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军人伤亡保险作为军人保险制度的重要组成部分,其经济补偿功能已经被广大官兵逐渐认可。但作为分散军人职业风险的特定机制,其作用并未被充分开发出来,主要表现在较低的补偿水平等方面。因此,应充分借鉴国内外的相关经验,扬长避短,以充分发挥军人伤亡保险的作用。  相似文献   
军人配偶随军未就业期间社会保险的建立解决了军人配偶在随军未就业期间的基本生活补贴和养老、医疗保险问题,在一定程度上保障了随军配偶的利益。但在执行过程中也出现一些诸如险种较少,保障范围较窄,保障程度较低等问题。在分析存在问题的基础上,提出一些完善社会保险的建议。  相似文献   
The implications for African states of the recently created International Criminal Court should be carefully considered. There are far-reaching limitations placed on the ICC's jurisdictional scheme, both temporally as well as by the preconditions to the exercise of jurisdiction in the form of territoriality and nationality. The Court's powers may also be constrained out of deference to the grant of an internationally acceptable amnesty, and national courts may be constrained to recognise immunities from prosecution for high-ranking officials. These limitations need to be properly understood so that the ICC can be effectively utilised by African States to declare and act upon their commitment to the principle of individual criminal liability for those responsible for the most serious crimes.  相似文献   
最低价中标法作为国际上通行的建筑工程招投标方法,随着我国建筑市场的 发展和工程量清单计价制度的推行,已经具备其实施的客观条件。针对目前实施最低价中 标法工程施工阶段存在的问题,提出结合工程量清单计价从合同管理、保证金制度、工程保 险、质量管理等方面提出了解决的思路。  相似文献   

The utilization of health care services by veterans has received much attention in recent years. However, the impact of the large array of factors affecting the veterans’ demand for health care services remains understudied. These factors include individual socio-demographic and economic characteristics, the availability of various sources of health insurance, and the prevalence of medical conditions. We use public data to analyze how veterans’ utilization of health care services varies with these factors. We also analyze how the reliance on VA services varies when alternative sources of health insurance are available to veterans. Based on the estimated relationships, we use a micro-simulation model to forecast future health care utilization, both inside and outside of VA.  相似文献   
An analysis of the security vetting files of 19 employees within a South African national department who had been found guilty of financial misconduct in the last five years uncovered that the existing security vetting processes did not detect the financial misconduct of which these employees have been found guilty. This research sets out to establish whether security vetting can be extended to include the detection of financial misconduct within the department and, if so, how. Moreover, if security vetting can indeed be so extended, can it possibly enhance the management of fraud risk across all South African public sector departments? Qualitative interviews were conducted with 27 employees who are key to fraud risk management and security vetting within the researched department. During the interviews, the following five themes emerged: (1) the reasons why employees commit financial misconduct; (2) why it is not detected by the security vetting process; (3) the potential alignment of the security vetting process to facilitate the detection of financial misconduct; (4) the following through on security vetting findings; and (5) sharing these findings with the internal audit and risk management functions within state departments. These themes were probed and are reported on, establishing firstly that security vetting can indeed be extended to include the detection of financial misconduct within the researched department, and secondly that it can enhance the management of fraud risk across all South African public sector departments, given the specific mandate of the State Security Agency (SSA) and the national security vetting strategy.  相似文献   
未就业随军配偶的社会保险存在着险种少、标准低、接续难等问题,使未就业随军配偶的社会保险权益受到损害。分析当前未就业随军配偶社会保险存在的问题,提出随军未就业配偶社会保险问题的解决路径。  相似文献   
This article argues that whereas the waves of democratization which enveloped the continent in the early 1990s following the collapse of Eastern European one-party socialism genera ted expectations of a ‘new dawn’ for ‘good governance’ and sustainable human development on the continent, one wave after another appears to have suffered serious setbacks. Indeed, a decade later, some of the most articulate pro-democracy leaders, who came into office on the crest of the democratic waves of the 1990s have sought to manipulate their countries' constitutions in order to perpetuate their presidential tenure. Such undemocratic behaviour will only fuel speculation in the industrialized world that the New Partnership for Africa's Development is just another decorative blue-print drawn up by beleaguered African despots in order to obtain new resource inflows at a time the international community under the hegemonic leadership of the Uni ted States will be wholly preoccupied with rebuilding post-Saddam Iraq and the Israeli-Palestinian roadmap.  相似文献   
在司法实践中,由盗窃、诈骗、抢夺转化为抢劫的刑事犯罪是一类比较典型的犯罪,其典型性主要体现为其犯罪性质已由盗窃、诈骗、抢夺转化为抢劫。现行刑法典第269条规定:“犯盗窃、诈骗、抢夺罪,为窝藏赃物、抗拒抓捕或者毁灭罪证而当场使用暴力或者以暴力相威胁的,依照本法第二百六十三条的规定定罪处罚,”根据这一规定,上述犯罪应以抢劫罪论处。笔者认为,在司法实务中适用本条来处理案件时,要真正理解本条的立法原意,并正确把握转化型抢劫罪严格的适用条件。这在实践中具有十分重要的意义。本文结合实践,对刑法典第269条转化型抢劫罪的适用条件等问题作一初步探讨。  相似文献   
随着社会经济的发展,放火骗保案件时有发生,且此类火灾造成巨大的破坏性,往往给案件侦破带来极大的困难。通过介绍一起放火骗保案件的侦破过程及相关证据的分析,探讨了公安消防部门调查此类案件应注意的问题。  相似文献   
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