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构建社会主义和谐社会是以胡锦涛为总书记的党中央在新世纪新阶段作出的重大决策。中国人民解放军是中国共产党绝对领导下的人民军队,是国家机器的重要组成部分,在构建社会主义和谐社会的伟大历史进程中,在巩固党的执政地位、支援国家经济建设、维护社会稳定等方面担负着重要的战略使命,发挥着不可替代的作用。  相似文献   
第一次世界大战期间,传单作为协约国发动心理攻势的主要武器,传单心理战作为一种全新的作战样式,经历了曲折的发展过程,最终表现出强大的威力.雪片一般洒落的传单和冰雹般砸落的炮弹一起摧毁了德军官兵的士气,加速了战争的结束,从而有效地改变了人们对心理战的认识.在血与火的较量中,"兵不血刃"的心理战终于走上了现代战争的大舞台.  相似文献   
抗日战争中,中国人民坚定无畏的抗战决心引起世界关注,中国军民生气勃勃的抗战精神引得世界震惊,中华民族顽强抗战的伟大业绩赢得了世界人民的尊重,因而抗日战争让世界更多地了解了中国。  相似文献   
针对新时代背景下少先队教育面临的三个时代课题,为推动少先队教育改革与时俱进,在《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》的指导下,本文基于近十年相关文本政策进行分析,以光荣感教育、政治社会化、辅导员专业化发展为主线,探究其发展规律并做出阶段性总结,对少先队时代课题的破解提出做好家、校、社光荣感教育的衔接;促进队员政治社会化的培养;树立辅导员内部自觉发展意识等建议,力图为今后少先队工作的顺利开展提供借鉴。  相似文献   
针对小样本、非均匀杂波下的信号检测问题,提出一种基于流形滤波的矩阵信息几何检测器,将信号检测问题转化为矩阵流形上的几何问题。将每一个样本的相关性数据建模为一个托普利兹正定矩阵,在此基础上,利用每一个样本数据的邻近矩阵进行加权平滑滤波,去除一部分杂波能量,提升目标与杂波间的区分性。计算了辅助样本数据对应矩阵的几何均值,通过比较待检测样本数据矩阵与几何均值矩阵之间的距离与检测门限的大小,以实现信号检测。实验结果表明,与自适应匹配滤波相比,本文方法在小样本、非均匀杂波下具有明显的性能优势。  相似文献   
We consider the problem of scheduling a set of jobs on a single machine subject to random breakdowns. We focus on the preemptive‐repeat model, which addresses the situation where, if a machine breaks down during the processing of a job, the work done on the job prior to the breakdown is lost and the job will have to be started from the beginning again when the machine resumes its work. We allow that (i) the uptimes and downtimes of the machine follow general probability distributions, (ii) the breakdown process of the machine depends upon the job being processed, (iii) the processing times of the jobs are random variables following arbitrary distributions, and (iv) after a breakdown, the processing time of a job may either remain a same but unknown amount, or be resampled according to its probability distribution. We first derive the optimal policy for a class of problems under the criterion to maximize the expected discounted reward earned from completing all jobs. The result is then applied to further obtain the optimal policies for other due date‐related criteria. We also discuss a method to compute the moments and probability distributions of job completion times by using their Laplace transforms, which can convert a general stochastic scheduling problem to its deterministic equivalent. The weighted squared flowtime problem and the maintenance checkup and repair problem are analyzed as applications. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004  相似文献   
Extending Sastry's result on the uncapacitated two‐commodity network design problem, we completely characterize the optimal solution of the uncapacitated K‐commodity network design problem with zero flow costs for the case when K = 3. By solving a set of shortest‐path problems on related graphs, we show that the optimal solutions can be found in O(n3) time when K = 3, where n is the number of nodes in the network. The algorithm depends on identifying a list of “basic patterns”; the number of basic patterns grows exponentially with K. We also show that the uncapacitated K‐commodity network design problem can be solved in O(n3) time for general K if K is fixed; otherwise, the time for solving the problem is exponential. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004  相似文献   
有温度反馈时中子动力学方程的新解法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当引入大阶跃反应性时 ,应用去耦合法求解中子动力学方程 ,导出了堆功率新的响应表达式 .与老的表达式相比 ,该表达式的应用范围更广 ,适用于初始功率为任意值  相似文献   
以船用核动力装置为对象,探讨其可靠性与安全性分析的发展及现状,对二者关系进行分析,从概念、方法和工程背景角度提出作者的观点.  相似文献   
以状态跳变图为基础,深入分析了冗余变换与非法变换的特征,提出结构冗余和功能冗余的概念,并讨论了可测故障、不可测故障和冗余之间的联系.最后结合验证和测试生成,提出状态冗余的隐含遍历确认策略.  相似文献   
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