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抢险救灾非战争军事行动包括道路抢修和物资运输等任务,而这两类任务在灾后应急资源调度中存在关联性的影响,且面临路网结构可变及需求随机模糊等挑战,对此,提出了一种非确定性应急资源调度网络双层规划模型,设计了基于蒙特卡洛方法与遗传算法耦合的智能启发式求解策略.通过对典型情境下应急资源调度案例进行分析建模和数值求解,说明了该模型和算法的合理性和有效性.  相似文献   
随着我国法制化建设的不断发展以及实践中不断涌现的法律案件和纠纷,关于公安消防队灭火救援行为所涉及的法律问题越来越引起人们的关注,从公安消防队灭火救援主体的法律性质,公安消防队灭火救援行为的法律性质,当公安消防队灭火救援行为造成损害时利益受损者可以寻求的法律救济途径等三个方面对公安消防队灭火救援行为所涉及的法律问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
In the literature two common macroscopic evacuation planning approaches exist: The dynamic network flow approach and the Cell–Transmission–Based approach. Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages. Many efficient solution approaches for the dynamic network flow approach exist so that realistic problem instances can be considered. However, the consideration of (more) realistic aspects (eg, density dependent travel times) results in non‐linear model formulations. The Cell‐Transmission‐Based approach on the other hand considers realistic traffic phenomena like shock waves and traffic congestion, but this approach leads to long computational times for realistic problem instances. In this article, we combine the advantages of both approaches: We consider a Cell‐Transmission‐Based Evacuation Planning Model (CTEPM) and present a network flow formulation that is equivalent to the cell‐based model. Thus, the computational costs of the CTEPM are enormously reduced due to the reformulation and the detailed representation of the traffic flow dynamics is maintained. We investigate the impacts of various evacuation scenario parameters on the evacuation performance and on the computational times in a computational study including 90 realistic instances.  相似文献   
针对目前市场上热气溶胶灭火装置"爆炸"及存在安全隐患,阐述了其发生原理,并提出了热气溶胶灭火装置应严格控制的一些安全性能指标和结构方式。  相似文献   
边防行政复议是规范边防行政执法和对边防行政执法相对人权益进行救济的重要途径。当前边防行政复议主要存在立法不完善、复议机构设置不完善、复议工作人员法律素质偏低、复议案件审查程序不严谨等方面的问题。加强和完善边防行政复议,主要应从立法、机构设置、转变观念等方面入手。  相似文献   
This essay explores the obligations arising from the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime, signed in Palermo, Italy at the end of 2000. It also discusses the initiatives required to prepare the legal system and related infrastructure of Zimbabwe for its implementation. Zimbabwe joined more than 120 other countries in signing the Palermo convention, but has not yet ratified it. The ratification would enshrine the latest initiatives to develop effective strategies against transnational organised crime. The Palermo convention makes demands on the laws and institutions of states parties which could enhance their capacity to confront organised crime. Ratification signifies competence to implement the prescribed obligations, which can only occur after introducing suitable domestic laws, and adopting the necessary administrative mechanisms. The required reforms are bound to have certain policy and legislative implications for Zimbabwe. Regional initiatives complementary to the Palermo convention are expected to catalyse positive changes in Zimbabwe's response mechanisms.  相似文献   
在新的社会形势下,消防部队已经承担日益繁重的灭火及抢险救援任务,这是《消防法》和《公安消防部队执勤条令(试行)》明确赋予消防部队的权力和职责,但是,消防部队在履行这种职责时经常导致权利(力)冲突,并致使当事人权利受损。目前在消防行政补偿尚难以充分实现的情形下,可以尝试建立受益人补偿机制,对受损权利进行必要救济。  相似文献   
为解决黄葛增压站内4台室外整体式天然气压缩机组造成的噪声污染问题,结合生产运行要求、周边环境状况、噪声源分布及噪声特性,综合吸声、隔声、消声、阻尼减振、通风和泄压等技术,采用半密闭式降噪厂房和阻抗复合排气消声器等治理措施。治理后厂界噪声从64.2~72.1 dB(A)降至49.7~55.0 dB(A),距厂房最近厂界25 Hz声压值从97.9 dB降至84.2 dB,排气消声器出口噪声从84.3 dB(A)降至72.6 dB(A)且25Hz声压值从124.7 dB降至97 dB。厂界噪声达到GB 12348—2008《工业企业厂界环境噪声排放标准》3类要求,中、低频噪声强度减弱,解决了厂界噪声超标和噪声扰民问题。同时,为整体式天然气压缩机组噪声治理开辟了一条新途径,为日后降噪厂房和阻抗复合排气消声器广泛应用奠定了实践基础,为压缩机组噪声治理设计积累了宝贵经验。  相似文献   
军队遂行抢险救灾应急指挥行动,要结合实际建立健全情报预警、快速反应、联合指挥、指挥控制的应急指挥机制,切实提高军队完成抢险救灾行动的能力,迅速、高效、有序地实施抢险应急救援行动,确保社会稳定,确保人民生命和财产的安全。  相似文献   
针对我国灾害防控体系的建设现状,立足经济社会发展实际需要,从实证的角度对灾害防控体系现状进行客观分析,指出必须时刻突出人的主体地位,从构建和谐社会和改善民生的角度进行研究,提出建立与社会发展相适应的灾害防控体系的根本主张。  相似文献   
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