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We consider the salvo policy problem, in which there are k moments, called salvos, at which we can fire multiple missiles simultaneously at an incoming object. Each salvo is characterized by a probability pi: the hit probability of a single missile. After each salvo, we can assess whether the incoming object is still active. If it is, we fire the missiles assigned to the next salvo. In the salvo policy problem, the goal is to assign at most n missiles to salvos in order to minimize the expected number of missiles used. We consider three problem versions. In Gould's version, we have to assign all n missiles to salvos. In the Big Bomb version, a cost of B is incurred when all salvo's are unsuccessful. Finally, we consider the Quota version in which the kill probability should exceed some quota Q. We discuss the computational complexity and the approximability of these problem versions. In particular, we show that Gould's version and the Big Bomb version admit pseudopolynomial time exact algorithms and fully polynomial time approximation schemes. We also present an iterative approximation algorithm for the Quota version, and show that a related problem is NP-complete.  相似文献   
提出一种在仿射变换下点集关系描述算子--面积比矩阵,证明了其在仿射变换群下的不变性质;并由该性质推导得出特征向量(EA)匹配算法抗噪性能差的原因,在此基础上给出了基于面积比矩阵的加权特征向量算法.算法构造不同图像的面积比矩阵,对矩阵进行分解得到其特征值和特征向量,通过特征值进行加权获得图像中点的特征向量,比较图像点的特征向量获取匹配关系.因面积比矩阵的仿射不变性质,算法能实现仿射变换下点集精确匹配;采用的加权特征向量法改进了EA匹配法,具有更好的抗噪性能.实验表明算法切实可行.  相似文献   
为了实现利用船舶静态电场对船舶进行跟踪的目的,针对传统卡尔曼滤波算法中存在的问题,设计一种新的非线性滤波器。建立船舶的状态空间模型,分析传统卡尔曼滤波算法在船舶跟踪中存在的问题;依据渐进贝叶斯思想,利用连续白噪声与离散白噪声序列噪声协方差之间的关系,设计一种新的渐进更新扩展卡尔曼滤波器。仿真结果表明,该滤波器能有效地抑制由于初始误差较大而造成的滤波性能下降和滤波发散,能够有效地跟踪船舶,具有较高的实用价值。  相似文献   
The “gold‐mining” decision problem is concerned with the efficient utilization of a delicate mining equipment working in a number of different mines. Richard Bellman was the first to consider this type of a problem. The solution found by Bellman for the finite‐horizon, continuous‐time version of the problem with two mines is not overly realistic since he assumed that fractional parts of the same mining equipment could be used in different mines and this fraction could change instantaneously. In this paper, we provide some extensions to this model in order to produce more operational and realistic solutions. Our first model is concerned with developing an operational policy where the equipment may be switched from one mine to the other at most once during a finite horizon. In the next extension we incorporate a cost component in the objective function and assume that the horizon length is not fixed but it is the second decision variable. Structural properties of the optimal solutions are obtained using nonlinear programming. Each model and its solution is illustrated with a numerical example. The models developed here may have potential applications in other areas including production of items requiring the same machine or choosing a sequence of activities requiring the same resource. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 49: 186–203, 2002; DOI 10.1002/nav.10008  相似文献   
采用非线性分析的方法,研究了一类非线性控制系统模型,得到解的整体存在性。  相似文献   
针对阵列体制雷达,由极大似然估计导出自适应多零点单脉冲测角原理。分析发现迭代步长过大导致双零点单脉冲技术在多目标条件下失效,因此提出加权步长改进角度估计的迭代过程,只需要较少计算量就能实现群内多个目标的精确测角。仿真结果表明:该算法在较高信噪比条件下可以精确测量群内三个目标角度,测角误差约为0.15倍波束宽度;当群目标数较多或者目标相位差接近于0时,算法性能下降明显。  相似文献   
基于非线性兰彻斯特方程的一般形式和现代战争的特点,考虑到时间因素在现代战争中的巨大作用,建立并讨论了一类带时滞的非线性兰彻斯特战斗模型。通过定性分析,得到了模型的平衡点及其稳定性,证明了原模型解的存在唯一性,并给出了解的存在区域。战例分析结果表明该模型能用来描述现代战争。因此,该模型对研究现代战争的战斗进程、武器发展规划、现代军事练兵等都具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
在高精度数值风洞平台上,采用低速平板试验数据对基于高精度WCNS格式的γ-Reθ转捩模型进行了标定,并在二维低速问题中进行了应用。计算结果与试验的对比表明,基于高精度WCNS格式的γ-Reθ转捩模型可准确模拟自然转捩、旁路转捩及分离转捩的位置,并且具有较低的网格敏感性。同时也表明在中等雷诺数范围,层流区域长度和湍流区域有相同量级时,计算必须采用转捩模型才能准确模拟阻力系数。  相似文献   
为了改善履带车辆悬挂系统在各种路面的平顺性,对悬挂系统匹配了一款具有非线性特性的粘弹性胶泥缓冲器。为了定量地研究胶泥缓冲器的非线性阻尼控制机理,建立了非线性悬挂系统的动力学方程,将非线性时滞动力系统的随机最优控制规律应用于履带车辆悬挂系统,建立了车辆垂直振动加速度与车速、路况与阻尼比之间的数学关系,从理论上推导出了最佳阻尼比。最后,对履带车辆在F级和G级路面上进行了仿真分析来验证胶泥缓冲器的非线性阻尼的变化规律,结果表明,在0.07~0.18范围内调控阻尼比,可以使车体垂直振动加速度最小。该研究工作为胶泥缓冲器的优化设计和胶泥材料的配方提供了理论指导。  相似文献   
无线认知网络被认为是下一代无线网络的核心架构之一。该网络能解决日益增长的频谱使用需求和低下的频谱使用率之间的矛盾。通过伺机接入临时可用频谱资源,其频谱利用率能得到大幅的提高。由于频谱资源分配是影响频谱资源利用率的关键,因此如何对频谱资源进行高效的分配一直是无线认知网络的重要研究领域之一。我们证明了在异构频谱使用概率条件下的最优频谱分配是NP难的问题。为了有效解决该问题,本文提出了一种基于分布式最大加权独立集的频谱分配算法——DMWIS。该算法的时间复杂度为O(V2/2)。通过大量的仿真实验,验证了在90%以上的不同随机网络环境下算法能在3轮内收敛,并且该算法一般能获得最优解90%的性能。  相似文献   
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