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为全面提高海南省岛屿应急救援能力,有效防范和应对灾害事故和突发事件,保护人民生命财产安全,提出建立岛屿应急救援体系的思路,构建岛屿应急救援专业队伍和多种形式消防队伍有效联动的综合性应急救援力量体系。  相似文献   
近年来,边防部队通过大力开展基层警营文化建设,取得了可喜的成绩,但整体情况仍然滞后,需从多方面分析其存在的问题及原因,才能进一步提出对策,使警营文化效能的发挥达到最佳。  相似文献   
陈西文  李根  李可奇 《国防科技》2018,39(4):006-009
陆军装备技术保障能力建设呈现"四个转变"的新形势、新要求,实现转型发展面临"四个不相适应"的现实矛盾,需从更新抓建理念、完善标准体系、固化建设路径、优化运行机制四个方面着手,统筹规划,重点突破,积极稳妥推进陆军装备技术保障能力转型发展。  相似文献   
随着经济社会的快速发展,消防部队的职能也正在由过去的单一灭火向多元化灭火救援发展,这就给消防勤务工作提出了研究的新课题,揭示了目前消防部队在勤务机制中遇到的警力严重不足、灭火救援骨干队伍薄弱、灭火救援训练效率不高、适应现代灭火救援作战的观念意识不强等突出问题,论证了消防勤务机制改革势在必行,并提出了应采取的四个方面的改革措施。  相似文献   
部队建设的基础在基层,基层建设是警卫部队建设与发展的重要内容,也是警卫事业全面发展的重要保证。在新世纪新阶段,只有以科学发展观为指导,把科学发展观贯穿于警卫部队基层建设的全过程,落实到各项具体工作中,才能使部队建设在安全、有序的环境下得以全面、持续、和谐、健康地发展,才能真正提升部队战斗力,履行好警卫部队肩负的历史使命。  相似文献   
加强政府对消防工作的科学决策,编制“城市火灾风险与灭火救援力量”方案是落实科学发展观的具体举措。围绕进一步规范“城市火灾风险与灭火救援力量”的评估工作,从火灾形势、消防力量、公共消防设施建设、消防工作社会化、公民消防素质教育等方面提出开展评估的具体办法,并从机构设定、评估定位、工作原则和程序等方面就公共消防安全评估机制建设提出建议。  相似文献   
US national security guidance, as well as the US Army’s operational experiences since 2001, emphasizes the importance of working closely with partner countries to achieve US strategic objectives. The US Army has introduced the global landpower network (GLN) concept as a means to integrate, sustain and advance the Army’s considerable ongoing efforts to meet US national security guidance. This study develops the GLN concept further, and addresses three questions. What benefits can the GLN provide the Army? What are the essential components of the GLN? What options exist for implementing the GLN concept? By developing the GLN concept, the Army has the opportunity to transition the GLN from an often ad hoc and reactive set of relationships to one that the Army more self-consciously prioritizes and leverages as a resource to meet US strategic objectives.  相似文献   
依法执勤是指公安消防部队依照消防法律、法规等规定所实施的行政行为和公安消防勤务活动。以对湖南消防总队基层部队的依法执勤理论创新与实践进行的专题调研为基础,介绍了他们在此问题上的探索与实践及取得的成绩,分析探讨了开展依法执勤工作面临的问题,并提出开展依法执勤工作的建议。  相似文献   
搞好消防部队的财务工作,必须要紧跟时代步伐,加强业务建设和财务人员的素质建设。  相似文献   
During the period 1996–2006, the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) waged overt people’s war to seize state power and institute a new order that realized the party’s understanding of ‘New Democracy’ as posited by Mao Tse-tung. Contextual shifts led to a crucial strategic turning point in September 2005, when the Maoists agreed to a united front with estranged legal parties to oust the monarchy and establish a republic. Though touted as acceptance of political reintegration, the move was tactical rather than strategic. The party had no intention of supporting a parliamentary version of democracy and thus, 2006–2016, engaged in a covert effort to seize power. Central to this effort was the paramilitary Young Communist League (YCL), the members of which responded to inflammatory party verbiage and exhortations with attacks upon rival political actors. These attacks, academically and legally, were terrorism and offered a salient illustration of intra-state unrestricted warfare. Ultimately, organizational, national, and regional circumstances caused the main Maoist movement to move decisively away from its covert approach. By that time, however, radical splinters had embraced the use of terrorism against rival political actors, creating a situation whereby local politics is yet a dangerous endeavor in certain areas and at certain times.  相似文献   
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