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在武器装备采办中对竞争与单一来源的选择应分析竞争的可行性与合意性。引入竞争必须要满足一些基本的必要条件,只有这样才会使竞争具有可行性。引入竞争还要分析竞争的合意性,即竞争是否值得,而这种合意与否的判断是建立在竞争的成本一收益分析基础之上的。只有同时满足“竞争可行”与“竞争合意”两个条件,武器装备采办才适宜引入竞争,否则应保持单一来源。  相似文献   
可靠性对于军事传送网而言显得尤为重要。数字交叉连接(DXC)设备提供了一个灵活的冗余和保护以满足用户的需求,有利于最小化服务中断时间。文中首先介绍了DXC设备及其应用;其次,讨论了基于DXC设备的恢复应该考虑的问题;最后,结合军事传送网的特点,提出了恢复策略,并对此进行了讨论。  相似文献   
日本06式枪榴弹采用新型材料,大幅降低了弹的质量和体积,提高了杀伤效能;采取分离一飞行方式,大大减小了后坐能量,增大了射程;运用弹头捕阱系统,减少了烟尘、碎屑等污染物,保证枪榴弹实弹发射时的安全。其设计思想和战术性能在步兵轻武器领域达到世界领先水平。  相似文献   
In this paper, we present an optimization model for coordinating inventory and transportation decisions at an outbound distribution warehouse that serves a group of customers located in a given market area. For the practical problems which motivated this paper, the warehouse is operated by a third party logistics provider. However, the models developed here may be applicable in a more general context where outbound distribution is managed by another supply chain member, e.g., a manufacturer. We consider the case where the aggregate demand of the market area is constant and known per period (e.g., per day). Under an immediate delivery policy, an outbound shipment is released each time a demand is realized (e.g., on a daily basis). On the other hand, if these shipments are consolidated over time, then larger (hence more economical) outbound freight quantities can be dispatched. In this case, the physical inventory requirements at the third party warehouse (TPW) are determined by the consolidated freight quantities. Thus, stock replenishment and outbound shipment release policies should be coordinated. By optimizing inventory and freight consolidation decisions simultaneously, we compute the parameters of an integrated inventory/outbound transportation policy. These parameters determine: (i) how often to dispatch a truck so that transportation scale economies are realized and timely delivery requirements are met, and (ii) how often, and in what quantities, the stock should be replenished at the TPW. We prove that the optimal shipment release timing policy is nonstationary, and we present algorithms for computing the policy parameters for both the uncapacitated and finite cargo capacity problems. The model presented in this study is considerably different from the existing inventory/transportation models in the literature. The classical inventory literature assumes that demands should be satisfied as they arrive so that outbound shipment costs are sunk costs, or else these costs are covered by the customer. Hence, the classical literature does not model outbound transportation costs. However, if a freight consolidation policy is in place then the outbound transportation costs can no longer be ignored in optimization. Relying on this observation, this paper models outbound transportation costs, freight consolidation decisions, and cargo capacity constraints explicitly. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 49: 531–556, 2002; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/nav.10030  相似文献   
当代未成年人思想道德状况总体是好的,热爱祖国、积极向上、团结友爱、文明礼貌是其精神世界的主流。与此同时,在国内外因素的影响下,也出现了一些思想道德问题。当代未成年人思想道德问题是由多方面原因导致的,只有社会、学校、家庭等各方面齐抓共管,共同努力,才能使未成年人思想道德素质得到进一步的改善和提高。  相似文献   
文中为解决超长帧编码系统中联合帧数过多导致LSP参数量化性能下降这个问题,将多项式拟合引入超长帧编码系统中,利用多项式拟合压缩LSP参数矩阵,以降低量化时实际联合的帧数。再用分裂矩阵量化器进行量化。仿真结果表明,在120 bps的参数量化速率下,此算法的量化性能优于矩阵量化算法(MQ),平均谱失真比MQ算法降低了0.0719 dB,平均分段信噪比提高了0.1971 dB。  相似文献   
In this paper, we derive new families of facet‐defining inequalities for the finite group problem and extreme inequalities for the infinite group problem using approximate lifting. The new valid inequalities for the finite group problem include two‐ and three‐slope facet‐defining inequalities as well as the first family of four‐slope facet‐defining inequalities. The new valid inequalities for the infinite group problem include families of two‐ and three‐slope extreme inequalities. These new inequalities not only illustrate the diversity of strong inequalities for the finite and infinite group problems, but also provide a large variety of new cutting planes for solving integer and mixed‐integer programming problems. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
We consider a finite horizon periodic review, single product inventory system with a fixed setup cost and two stochastic demand classes that differ in their backordering costs. In each period, one must decide whether and how much to order, and how much demand of the lower class should be satisfied. We show that the optimal ordering policy can be characterized as a state dependent (s,S) policy, and the rationing structure is partially obtained based on the subconvexity of the cost function. We then propose a simple heuristic rationing policy, which is easy to implement and close to optimal for intensive numerical examples. We further study the case when the first demand class is deterministic and must be satisfied immediately. We show the optimality of the state dependent (s,S) ordering policy, and obtain additional rationing structural properties. Based on these properties, the optimal ordering and rationing policy for any state can be generated by finding the optimal policy of only a finite set of states, and for each state in this set, the optimal policy is obtained simply by choosing a policy from at most two alternatives. An efficient algorithm is then proposed. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
This article studies a min‐max path cover problem, which is to determine a set of paths for k capacitated vehicles to service all the customers in a given weighted graph so that the largest path cost is minimized. The problem has wide applications in vehicle routing, especially when the minimization of the latest service completion time is a critical performance measure. We have analyzed four typical variants of this problem, where the vehicles have either unlimited or limited capacities, and they start from either a given depot or any depot of a given depot set. We have developed approximation algorithms for these four variants, which achieve approximation ratios of max{3 ‐ 2/k,2}, 5, max{5 ‐ 2/k,4}, and 7, respectively. We have also analyzed the approximation hardness of these variants by showing that, unless P = NP , it is impossible for them to achieve approximation ratios less than 4/3, 3/2, 3/2, and 2, respectively. We have further extended the techniques and results developed for this problem to other min‐max vehicle routing problems.© 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
利用粒子群优化算法和最小二乘支持向量机,建立地球静止轨道高能电子通量在线预测模型。针对粒子群优化算法,提出一种新的粒子群多样性测度计算方法,有效改善其早熟收敛现象。运用改进的粒子群优化算法优化最小二乘支持向量机的正则化参数和核参数。利用滑动时间窗口策略更新模型数据,选择触发机制以及模型的再学习机制为设计变量,实现模型的在线预测功能。对2000年电子通量监测数据和相关太阳风、地磁参数等实际数据进行的提前1~3天的预测实验,表明所建在线预测模型具有较高的预测性能,并具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   
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