立正确、有效的任务模型是正确引导出信息系统需求的关键步骤。文中针对任务间时序依赖关系,给出与任务建模相关的若干形式定义和命题,帮助分析人员判断任务间的并发和死锁。给出任务间时序依赖关系建模的详细步骤,并根据时序依赖关系的传递性质,给出一种任务关系图上的传递闭包方法,可以帮助分析人员直观地判断任务间时序依赖关系的问题和错误,科学、合理地标记各个任务的时序等级属性,帮助建模人员从全局上明确各个任务在执行时所处的相对位置,以及在每个阶段需要同时展开哪些任务。  相似文献   
We consider the scheduling of large‐scale projects to maximize the project net present value given temporal and resource constraints. The net present value objective emphasizes the financial aspects of project management. Temporal constraints between the start times of activities make it possible to handle practical problem assumptions. Scarce resources are an expression of rising cost. Since optimization techniques are not expedient to solve such problems and most heuristic methods known from literature cannot deal with general temporal constraints, we propose a new bidirectional priority‐rule based method. Scheduling activities with positive cash flows as early and activities with negative cash flows as late as possible results in a method which is completed by unscheduling techniques to cope with scarce resources. In a computational experiment, we compare the well‐known serial generation scheme where all activities are scheduled as early as possible with the proposed bidirectional approach. On the basis of a comprehensive data set known from literature containing instances with up to 1002 activities, the efficiency of the new approach is demonstrated. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2003  相似文献   
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